Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Where's That List of BLM "Protests", Riots, Looting and Arson? Come On SPLC

Southern Poverty Law Center  (SPLC)

I'm still waiting to see this new list of successes thanks to that much ballyhooed list of Confederate statues, memorials, monuments, plaques and marker (and well-researched and accurate) that this organization put out a while back.  It provided an ideal hit-list for the BLMers and their white minions.

What I am hoping to see is a list of every city, town and village where protests have occurred since George Floyd's murder.  It sure seemed like there were a lot in that late May and early July time period.  Plus, I see there are still lots of demonstrations taking place.

Also, if more than one occurred at the same place.  And then, I would like to see how many demonstrations turned into a riot, in how many did it break down to looting and/or arson.  In addition, please list how many Confederate and other statues were attacked (hate crimes).

I know you can put out a superb list.  Please put one more out.

--Old Secesh

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