Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Does This Ever Stop? Statues, Statues, Even the Sierra Club, Schools and Trump

JULY 22, 2020

**  Push to remove Confederate statues stalls in rural America.

**  House votes to remove Confederate statues from Capitol.  (Washington, D.C.  And, who controls theHouse?)

**  Public 'engaged' in Confederate-free Mississippi flag.

**  Sierra Club calls out founder John Muir for racist views.  (Isn't this an environmental organization.  What did John do that was so racist?  Did he say he didn't like Blacks?)

**  Inside City Hall:  Sharpton says bases named for Confederate generals  are an 'insult to every American.'  (And, if the Rev. Al Sharpton says it....   Wonder how come it took him so long to figure that out?  He's been around for  awhile.)

**  Debate over school named after Confederate generals  in rural Southeastern Virginia triggers pushback.  (Lee-Jackson Elementary School, Matthews, Virginia.  Again, are the majority of the students Black?  If they are, by all means, change it.

I hadn't seen it before, but the article said that earlier this month, the Democratic governor of Virginia sent a letter  to school board chairs across the state requesting  they take the names of Confederates and Confederate sympathizers off of schools.  This is a governor who takes his Confederate hatred and Confederadication to new levels.  Oh, Yes, and he is a DEMOCRAT.)

**  Why Trump has grown so insistent  on preserving Confederate icons.  (Washington Post.  Obviously he does this for his supporters.  This is the same reason Democrats want to remove those Confederate icons. It makes the Blacks very happy.)

**  Trump refuses to rename military bases, why so many veterans agree?   (I hadn't heard the Army soldier moniker "Born at Benning, Raised at Bragg."  So, many veterans support keeping the current names.)

When Al Sharpton Speaks, People ....   --Old Secesh

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