Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Some Resistance to Confederadication Starting to Come Into Play, Arlington National Cemetery, Gettysburg and the "Dukes"

JULY 6, 2020

**  At Arlington Cemetery, a Confederate monument to the South and slavery still stands.  (Washington Post.  And guess what the Post wants done to it.  However, I don't recommend BLM and their white minions go there to desecrate it.  It would be bad for them.)

**  Crowd rallies to keep Confederate memorial in St. Augustine.  (Florida.  It is nice to see an occasional objection to the drive to take down everything Confederate.  They were peaceful and no attempt was made at "vandalizing" any nearby statues or markers that Blacks might hold dear. In other words, no TOPPLINGS, graffiti or swear words.  No hate crime committed here.)

**  Local activists take credit  for toppling Confederate monument.  (Seattle, Washington.  Erected by UDC in 1926.  It has been repeatedly "vandalized" and defaced in recent years.  Track these people down and arrest them.  But, wait, this is in Seattle where the mayor let the "activists" take over a part of his city.  I kind of doubt anything is going to happen to these persons who committed a hate crime.

**  The world's largest Confederate monument carved into Georgia rock face is fielding new calls for removal.  (Stone Mountain, Georgia.  Again, I am hoping authorities put it under strict guard before BLM and their white minions blow it up.)

**  Historians  assess 'troubling ' Confederate monuments at Gettysburg.  (A "historian" would not favor taking down those monuments.  Perhaps if they are BLMers or their white minions they would.)

**  Volo Auto Museum  meanin' no harm with Confederate flag car.  (Volo, Illinois.  About seven miles from us.  Believe it or not, there are people who want it out of there because of the you-know-what on the roof of it.)

**  NC group angered by removal  of statues  hangs giant Confederate flag.

**  Gettysburg reckons with Confederate symbols.  (After all the statues are gone from public places, BLM and the NAACP will be starting on Confederate monuments in Civil War battlefields.)

It Is Nice to Finally Start Seeing Some Resistance to This New Black Tryanny.  --Old Secesh

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