Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Richmond's Cost to Remove Its Confederate Statues Put At $1.8 Million. Who's Going to Pay?

JULY 23, 2020

**  Macon officials OK relocation of two Confederate statues.  (Georgia)

**  In a rebuke to Trump, Congress moves to remove Confederate names from military bases. (Well, Congress as in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.  And we all know how the democrats, once the political party of the South feels about anything Confederate.  We'll see how this bill does in the Republican-controlled Senate.)

**  Cost of removing Confederate monuments about $1.8 million.  Efforts are underway by private groups to raise some money to offset these costs, but have raised just over $25,000.  (Needless to say, I am not going to donate.  Personally I think the city's sad mayor and BLMers and their white minions should pay the whole amount.  I would sure hate to be a Confederate-supporter in that now disgraced city and know my tax money was going to this neo-Nazi movement (reminds me of that Brown Shirt group in the 1930s).

However, I would like to own one of those construction/destruction companies making all thee money from the removals.)

**  Two videos accompanied the above article of the removal of the Maury and Stonewall Jackson monuments.  Both had the marks of hate crimes on them.  Who do we know who regularly and single-mindedly seek out statues to commit hate crimes on?  I really thought their main reason for being was to protest against police killings of black people.  As far as I know, not one Confederate statue has killed a black person lately, other that the one that had the audacity to  fall  on a BLMer in the process of pulling (hate crime) it down.  I believe their word of choice for this now is "toppling."

There was a good-sized cheering crowd at the Stonewall Jackson removal and I am happy to see that they got wet.  It poured rain on them.   Sorry guys.  Hate to dampen your spirits.

**  Pelosi floor speech in support of Confederate statue removal legislation.  (This, of course, would be in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.  And, I thought her public speaking ability had been seriously curtailed after her childish behavior at the State of the Union Address.  She needed to be sent to the principal's office for that.)

Where's That Paddle?  --Old Secesh

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