Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Civil War II: Are We in the Midst of a Civil War? Even in Michigan, Protests Erupt in Violence in Texas, West Point
JULY 27, 2020
** Protesters push for Confederate statue removal. (Allendale Township, Michigan.)
** Competing rallies meet in downtown St. Augustine over removal of Confederate monument. (Florida)
** Judge says Confederate monument will be removed after protest groups clash in Weatherford. (Texas. There was definitely the possibility of violence there.)
** The history behind Confederate monuments in America. (Channel 5 NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. A very fair assessment of the history. Not one-sided at all. When I saw it was going to be a UNC-Greensboro professor talking about it, I wasn't sure, but he was fair. Well worth watching.)
** Violence breaks out between pro & anti Confederate demonstrators Weatherford. (Texas. Several videos accompanied the article. Watch them. There were idiots on both sides, but tempers are flaring on both sides, not just in Weatherford, but all over.)
** Bill would require renaming West Point dorm, roads, gate named for Confederate generals. (Too bad. These names were okay for so long, but now with BLM, not okay.)
** Rick Roberts: "These people are trying to take your country away from you." (WBAP AM News Talk. Conservative view point but says the country is in the midst of a civil war and it is heating up. Blames the Democrats and BLM. Worth a listen.)
It Has to Stop. Step 1: Confederate Statues on Public Property Must Be Removed and in a Dignified Way (and No Protesters Partying Over It. Step 2: The Deglorification of BLM and Revealing What It Really Is. Maybe Rename Them the Brown Shirts.
This way, both sides get something.
--Old Secesh
Now, It's Lexington, Virginia, and Finally, a Politician With a Backbone
JULY 26, 2020
** As Confederate monuments tumble, die-hards are erecting replacements. (Washington Post A big surprise that they would print this, considering their commitment to BLM (you know that group that riots, loots, burns down thing and commit hate crimes) and Confederadication. I wonder if they have any owners/slaveowners in their past like the other big newspaper, the NY Times, who also hates anything Confederate.)
** Activist groups protest Confederate flag, make demands for the City of Charleston. (There have been standoffs at Battery Park over Confederate statues. Those who are there to make sure BLM doesn't desecrate or try to "topple" them have Confederate flags and this bothers the protesters. Hey we'll stop flying the flag if you guys stop wearing anything with the equally offensive BLM on it.)
JULY 27, 2020
** A Virginia town built around Confederate generals re-examines its identity. (New York Times Guess whose side this paper is on. Lexington, Virginia. Known as home of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson and a victim of whatever it is in the water that is making Virginia such a sad state.)
** King defends Confederate flag as 'symbol of Southern Pride." (Iowa Republican U.S. Representative Steve King. He also opposes BLM. I may have to move to Iowa.)
** Confederate monuments on public lands pose unique challenges.
Finally, A Politician With a Backbone. --Old Secesh
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Oh Those Cheeseheads, Under Cover of the Night, Citadel and An Unlikely Toppling
JULY 24, 2020
** Two Wisconsin Republicans vote against removing Confederate statues from Capitol while Ron Johnson blocks Juneteenth holiday. (Johnson is Republican U.S. senator. I am not surprised that certain people and Democrats want Juneteenth as a national holiday. I would not be surprised even if they go so far as to try to have the 4th of July replaced by Juneteenth. Seriously!)
** (This Juneteenth national holiday was introduced in the Senate by four Democratic senators, two of whom are Blacks and two are women. It was co-sponsored by a Republican senator. As of right now, Juneteenth is not a national holiday, but the Senate passed a resolution to make it one. It has to go to the U.S. House now. Since the Democrats control it, what do you think will happen?)
** Watch now: Lee statue, Confederate busts, removed overnight from Old House chamber at Va. Capitol. (Video. Done at night as is the favorite criminal activity time of BLM.)
JULY 25, 2020
** Confederate statues removed from Virginia Capitol in the dead of the night. (They only come out at night.)
** Confederate flag squabble at the Citadel chapel rising again. (Charleston, S.C.)
JULY 26. 2020
** GoFundMe page started to replace Civil War statue. (Saratoga Springs, New York. This is of a Union officer. Luther Wheeler. It didn't give suspects, but I'm thinking most likely some confused BLMers since this fits their MO."
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Louisiana, Virginia, Texas and the Navy
JULY 26, 2020
** Protest outside Rapides Parish courthouse to protect the Confederate monument. (Alexandria, Louisiana)
** Crews remove Confederate monument in Virginia Beach. (To protect it from BLM, it had been completely covered and a sturdy fence erected around. You know how much joy it brings BLM to topple another Confederate statue.)
** Hagedorn a 'no' vote on nixing Confederate statues in US Capitol.
** Confederate descendant asks King George to remove monument that is 'an insult to Black citizens.' (Virginia. Poor guy doesn't know his history. Again, since when do adjectives get capitalized? Is this the new "African-American" thing?)
** Weatherford protest turns violent as hundreds show up to defend Confederate statue. (Texas. Looks like the BLMers and their white minions got a little taste of their own medicine. Hey, those are OUR tactics!!)
** Opinion: Historical ignorance and Confederate generals.
** Racial justice turns to Navy ships named for Confederate battles, segregationists. (Confederate battles refers to battles won by the Confederacy.)
--Old Secesh
So, SCV? Really? U.S. Senate Pulls a Surprise, Even Arizona
JULY 26, 2020
** Virginia Beach takes down Confederate monument. (Imagine the sad state of Virginia taking down another Confederate monument. Who knew?)
** Gus Bilirakis embraces aide with background in Sons of Confederate Veterans. (Tampa Bay Times. U.S Republican Representative from Florida. Voted with the Democratic majority in House to remove Confederate monuments from U.S. Capitol. We know how this newspaper leans with an article like this. So what if an aide belongs to the SCV? Many Democratic politicians totally back BLM, which riots, loots and burns at their "demonstrations" and then go on to make hate crimes by attacking Confederate statues. Now these are really bad people who do this. Just take a look at Portland, Oregon.)
** Senate votes to rename US military bases named after Confederate officers. (A big surprise with its Republican majority.)
** Confederate monuments in Arizona. How many are left? (There were six, now four after a request by UDC to return two of them that are hotly disputed. That means BLM was going to commit hate crimes if they hadn't already.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Speaking of Statues, What About Charlottesville's Confederate Monuments?
Just wondering what happened to the two statues here. I have not seen anything about them being removed and I figured the locals would be chomping at the bit to get rid of them after they caused that confrontation in that city when they first attempted to remove them.
Come on guys, the Confederate Statue Protection Law was removed as of July 1. Why the dawdle? Are they still up?
What Gives? --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Is This Why the Democrats Don't Want the Public Voting on Removal of Confederate Statues? Is This What Is Happening in the U.S.?
JULY 26, 2020
** Texas Republicans divided in House vote to remove Confederate statues from US Capitol. (From the Texan. Explains how the state statues come to be in the US Capitol Building.
** From the above article. Polls. Should Confederate monuments be removed from public spaces?
A June Quinnipiac poll: Yes: 52% No: 44%
A June Harvard poll: Yes: 42% No: 58%
A July UT-Tyler poll: Yes: 38% No: 43%
No wonder Democrats don't want the issue put to public. They might lose.
"Congress is acting in a manner divergent from the mob-style justice being countenanced in various cities across the country."
"After nearly two months of civic unrest and riots over the killing of George Floyd the U.S. House voted to remove statues of Confederate figures from the U.S. Capitol grounds." (So happy to find anyone in the media saying that we are having riots over this. Usually it is described as a demonstration.)
"Across the nation, a growing movement of iconoclasm mixed with street justice has led to numerous statues being defaced or even outright destroyed."
"While many have focused on effigies of Confederate figures, others gave targeted the likeness of abolitionists Matthias Baldwin and Hans Christian Heg, and even former president Thomas Jefferson."
Something the Democrats Don't Want to See. --Old Secesh
Another Failure, A Fitting Salute and the Monument Movement
These are headlines in the media. Just in case a lack of articles in your local media leads you to believe that this is almost over. It sure isn't. You can look up the articles for more information.
JULY 25, 2020
** Confederate's name may come off Fort Gordon; Augusta opinions vary. (Georgia)
** Opinion: Another failure. (An interesting opinion piece which blasts both sides. Give it a read.)
** Kenneth Cooper Alexander column: A fitting salute for a true patriotic hero. (Sgt. William Harvey Carney, 54th Massachusetts. African-American Civil War (and Spanish-American War) monument in Norfolk, Virginia. The Confederate monument in Norfolk has been removed after being "vandalized (hate crime). I sure wish the media would stop referring to damage done to Confederate statues and memorials as being "vandalism." It is nothing less than a hate crime and should be treated as such.)
** Monument movement: Local historians say community, consensus key to deciding future of memorials. (Talks about Confederate monuments removed and says it is important that both sides sit down and reach consensus before anything happens. This does not happen, unfortunately. Interesting views expressed.)
--Old Secesh
Flags and Statues and Bases, Oh My!!
JULY 25, 2020
** Trump erupted over Esper's (Secretary of Defense) de facto ban on Confederate flags, sources say. (This from CNN, a very anti-Trump network. Was that Mt. St. Trump erupting? Perhaps covered Seattle and Portland to bring peace before the BLMers and their white minions tear those cities down.)
** Virginia Beach Council votes unanimously to move Confederate monument. (It was removed two days later. Back in June it had been completely covered and a large fence put around it so the BLMers and their white minions didn't have a chance to commit their hate crimes. Thank you Va. Beach. Now, here's hoping you can find a place to put it where BLM can't get at it.).
** Trump vows that bases named for Confederate leaders 'will not be changing.'
** With RNC out, activists hope Mayor Curry focuses on removing Confederate monuments. (Jacksonville, Florida. The Republican National Convention won't be held there. They also want the statue of Andrew Jackson removed. Some want Hemming Park (named after the man who had the Confederate statue in the park erected) in Jacksonville to be renamed for James Weldon Johnson, who wrote what is called the Black National Anthem "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing."
** UDC and SCV working to have the Confederate statue in St. Augustine removed. (Sorry this has become necessary, but has to be done to keep N:M from committing hate crimes against them.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 27, 2020
Will the Last Confederate Statue/Artifact in Virginia Please Turn Out the Light When It Goes? Va. Strikes Again
JULY 25, 2020
** Confederate statues removed from Virginia Capitol in the dead of the night. (Do you know who likes to operate in the "dead of the night?" The sad governor's work again?)
** Virginia evicts Confederate monuments from its state Capitol. (Guess they weren't paying rent.)
** Lee statue, Confederate busts removed from Old House Chamber of Virginia State Capitol.
Other Confederate artifacts removed (mostly busts I imagine):
Joseph E. Johnston
Fitzhugh Lee
Alexander H. Stevens
Thomas Bocock (Speaker of the Confederate States House of Representatives for most of the war.)
Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
James E. B. "Jeb" Stuart
Jefferson F. Davis
Matthew F. Maury
I hadn't heard of Thomas Bocock before.
I bet the Confederates would now deeply regret moving the country's capital to Richmond. They might as well have moved it to Boston or Any Other Hotbed of Abolitionists.
Without a Doubt, Virginia Is Getting Real Good at Confederadication. Will the Last Confederate Monument in Virginia Please Turn Out the Lights When It Goes? --Old Secesh
Was the New York Times Owned By a Family That Owned Slaves at One Time?
JULY 22, 2020
** Letter: North or South, 'leave all American statues alone'. (I can agree with this sentiment.)
** Family that owns the New York Times reportedly had slaves, supported the Confederacy. (July 21, 2020 Daily Caller. I can't help but chuckle at this one, because the Times along with the Washington Post are among the biggest backers of BLMers taking down the Confederate statues. Well worth a read. This article is based on a N.Y. Post opinion column.)
JULY 23, 2020
** Fight over Confederate base names unsettled even after lawmakers back changes.
** How the Army might rename Confederate installations. (June 20, 2020, Navy Times A list of possible replacement names. Worth a read. Like I said, rename all for someone other than a black person for the next ten years, then they can be renamed after Blacks then. The wounds of this Confederadication campaign are still too raw.
And, this one includes names of women. Like I said, worth a read.
** Bastrap cemetery board punts decision on Confederate monuments relocation. (Texas Bastrap has two Confederate monuments and both might be removed from the courthouse grounds. Fairview Cemetery might be the new location of one of the monuments.)
JULY 24, 2020
** Springfield school renamed for John Lewis. (Virginia. Robert E. Lee High School renamed for Civil Rights leader John Lewis who just recently died. I am in favor of this if the majority of the students are Black. I came across the number 80% minority at the school, so this was a correct call.
That Would Sure Be a Bit of Irony for the N.Y. Times If That Is True About Their Former Owners. --Old Secesh
Civil War II: Getting Near to Base Name Decision, School and Virginia Again
JULY 24, 2020
** Trump, GOP ally vow Confederate base names won't change.
** Decency demands renaming Fort Bragg, other military sites named for Confederates.
** Virginia evicts Confederate monuments from its state Capitol. (The Sad Gov. strikes again.)
** Richland High drops Confederate-related themes, becomes the Royals. (Texas)
** Trump says top senator will not allow removal of Confederate base names.
** Senate passes bill to remove Confederate names from Army bases in defiance of Trump. They voted 86-14 to do this. The House voted 295-125. Evidently, a lot of Republican senators crossed over to the Democrats.
This means that a Trump veto could be overridden if the votes stay that way.
** Senators Portman and Brown support changing military bases named after Confederate soldiers, Trump says no to change. (Ohio senators)
Again, I support base-name changes since they did fight against the United States. Sadly, I am sure everyone of the bases will be named after black soldiers. They may be deserving, but because this wound is so deep and recent to so many, I would like the name changes to Blacks to be in around ten years (except for Colin Powell). In the meantime, they could be named after other Union, World War I and World War II soldiers.
I also think that those people who really support the name changes should put their money where their mouths are and pay for it. No money should come from public funds.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Another Way to Tell That the Democrats Don't Like Us. Let's Remember This In November.
JULY 23, 2020
** Crenshaw, Hurd, Other Texas Republicans vote with Democrats to remove Confederate monuments. (These are the Confederate statues in the Capitol. 305 votes to remove, including apparently all Democrats (no big surprise there) but also 71 Republicans who crossed the line. Hopefully their voters will remember this. Six of them were from Texas. This bill was co-sponsored by a black Democrat woman.
I am looking for whether or not any of the Illinois Republican representatives crossed over to the other side. Because of the Democrats supporting Black Lives Matter to the hilt, despite the looting, arson, rioting they do as well as the hate crimes they commit against Confederate monuments, I am voting against all Democrats in all elections other than McHenry County Chairman and perhaps for president.
Plus, the Democrats now have the majority in both houses of the Virginia General Assembly (as well as the governor) and we have seen what they have done to Virginia's history. This by itself turned me against Democrats everywhere.
And, I voted for Democrats in the last two presidential elections. And, I am in favor of taking the Confederate statues down in the U.S. Capitol, changing the names of the Confederate Army bases as well as removing all Confederate monuments from public land. After all, Confederates did fight against the United States when they attempted to secede and start their own country. They should not have places of honor in the seat of U.S. government or in the defense of our country.
This last about removing the statues is one primarily to take these away from the BLMers and their white minions so they can't desecrate them with their hate crimes.
This bill, however, is not expected to pass in the Senate where the Republicans have the majority.
Why Do the Democrats Waste Their Time. It Is Impeachment Deja Vu All Over Again. --Old Secesh
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Richmond's Cost to Remove Its Confederate Statues Put At $1.8 Million. Who's Going to Pay?
JULY 23, 2020
** Macon officials OK relocation of two Confederate statues. (Georgia)
** In a rebuke to Trump, Congress moves to remove Confederate names from military bases. (Well, Congress as in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. And we all know how the democrats, once the political party of the South feels about anything Confederate. We'll see how this bill does in the Republican-controlled Senate.)
** Cost of removing Confederate monuments about $1.8 million. Efforts are underway by private groups to raise some money to offset these costs, but have raised just over $25,000. (Needless to say, I am not going to donate. Personally I think the city's sad mayor and BLMers and their white minions should pay the whole amount. I would sure hate to be a Confederate-supporter in that now disgraced city and know my tax money was going to this neo-Nazi movement (reminds me of that Brown Shirt group in the 1930s).
However, I would like to own one of those construction/destruction companies making all thee money from the removals.)
** Two videos accompanied the above article of the removal of the Maury and Stonewall Jackson monuments. Both had the marks of hate crimes on them. Who do we know who regularly and single-mindedly seek out statues to commit hate crimes on? I really thought their main reason for being was to protest against police killings of black people. As far as I know, not one Confederate statue has killed a black person lately, other that the one that had the audacity to fall on a BLMer in the process of pulling (hate crime) it down. I believe their word of choice for this now is "toppling."
There was a good-sized cheering crowd at the Stonewall Jackson removal and I am happy to see that they got wet. It poured rain on them. Sorry guys. Hate to dampen your spirits.
** Pelosi floor speech in support of Confederate statue removal legislation. (This, of course, would be in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives. And, I thought her public speaking ability had been seriously curtailed after her childish behavior at the State of the Union Address. She needed to be sent to the principal's office for that.)
Where's That Paddle? --Old Secesh
Where's That List of BLM "Protests", Riots, Looting and Arson? Come On SPLC
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
I'm still waiting to see this new list of successes thanks to that much ballyhooed list of Confederate statues, memorials, monuments, plaques and marker (and well-researched and accurate) that this organization put out a while back. It provided an ideal hit-list for the BLMers and their white minions.
What I am hoping to see is a list of every city, town and village where protests have occurred since George Floyd's murder. It sure seemed like there were a lot in that late May and early July time period. Plus, I see there are still lots of demonstrations taking place.
Also, if more than one occurred at the same place. And then, I would like to see how many demonstrations turned into a riot, in how many did it break down to looting and/or arson. In addition, please list how many Confederate and other statues were attacked (hate crimes).
I know you can put out a superb list. Please put one more out.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 24, 2020
Welcome to Our World, Americans of Italian Descent-- Part 2
JULY 24, 2020
Part 1 was March 2.
** Two statues of Christopher Columbus removed overnight for "public safety" in Chicago. BLMers and their white minions attacked police last Friday and since then it has become a flash point with the rioters.
People were injured, especially the cops who had at least 14 injured from fireworks fired at them and frozen water bottles thrown at them.
The Italian community is up in arms about this.
Somebody needs to do something about this BLM movement as it is all about looting, rioting, arson and confrontation. These are really bad people. When will they stop? I can tell you how to stop them.
Like I Said, Welcome to Our World. --Old Secesh
Major League Baseball Starts Finally. Yeah! But...
From the June 23, Chicago Tribune.
Good to have it back, but, not if "they" do the BLM thing.
The manager of the San Francisco Giants became the first major league manager to kneel during the National Anthem. He said it was his protesting the systemic racism in the United States. So did a Cincinnati Reds player and the report said others plan to do this as well once the season begins.
When I look at the salaries the black players get, I have to believe all the horrible aspects of growing up Black in this country can't be all that bad. Those guys earn more in a year than I did in my entire 33 years of being a teacher and I am a white person.
If this really gets to be a big thing, or players start wearing BLM stuff, it could be an even shorter baseball season for me. Can anybody say "Boycott." And, since the ballparks aren't open, that means no watchie for me.
I was just listening to Lin Brehmer on Chicago's WXRT, the world's biggest Cubs fan. Usually, he has a big live show down at Wrigleyville around Wrigley Field, but not this year because of you-know-what. It is too bad we can't convert him to be a White Sox fan, but hey, nobody's perfect, Lin.
Anyway, I am hoping that the baseball players won't push this BLM thing as I would hate to give up my baseball, still my favorite sport.
I Got Along Without MLB This Long So Far This Year. Another 60 Games and Playoffs Ain't Nothin'. --Old Secesh
UDC Rising to the Forefront of Confederate Statue Removal. Arizona, Louisiana, Massachusetts
JULY 23, 2020
** Two Confederate monuments in Arizona will be located to private property. This comes at the request of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) who had gifted them to the state. Back in February, the NAACP requested that all six Confederate monuments in the state be removed. Several of them, if not all, have been victims of hate crimes by BLM.
(I applaud the UDC for calling for their removal and would like to see all UDC chapters and SCV camps across the country call for Confederate statue removal to keep them from being damaged by BLMers and their white minions. The big problem is where to put them back up where BLM can't get at them.)
** Louisiana parish can move Confederate statue from courthouse. (Caddo. Again, this was done by request of the UDC.)
** 'Silent Sentinel' Confederate statue removed from outside Loudoun County courthouse. (Virginia)
** America's founders and Confederate generals. (Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Plaques to Confederate soldiers once in Ocean Park removed at request of NAACP, but placed in the Martha's Vineyard Museum.)
Way to Go UDC. Let's Get On Board SCV. Remove the Statues So BLM Can't Damage and Commit Hate Crimes Against Them. --Old Secesh
What About the Names Asheville and Buncombe County? And, What About That Portland Mayor?
JULY 22, 2020
** Did Portland's mayor actually stand with rioters on the 55th day of riots in his city and raise his fist and yell "Black Lives Matter." It's Seattle all over again. Something must be wrong with the water out in the Pacific Northwest. Perhaps drinking too many Starbucks.
Not only is he not stopping the riots, he is abetting them. As the guy once said, "Inconceivable!!" Another Democrat. What is wrong with the Democrat mayors across the United States like Seattle, Richmond, Birmingham, etc.?
I understand he got tear gassed like a common rioter.)
** Asheville, N.C., votes for slavery reparations. City Council votes 7-0 for it. Six members are Democrats, two are Blacks and four are women. Asheville is in Buncombe County.
Buncombe County named after American Revolution soldier Edward Buncombe who was also a plantation owner. The name of the county will have to be changed. You know. Plantations mean you-know-what.
And, Asheville was named after Samuel Ashe (1725-1813), 9th governor of the state of North Carolina. North Carolina had slaves back then. As such, Asheville will HAVE to change its name. Oh, yes, by the way, Samuel Ashe was a rich man and he had a PLANTATION. That means he had you-know-what (the "S" word).
Oh yes, something else about Asheville that you should know. Not only is the name now offensive to Blacks, but the earliest white settler was killed by Indians and then avenged, so there were bad things done to Indians. So, now the name must be changed for what they did to the Indians.
Asheville now needs to change its name as well as Buncombe Couty, where Asheville is located.
Plus, they should be working on ways to come up with those reparations for their sin of the "S" word.
Change the Names Asheville and Buncombe County. You Must be More Sensitive. Your Ancestors and Forefathers Were Really Horrible People. They Owned the "S" Word. --Old Secesh
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Does This Ever Stop? Statues, Statues, Even the Sierra Club, Schools and Trump
JULY 22, 2020
** Push to remove Confederate statues stalls in rural America.
** House votes to remove Confederate statues from Capitol. (Washington, D.C. And, who controls theHouse?)
** Public 'engaged' in Confederate-free Mississippi flag.
** Sierra Club calls out founder John Muir for racist views. (Isn't this an environmental organization. What did John do that was so racist? Did he say he didn't like Blacks?)
** Inside City Hall: Sharpton says bases named for Confederate generals are an 'insult to every American.' (And, if the Rev. Al Sharpton says it.... Wonder how come it took him so long to figure that out? He's been around for awhile.)
** Debate over school named after Confederate generals in rural Southeastern Virginia triggers pushback. (Lee-Jackson Elementary School, Matthews, Virginia. Again, are the majority of the students Black? If they are, by all means, change it.
I hadn't seen it before, but the article said that earlier this month, the Democratic governor of Virginia sent a letter to school board chairs across the state requesting they take the names of Confederates and Confederate sympathizers off of schools. This is a governor who takes his Confederate hatred and Confederadication to new levels. Oh, Yes, and he is a DEMOCRAT.)
** Why Trump has grown so insistent on preserving Confederate icons. (Washington Post. Obviously he does this for his supporters. This is the same reason Democrats want to remove those Confederate icons. It makes the Blacks very happy.)
** Trump refuses to rename military bases, why so many veterans agree? (I hadn't heard the Army soldier moniker "Born at Benning, Raised at Bragg." So, many veterans support keeping the current names.)
When Al Sharpton Speaks, People .... --Old Secesh
Now the Coast Guard, Still Mad About That Big Confederate Flag Off I-95 in Va., Another Democrat
JULY 22, 2020
** Coast Guard bans Confederate flag from its installations.
** Stafford Confederate flag still a symbol of anger, hate to many. (Huge Confederate flag flying in Stafford County, Va., easily seen from I-95.)
** Louisiana parish can move Confederate statue from courthouse. (Caddo Parish. This being done with agreement of UDC.)
** Council takes no action on Confederate monument. (Wichita Falls, Texas)
** Macon-Bibb commissioners approve mask mandate, relocation of Confederate statues. (Georgia. The vote on the statues was 5-4.)
** Congressman Steven Horsford calls for removal of Confederate monuments from public lands. (A black Nevada Democrat. Wants the Robert E. Lee statue at Antietam removed. Also Albert Pike in DC (even though BLM has already seen to it) and wants an inventory made of all Confederate monuments on National Park lands (and you know what they will do with this "hit" list.)
--Old Secesh
Battle of Antietam,
Coast Guard,
Confederate flags,
hit list,
Interstate Confederate Flags,
Lee Robert E.,
Washington DC
Oh, Those Dems, Texas, Georgia and Mississippi
JULY 21, 2020
** Overnight Defense: House passes defense bill that Trump threatened to veto. (And, who controls the U.S. House? I still think those Democrats don't like us.)
** Texas Democrats want Confederate memorials removed from Capitol. (The Texas State Capitol. Big surprise that Democrats would want something like that. Their BLM strike arm will be happy.)
** Gainesville City Council votes to remove Confederate statue. (Texas)
** At a Georgia graveyard, reflections of a divided nation.
** Mississippi flag group could meet without gov's appointees.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Still Those Pesky Base Names. How About Fort Gibbon, N.C.? And a Lee By Any Other Name.
JULY 21, 2020
** White House threatens defense bill veto over Confederate base names.
** Lee descendant urges official removal of Confederate statues. (How many times are we going to hear from him? A collection should be made so he can legally change his name. This is an embarrassment.)
** Tom Cotton compares anti-racist protesters in Portland -- Yes, really. (From the videos I have seen of the Portland mess, there's a riot going on and has been since late May. Cotton was comparing Portland to events surround the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter.)
** Fort Bragg's name debate continues.
** Kenly Stewart: John Gibbon is the forgotten Union general from NC. (If Fort Bragg gets renamed, his would be a good name.)
--Old Secesh
Flags and Monuments, Trump
JULY 21, 2020
** Analysis: Confederate monuments undergo renewed scrutiny. (Mississippi. A growing number of state counties are planning to move them.)
** Confederate flags fly worldwide, igniting social tensions and inflaming historic traumas. (Ireland, Brazil and Germany)
** Historical ignorance and Confederate generals.
** Letter renews calls for removal of Confederate monuments at Texas State Capitol complex.
** No, Trump didn't tweet this about the Confederate flag. (A false social media account went out.)
--Old Secesh
Trump Donald
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Civil War II: Trump, Bases, Flags, Texas, Democrats and Michigan
JULY 21, 2020
** Trump argues Confederate base names, battle flags should stay.
** Committees call for removal of Confederate memorials on Capitol grounds. (Texas. Seven on the grounds.)
** 'Time is overdue': Group of Democrats call for removal of Confederate monuments at Texas Capitol. (There you go again. Democrats. Hopefully those of you who admire the Confederacy will remember this in the voting booth. Democrats must be defeated.)
** Grand Lege students won't be allowed to display Confederate flag on vehicles, in school. (Michigan. Hopefully, this will also apply to anything BLM as well.)
** Pensacola attorneys say there are no legal grounds to stop Confederate monument removal. (Florida)
--Old Secesh
That Flag Is Not Offensive to Everybody (And There Are Quite a Few of Us)
JULY 20, 2020
** Trump says Confederate flag represents South and 'freedom of many things', insists it isn't offensive. (After all that has been going on with Confederadication, that can't be true at all. However, BLMers and Democrats need to know that that flag is not offensive to many people and these attacks on the flag and especially on the monuments is very hurtful. And, there are a lot of us. Hopefully this will be remembered at the polls. I know I am not going to vote for any Democrats here in Illinois other than our county board chairman. As far as president, I am hoping not to have to vote for Trump, but may be forced to because of all this trampling on me. Time to back off, guys.
I would like to say that I find groups like the KKK, American Nazis and white supremacists carrying the Confederate flag (or U.S. flag) offensive. Come on guys, the SCV and UDC did not give you permission to carry or use our flag for your misbegotten goals.
** Defying Trump, lawmakers move to strip military bases of Confederate names. (New York Times. They've got to be loving this. Of course, most of the members of Congress wanting the name change are Democrats.)
** Pentagon bans Confederate flag on US bases despite Trump's opposition.
I Also Find BLM Flags, Banners, Signs and Especially When The Letters Are Written on Confederate Monuments Highly Offensive. --Old Secesh
Are We Going to Have an Election with Racial Overtones? You Betcha
JULY 20, 2020
** 'I don't care what the military says:' Trump says. (Somehow not a presidential-style quote. But, I tell you, if all this Confederadication doesn't stop soon, I may have to vote for all Republicans, including the top spot, and I'd really rather not. We need a cease fire BLMers and Democrats!!!)
** Rep. McEachin urges officials to reconsider renaming Army bases honoring Confederates. Wants the names of Fort Lee and Pickett changed immediately. Wants Fort Lee named for a black officer.(Black Democrat. Like I said before, I am in favor of renaming the Army bases, but with the costs of doing that to be paid by the people who demand them changed. Plus, none to be renamed after any Black person, other than Colin Powell, for at least ten years.)
** Tom Cotton defends Portland arrests by federal agents comparing them to Fort Sumter. (Republican senator from Arkansas. The situation in Portland seems to be out of control. The mayor and governor of the state should really crackdown on these rioters. Is this going to be one racial presidential election or what?)
** SC lawmaker: Move a Confederate monument, lose state money. (Republican representative Bill Taylor.)
** From the last article, from July 1, 2020. Orangeburg City Council votes in favor of removing Confederate statue, renaming John C. Calhoun Drive. Because of SC Confederate statue protection law, both moves go to the state government.
These Continuing Attacks Need to Stop. --Old Secesh
Trump, Arrests, Flags and Monuments
JULY 20, 2020
** Trump equates Confederate flag with Black Lives Matter. (Calls both freedom of speech.)
** Arrest made at the Battery while Confederate flag and counter protesters share space. (Charleston, S.C.. It's nice to see some counter-protesting to the BLMers, though.)
** Trump says Confederate flag proud symbol of US South.
** Richard Bammer: Confederate monuments were the 'fake news' of their day.
** Online petition calls for relocation of a Confederate statue in Lebanon, Virginia.
** Protesters, counter-protesters quarrel over confederate (Confederate) statue in Murray, Ky.
Confederate Is Spelled With a Capital "C". --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Asheville, N.C. Reparations. No USS Brooke for Navy, About Those Black Schools
JULY 19, 2020
** (Seriously, I heard that Asheville, N.C., has agreed to pay reparations to Blacks for slavery. I'd recommend $5,000,000 to every black person, guys and gals. That'd about cover their pain and agony.)
** Navy says 'absolutely' no chance new warship will be named after former Confederate Navy officer. (USS Brooke and a new class of frigates. However, there was already a USS Brooke named for that officer which operated from 1966 to 1988. It was the lead ship of the class. John Mercer Brook was a U.S. Navy officer who joined the Confederacy.)
JULY 20, 2020
** Confederate names don't belong on Montgomery's Black schools, social justice group says. (Alabama. I agree with them. If the majority of a school's students are Blacks, the name should come off immediately. However, the cost of name change should be borne by those who want it changed. No public money should be spent.
I also noticed it was Black schools in the headline. Is this a new way Blacks want to be referred to? I always thought that Black, when used as an adjective, was not capitalized. You know, black people, white people.)
Gosh Fellas, We're Really, Really, Really Sorry. --Old Secesh
What Did the Poll Say About Confederate Statue Removal? Not Too Surprising About Democrats and Blacks
JULY 18, 2020
** Most Americans support removing Confederate statues, poll finds. Here's the breakdown. (Kansas City Mo. Star.")
Some of the numbers:
PARTY; 81% of Democrats; 17% of Republicans
GENDER: 57% of women, 50% of men
RACE: 82% of Black people; 51% of white people (Of interest, Black was capitalized and white wasn't.)
LOCATION: 61% in Northeastern states; 51% in Southern states.
(The Party numbers was not surprising, nor the 82% of Blacks. I'm just wondering why 18% of Blacks would not want them removed. I thought those numbers would be 100% for removal.
Could It be a Racial Thing? --Old Secesh
Well, Bubba, You Started It
JULY 18, 2020
** Pentagon band Confederate flags from bases in way to avoid Trump's wrath.
** Ole Miss leader says he's sorry for how the relocation of Confederate statue handled. (Removed to cemetery on campus where unknown Confederates are buried. Critics claimed he was turning the site into a tourist attraction. Come on, you got what you wanted and had the statue removed. Give it a break.)
** Macon mayor plans to remove Confederate monuments for downtown improvements. (Georgia. Don't plan on them to be moved back.)
** NASCAR's Bubba Wallace booed, crashes as Confederate flags fly in and around racetrack. (Bristol, Tennessee. There were a lot of boos when he was introduced and even cheers when he crashed. Well, Bubba.)
Bad Day for Bubba. --Old Secesh
What I'd Like To See Is a List of BLM "Protest" Marches Since Floyd's Death and Which Ones Turned Into a Riot With Looting and Arson and Estimated Damage Costs
JULY 19, 2020
** President Trump mocks Fort Bragg rebranding, defends Confederate flags.
** Trump mocks Fort Bragg rebranding, suggests Al Sharpton's name.
** Coronavirus, Confederate flags, and mental fitness: Trump struggles for answers in heated interview with Fox News.
** Amid concerns about symbols of the Confederacy, Bellingham delves into Pickett Road. (Washington. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) says it was named after George Pickett, the Confederate general. It might have been named for a local landowner by the name of Pickett. Now, of course, there are people who want the name changed because of Confederadiaction.)
** (By the way,since the SPLC is so big into lists, when are they going to come out with a list of all cities where BLM "protest" marches took place since George Floyd was murdered. I would also like to know in how many was there rioting, looting and arson and the estimated amounts of damage. Come on, it's just one more list and after all, you are the experts on those lists.)
** Colin Powell: We need to rename Confederate-named bases 'as quickly as we can.' (Like I said, I am also of that belief. That's alright, Colin, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I'd still support you for president.)
Come On SPLC, You Can Do It. --Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: Flags, Replacements, Vermont, Minnesota and British Columbia
JULY 19, 2020
** Esper unveils guidance on symbols effectively banning Confederate flag on military installations. (Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.)
** Good trouble? Replace Confederate symbols with statues of Civil Rights leaders. (Absolutely not. You can put them up elsewhere, but not where a Confederate statue had been. This especially in Sad Richmond. This would be a slap in the face.)
** Why do some Vermonters display the Confederate flag?
** Vote to remove Pensacola Confederate monument temporarily halted by judge. (Florida)
** Trump keeps fighting a Confederate flag battle many supporters have conceded.
** Minnesota's baffling collection of Confederate high school mascots. (Although they only mentioned Murray County Central High School, Home of the Rebels.)
** Bulloch commissioners to vote on 'contextual marker' near Confederate monument in Statesboro. (Georgia)
** VIDEO: Summerland mayor destroys bandanas with Confederate symbols. (British Columbia. Hopefully, she paid for them and didn't litter.)
** Political Horizons: LSU needs to come to terms with tiger nickname's Confederate past. (Named after a Confederate regiment from Louisiana.)
** PHOTOS: Confederate Soldiers of Charles County Monument. (Virginia. I see our BLMers have already been there.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 20, 2020
Now, Maury Island, Mississippi to Be VERY Busy Changing Confederate/Racist Names
JULY 17, 2020
** Should we rename Maury Island? (Maury Island, Washington. Named after William L. Maury, CSN.)
** MIlitary leaders pressure Esper to ban Confederate flag.
** Where did these names come from? (Mississippi. A real long list of Mississippi towns, counties and university buildings named after Confederates and segregationists. reckon Mississippi will be busy changing names on this list for a real, real long time.
** VCU committee recommends removal of Confederacy-affiliated chapel, building names, memorabilia. (Virginia Commonwealth University)
** Our stories on Vashon will see us through. (Maury Island)
--Old Secesh
Here's a Novel Idea. Let the Voters Decide on Statue Fate!!
JULY 18, 2020
** Pentagon sidesteps Trump to ban Confederate flags.
** Charles City County to ask voters to weigh in on Confederate monument. Virginia. They will ask for a vote from residents. This IS THE WAY Statue removals should happen!! It should not be left up to local governing bodies controlled by Blacks and/or with spineless white people. I see BLM has already been to the monument. Know how I know?
I am of then belief, that city and county officials in the South are afraid to have the people vote on the statues because they will possibly vote to keep them, despite Blacks voting all in favor of removing them.)
** Confederate flag flown over NASCAR race. Again. (The SCV had a flag flown by plane over the Talladega Speedway and now the Bristol one. Bubba reported he thought he had seen a cloud shaped like a noose and protested, wants FBI investigation.)
** Inside California's surprising history of Confederate monuments.
** California confronts its racist past as tributes to Confederates and colonizers fall.
** Richmond judge who blocked removal of Confederate statues recuses himself from two key lawsuits. (Washington Post)
--Old Secesh
Pentagon Breaks With Trump, Fort Hood, Interesting Presidential Race Shaping Up
JULY 17, 2020
** In an apparent break with Trump, , Pentagon effectively bans Confederate flag from U.S. military installations.
** National Mounted Warrior Museum planned for Fort Hood, Texas. (Well, if the fort is still named that by the time it is built. This will be a museum for cavalry and mechanized troops.)
** Lawmakers leverage defense bill to address police reform, racial injustice. (What does this have to do with the military?)
** Vicksburg trip shows why we shouldn't rust to tear down statues, even of Confederates. (How nice of them.)
** Biden spokesman accuses Trump of 'openly embracing the causes of white supremacists.' (And, the Democrats openly embrace a group guilty of hate crimes, rioting, looting and arson.)
--Old Secesh
I Don't Think Democrats Like Confederates. Let Those Who Want Confederate Statues Gone Pay For Removal.
JULY 17, 2020
** Democrats target Confederate monuments in spending bill. (House Democrats are attempting to get rid of Confederate monuments and memorials from National Park Service land. Would this apply to these on NPS battlefields? We've certainly come a long way from when the South was solid Democrat, sometimes referred to as "Yellow Dog Democrats." Republicans were the "enemy" back then. Remember the part of Lincoln and Reconstruction?)
** Our view: Confederate monument should not be a symbol of Gaston County. (Gaston Gazette Editorial. North Carolina. Has this monument been desecrated by BLM yet?)
** Fund grows to help pay for Confederate statues' removal. (Sad Richmond, Va. Estimates to remove the statues on Monument Avenue are estimated o exceed $1.8 million and a group is trying to raise the money privately so as not to hurt city coffers. So far, they've raised about $25,000. Long way to go but I agree with costs being paid privately even if this is the mayor's football. You don't like it? Put your money where your mouth is.)
** What the Redskins name and Confederate statues have in common. (Interesting article from Politico.)
And, Democrats Used to Be the Party of the South. Not No More. TheyDon't Love Us No More. --Old Secesh
Civil War II: Big Confederate Flag at NASCAR, BLM, UDC
JULY 17, 2020
** Plane flies Confederate flag over NASCAR race as thousands of fans. (Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia)
** Pentagon eyes new ways to bar Confederate flag.
** Hanover's Confederate school names eliminated.
** Black Lines Matter billboard placed next to Confederate flag. (Pittsboro, N.C. I don't know, putting up something for an organization that promotes rioting, arson, looting and the committing of hate crimes? And, I'm not talking about the flag.)
** Teen launches petition to remove in McDonough. (Henry County, Georgia)
** Franklin BOMA approves settlement with United Daughters of the Confederacy over Confederate monument downtown. (Franklin, Tennessee. The agreement gives statue ownership and the land directly under it to the UDC and the town gets the rest of the square. However, UDC should also have negotiated to have it removed as it will be just a matter of time before BLM commits hate crimes on it.)
--Old Secesh
Who Wants This?: Rename the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial in DC and Take Them Off Mt. Rushmore
JULY 16, 2020
** Photos: Wilmington area Confederate monuments. (North Carolina)
** Congress to start debate on annual Defense Bill.
** Letter: Don't stop with Confederate monuments. (Wants all offensive monuments removed, including Columbus and Pilgrims. The Washington and Jefferson monuments should be renamed. And Mt. Rushmore should have Washington and Jefferson removed or altered. A photo accompanied this of the removal of the Confederate statue at Libby Hill in Sad Richmond. There was hardly a spot on it not covered with hate crimes.
** US Army seeks to remove 'divisive symbols' from military bases.
** You can't claim memorials should come down if you don't know anything about them.
** The affair at Elk Creek. (Battle of Honey Springs in Oklahoma. Wow, real Civil War history. Not this revisionist/BLM stuff.)
** Kentucky county votes to keep Lee statue at courthouse. (Calloway County. Wow, how did this happen? How'd a group of politicians develop a backbone?)
** Raptors, Rattlers or Royals? Richland students can have a say in name of new mascot. Texas. The old Confederate one has been removed. They were the Richland Rebels. Also changed are the Richland flag that looked like a Confederate flag, the dance team named the Dixie Belles and the spirit team named Johnny Reb.
It's All Got to Go. --Old Secesh
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Ole Miss, Confederate Flag Over Bristol Motor Speedway, Context, What Context? Schools
JULY 16, 2020
** University of Mississippi removes Confederate statue from heart of campus.
** Confederate flag banner flies over Bristol Motor Speedway before NASCAR all-star race. (Tennessee. I imagine Bubba was so upset he probably couldn't even race.)
** African American Heritage Society calls for more context next to Franklin's Confederate monument. (Tennessee. I am in favor of leaving statues up and adding context, but, I saw the context added to the Lion of the Confederacy monument in Atlanta. It was okay at first, but then started giving lots of opinions. What we need is context with facts, not opinions.
** A landscaper's view of the Confederate statue hornets' nest.
** Public sounds off on Confederate monument. (Jackson County court house.)
** Virginia board votes to change two Confederate school names. (Hanover County. Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School.)
** Pensacola City Council votes to remove Confederate monument, change name of Lee Square. (Florida. Lee Square will be changed back to its original name, Florida Square The monument has been "vandalized," but we all know that means a hate crime was committed against it.)
** Mississippi is replacing its state flag, but a Confederate emblem still flies in Georgia.
--Old Secesh
About Sad Richmond, It's Sad Mayor and Those Monuments-- Part 3
If even half of what this article said is true, Richmond needs to be ashamed. Those were some beautiful sculptures, now, all gone (well almost, the Lee statue with all that ugly writing still stands) and I sure will be glad when it also is gone. What BLM and their white minions were allowed to do to it by order of the mayor and governor should never have been allowed.
Were the police really ordered to stand down when hate crimes were so obviously taking place?
As I said back in JUune, there was an orgy of Confederate statue removal in Sad Richmond at the mayor's behest.
Anyway, I do not plan on visiting Richmond anytime in the near future, perhaps forever, because of the mayor and governor's actions (both are Democrats). And, considering that I am a big Civil War buff, that will not be easy for me. Thanks a lot, guys.
Of course, with all vestiges of the Confederacy erased from everywhere, perhaps there would be no reason to want to go to Civil War sites.
--Old Secesh
About Sad Richmond, It's Sad Mayor and Those Monuments-- Part 2: What Do You Do With a Mayor Who Purposely Destroys Part of His City?
"It should be noted in 2018, the Monument Avenue Commission held a citywide vote about what to do with the statues. The public overwhelmingly voted in every district to ADD to the Confederate monuments rather than to take them away. City officials never acted upon this plan. They should bear responsibility for the current mayhem and damage.
"Now Mayor Stoney, with his drastic destruction of Monument Avenue, can look forward to a huge increase in crime in Richmond, as already seen in Memphis, New Orleans, and Baltimore after statue removals.
"Stoney previously encouraged the mostly white millennial protesters to destroy the valuable Monument Avenue Beaux Arts sculptures by ordering the police to stand down, according to the police. Since these protesters displayed such wild hatred of inanimate objects, the question becomes -- if these sculptures ever land in a museum, will the museum and their personnel be safe from attacks? The answer is 'no' until local politicians endorse arresting vandals. Congress is complicit, with those who are history semi-literate, publicly encouraging the destruction of irreplaceable high priced public art.
"On July 1, 2020, the bronze General Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson on Little Sorrell (his horse) by Frederick William Sievers on Monument Avenue was removed. The avenue will soon be empty except for Lee, on state land and protected by a challenge from from an original benefactor, and Arthur Ashe. Am allegorical statue of Confederate Navy officer Matthew Fontaine Maury, also by Sievers, from 1929, was also removed. He created naval charts that are still in use today.
"No matter what contemporary sculptures replace the fallen ones, tourism in Richmond will suffer. As previously reported, it had been extremely high, with tourists coming from Europe and all over to see the avenue of spectacular monuments."
I, For One, Am Planning to Never Visit Richmond Again. And, I Am A Big Civil War Buff. I Might Not Even Visit Virginia For the Same Reason. --Old Secesh
About Sad Richmond and Its Sad Mayor and Those Monuments-- Part 1
JULY 15, 2020
** Opinion: "Statues taken down should go to a museum" but will they be safe there and will any actually go there.
This is from a British site called Politicalite and makes some interesting points about Sad Richmond and its Sad Mayor.
Civil War experts fear that the removed or "toppled" Confederate statues will not be removed to a museum but will be melted down.
"As to already downed statues in Richmond, Mayor Levar Stoney (a black man) only paid lip service to preserving them. He used 'emergency powers' to start removing them, but he hasn't disclosed where they are going. He had previously announced a new city ordinance giving him the power to do whatever he wants with local statues."
As we now know, several of the monuments are now at Richmond's water treatment plant. As far as we know, Mayor Stoney has not ordered then placed in the water to be treated. All of them had damage and all sorts of profanity and graffiti all over them, compliments of the mayor and his BLM friends and their white minions. The Lee statue still stands, but is so covered with graffiti and obscenity, it is an eyesore. I tried putting a picture of what it now looks like in this blog, but had to take it down as it was just too sad. Like I said, Sad Richmond, Sad Mayor.
More in the Next Post. That Levar, Mighty Mayor Guy. --Old Secesh
Statues, Schools, Busts, Pentagon and Trump
JULY 14, 2020
** Letter to the Editor: By joining the Confederacy, Maury supported slavery.
JULY 15, 2020
** Norfolk School Board to hold meeting about school names with Confederate ties. (And guess what they will decode?)
** 35 businesses want Confederate bust out of Tennessee Capitol. (Nathan Bedford Forrest)
** Pentagon set to unveil policy aimed at banning public display or racially or socially derisive symbols on military bases.
** Trump defends Confederate flags as a Freedom of Speech issue: I know people that like it 'And they're not thinking about slavery.'
--Old Secesh
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: New Name for Fort Hood. Who Is for Confederadication? What Is Confederadication
JULY 15, 2020
** Rename Fort Hood for a deserving Army leader-- Gen. Richard Cavazos: Patrick M. M. McLaughlin. (He is a Mexican-American. I could go for him when the bases are renamed. I'd definitely support Union generals from the Civil War or generals from WW I and WW II. As long as they are not Blacks (unless Colin Powell). Not that I'm against naming the bases after Blacks, but at this point in time, with all this happening against the Confederates and their descendants, that would be too much of a slap in the face. Wait at least ten years before you start naming the bases for Blacks.)
** Some chosen to design Mississippi state flag without rebel symbol.
** Editorial Roundup: South Carolina.
** Newspaper covering Confederadication better than anyone else: Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Newspapers 100% behind Confederadication: Washington Post and New York Times. TV stations 100% behind Confederadication: CNN.
** Confederadication: Removing all traces of the Confederacy. Combination of the word Confederate and eradication.
--Old Secesh
Democrats Targeting Pretty Much Anything Confederate. A Really Tense Moment at Walton County, Fla., Confrontation
JULY 15, 2020
** Key senators predict victory in battle with Trump over renaming military facilities that honor Confederates, including Fort Bragg. (Again, have those wanting the change pay all costs for the change. Put your money where your mouth is, you know.)
** Pensacola to remove Confederate monument, rename Lee Square. (Florida)
** Congressional Democrats target Confederate statues at Capitol, US military bases. (Imagine a Democrat targeting something Confederate. A big reason I won't be voting for any of them this coming election And, I would like to point out that in the last two presidential elections I voted for Clinton and Obama. And, this year I might just have to vote for the incumbent and I really don't want to, but this is how strongly I feel about this Democratic policy and their blind support of BLM.)
** Photos: Another View-- Tense moment during protest of Confederate memorial at Walton County courthouse. (Florida. There was a tense standoff between supporters and protesters. Then a black man seemed to have lost it and tried to provoke a physical confrontation, but fortunately was pulled back by another black man. However, during this, a white woman was knocked down by the black man. And then things really got tense.
It looked as if this was going to turn terribly violent. However, cooler heads prevailed. Looking at the photos and the video it appears the woman getting knocked down was an accident.
But, any of these confrontations could turn violent which is very scary.
--Old Secesh
Change Those School Names, Move That Statue and Trump
JULY 15, 2020
** Trump calls Confederate flag 'freedom of speech,' gives heated response on police brutality.
** Montgomery School Board votes to change the Confederate names of three high schools. (Alabama. Jefferson Davis, Robert E.Lee and Sydney Lanier high schools. Again, if the majority of the students are Blacks, change the name and it would be good to have them renamed after a black person.)
** Trump focuses on whites killed by police, defends Confederate flag.
** Some of Richmond's Confederate statues being stored at waste water treatment plant. (Sad Richmond. Really, mayor? At least as of this date I don't know that he has ordered the statues immersed. But sure wouldn't be surprised with his mindset.
And, I am hoping the mayor and city will at least have the decency to repair and clean those statues they let be attacked by the BLMers.)
** Historic Preservation Commission discusses Confederate marker. (Jefferson City, Missouri)
** 'From a place of love, not hate': Philadelphia, Miss., group wants Confederate statue moved.
Tote That Barge, Move That Bale. --Old Secesh
Civil War II: Confederates in Washington State? Ole Miss, South Carolina and Virginia Schools
JULY 15, 2020
** The Confederate legacy in Washington state. (So, you thought that since the state of Washington was so far away from the fighting during the Civil War that it wouldn't have much, if any, Confederate situations. Not so. Read this. Isn't Washington state where that city is where the mayor let rioters have part of her city for a length of time? How long did she let them have it?)
** Confederate statue being moved at University of Mississippi. (At least it was not torn down by students and faculty like at UNC-Chapel Hill.)
** Bamberg County Council votes to remove Confederate statue. (South Carolina . Hey, William Seaborn Bamberg had a plantation and you know what that means. Will the city and county names be changed next?
** 2 Virginia schools will no longer be named after Confederate leaders. (Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School. Hanover County is predominantly White. While I agree that the name of any school that is named after a Confederate and predominantly Black should have the name changed, this was not necessary other than PC.)
--Old Secesh
When Will We Reach a Decision on Those Military Bases? Texas, Ohio, Kentucky
Remember, these are headlines from media sources, so, if you want to know more, type it in and see.
JULY 14, 2020
** Rename Fort Hood to uncover our history.
** Paulding County in the Civil War. (Van Wert, Ohio. Finally, some real Civil War history, not all this NAACP, BLN and SPLC stuff. Back before Charleston, this is what I used to find for headlines in the alerts.)
** Facebook sounds off on Army post name change.
** House appropriations bill supports changing names of military bases, block border wall funding.
** GOP lawmakers complain about Davis statue removal process. (Kentucky)
Again, I Expect the Base Names To Be Changed. --Old Secesh
Asheville, the Richmond/Charlottesville of North Carolina (This Is Not a Compliment Either). Why Black People Have Been Injured or Killed By the Police.
JULY 14, 2020
** Yes, take down the Confederate statues. But the founders are different. (Washington Post. Well, at least they are putting the Founders in a different category.)
** The most 2020 protest just happened in Fort Mill. But what will the town do? (South Carolina. It was done by a virtual meeting. Letters were written and read by city council. It was not violent. Sorry BLM.)
** Confederate monument removed from Buncombe County Courthouse. (Asheville, N.C. Figures, Asheville is the Sad Richmond/Charlottesville of North Carolina.)
** Trump asked why Black people have been killed by police: 'So are white people'. (Well, true. Of course, the real big reason why some Blacks are injured or killed by the police is that they break the law and then resist arrest on the rare occasion they are caught. Their chances of a bad outcome in this situation drop greatly when they cooperate. In other words, cooperate with the police if they stop you. Try to out-polite them if you can. Watch Chris Rock's "Eight Ways Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By the Police" video. If you follow his advice, you probably will not have a bad problem.)
** Anthropologist hates Confederate statues but isn't eager to dump them. They can teach a meaningful lesson.
Seriously, Watch That Chris Rock Video. --Old Secesh
Hey Chicks, Hey Lady A: Country Bands Change Names for BLM. Let's Change Names: Virginia Tech, Colleges, Street Names
JULY 10, 2020
** PHOTOS: Confederate street names in Wilmington (North Carolina)
** More Confederate monuments removed in Richmond.
** Pentagon leaders say they're evaluating whether to remove Confederate symbols from military bases.
JULY 11, 2020
** Sohn: Is the Nathan Bedford Forrest bust in Tennessee's Capitol gone with the wind? We certainly hope so.
** Lady Antebellum country band is now Lady A. The Dixie Chicks country band is now just the Chicks. Wonder why they changed their names? Just plain ridiculous. You sold out. No more music from you. Shame on you. Nothing says Confederate like Dixie or Antebellum, you know.
** Racial reckoning draws in namesakes of Virginia Tech's past. (At least seven campus facilities honor men who at one time or another owned slaves, served in the Confederacy or espoused white supremacist views.
** James Madison University in Virginia will rename three buildings named after men who fought for the Confederacy.
Priceton is going to remove Woodrow Wilson's name from a college and a public policy school because of his racist policies.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 17, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: Virginia, Florida and Ohio
JULY 14, 2020
** Hanover school leaders to discuss Confederate-named schools. (Virginia Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School.
** 'Take it down:' Protesters march to remove Walton County's Confederate monument. (Florida)
** Group wants Confederate flag banned at Lorain County Fair. (Ohio)
** Lorain County Fair: Opponents gather against Confederate flag sales at the fair. (Hey, if you don't like it, don't like at it or buy it. 'Nuff said.)
--Old Secesh
Tennessee, Japan, North Carolina and Alabama
JULY 14, 2020
** Task force to study Confederate flag in flag in Williamson County seal after hours of debate. (Tennessee)
** Editorial: Schools no place for Confederate flag.
** Confederate flags off limits on US Forces Japan bases.
** Panel: Move Gaston's Confederate monument. (North Carolina)
** Johnson: Black and Confederate -- a family's complicated and conflicted journey. (Alabama)
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: South Carolina, Univ. of Texas, JEB Stuart and Raleigh
JULY 13, 2020
** Legal change could be slow for controversial SC memorials. The Heritage Act requires legislature to remove statues. John C. Calhoun statue taken down. Wade Hampton statue and others might be coming down.
** University of Texas making changes after Black athlete demands; football field renamed. Jo Jamail Field at Darrell K. Royall Stadium has been renamed the Campbell/Williams Field after their Heismann Award winners Earl Campbell and Ricky Williams.
There was also a movement to get rid of the "Eyes of Texas" saying it had racial undertones. It will be kept with maybe some word changes. I saw the words to it and couldn't pick out anything racial about it.
** Fort Worth Star-Telegram keeps up with the Confederadication better than any newspaper I've seen. So, if you want more information, go there.
** Descendant of JEB Stuart wants statue at his birthplace. (You know the statue they took down in Sad Richmond a short time ago.)
** Workers removing statue of antebellum North Carolina chief justice. (Raleigh Thomas Ruffin. This was done because of his opinion that overturned the conviction of a slave owner for shooting a slave in the back after refusing his orders.
--Old Secesh
Fort McPherson Has a Nice Ring To It
JULY 13, 2020
** A name worthy of honor. (McPherson, Kansas, named after Union Gen. James Birdseye McPherson. A monument for him sits on the lawn in front of the McPherson County Courthouse. (Fortunately, BLM has not mistaken it for a Confederate officer). Suggests Fort McPherson as a replacement name for Fort Hood. McPherson was one of the Union's best generals and was killed at the Battle of Atlanta.
I could definitely go with this name. As I have said before, I am in favor of renaming Army bases with Confederate names, but those who want and demand the bases be renamed, to put their money where their mouths are and pay any expenses incurred in doing this.
Also, I do not favor any of these bases being renamed for Blacks (although I am sure they all will be) for at least ten years, as that would be a slap in the face for those of us already losing all the statues and having our ancestors denigrated. After ten years, rename some of the bases after Blacks. I could definitely appreciate a Fort Colin Powell. A great man and I sure wish he would have run for president, but I guess he was too smart to get involved in that mess. As a matter of fact, I would support a base being named for him right away.
** Other female names the author proposed for military base names:
Navy Ensign Jane Kendeigh
Lt. Col. Nancy Harkness Love
Navy Lieutenant Susan Ann Cuddy
Mae Krier (Rosie the Riveter)
Colonel Ruby Bradely
Again, any of these as long as they are not Black. But after ten years, it can be changed.
Father Bob Layne has some good ideas.
--Old Secesh
About Those Pesky Confederate Names in California, More Military Base Stuff
JULY 13, 2020
** What's left of Confederate monuments in California. (From the Fort Bragg, Cal., Advocate-News . This city is thinking about changing its name because it was named after Confederate General Braxton Bragg. "California is not without its vestiges of racism and oppression." There is a deep link between Southern California and the Confederacy.
A handful of highway markers and cemetery remained but BLM pushed to have them removed. A complete list of all names, markers and statues in the state considered racist or Confederate. Many have been "vandalized" and removed.
Interesting that they blame a lot of the Confederate stuff in the state on the United Daughters of the Confederacy which the SPLC calls a neo-Confederate organization. You mean neo-Confederate as in neo-Nazi. Isn't that a BLM and ultra-left thing?
** Defense bill could erase Confederate's Fort Benning and Gordon base names.
** Confederate symbolism in the military stretches far beyond flags, base names.
** Money to rename bases honoring Confederate leaders, 2021 pay raise included in latest budget plan.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Civil War II: Now It Goes to House Plaques in Richmond, Protests and Counter Protests, Georgia DA Supports BLM, DeFuniak Springs, Florida
JULY 13, 2020
** Push to change historic markers with Confederate image on Fan District homes. (This is a new one. Richmond, Va. of course. Homes in the Fan district have plaques with year the house was constructed and the Robert E. Lee statue on it. Some don't like it. Something is really wrong with Richmond.)
** Confederate statue in Alamance County guarded by law enforcement during protests. (Graham, N.C. BLM must not be allowed to commit hate crimes and topple the statue.)
** DA on Confederate obelisk: This statue does not represent the people of Gwinnett County. (Lawrence, Georgia. He is a black man and stood with the NAACP. I wonder if he knows he is backing a group called BLM who riot, loot and commit hate crimes. You would think a DA would know better than to back a criminal organization.)
** Historic Oregon cemeteries could ban Confederate flag.
** Could the 'troubling' confederate (Confederate) flags on North Carolina license plates be coming to an end? (SCV vanity plates.)
** Protesters on both sides gather regarding DeFuniak Springs' Confederate monument. (Florida)
** New video on scuffle at Confederate monument at Defuniak Springs. (A woman knocked down by BLMer, but appears accidental.)
It Is Nice to See Counter Demonstrations to This New Black Tyranny. --Old Secesh
The Sad City of Richmond, Confrontations, More Hate Crimes
JULY 13, 2020
** Williams: For Richmond, the future is now. We must leave all our Confederate monuments behind.
** Protesters outnumber pro-Confederate flag during flag raise at State House. (Columbia, S.C. We're always outnumbered, so what's the big news there? Just as the Confederates in the 1860s.)
** Confederate statue in downtown Clinton removed after being vandalized. (North Carolina. Again, not "vandalism" but a hate crime. BLM at it again. However, police are looking to arrest the culprits.)
** Protesters of Walton County Confederate monument march to courthouse, met by supporters. (Walton County, Florida. As usual, statue defenders badly outnumbered.)
Even Facing M ore BLMers and their white minions, it is good to see folks in the know willing to risk their lives to keep BLM from destroying the staues.
Sad Richmond, it is on my boycott list (which kills me because I am a big Civil War fan) and may be forever. The city mayor and his white minion (the state governor) have taken their Confederadication to such a level that they can't be forgiven. I will now start referring to this city as "Sad Richmond." Too bad Richmond's mayor couldn't have been more like Savannah's mayor in regards to hate crimes done to Confederate monuments.
Statue Defenders Are Always Outnumbered and Their Lives Are in Danger from the BLM. --Old Secesh
Our Monumental Obsession
JULY 12, 2020
Most media outlets don't cover everything that is happening in today's Confederadication, but just because you don't hear or see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. This site will keep you up on a lot of it.
** Many could be honored who aren't traitors.
** Letter: Remembering and honoring are different things.
** Bill Whitaker: Grappling with our monumental obsessions.
** Top US general slams Confederacy as 'an act of treason'.
--Old Secesh
Cemeteries Become BLM Targets, Even Brazil
JULY 12, 2020
** As a Black woman from the South, removal of Confederate symbols important to me. (CNN)
** Hundreds demanding removal of Confederate statue in Graham met by counterprotesters. (North Carolina)
** Southern Democrats' split with Republicans over Confederate symbols is more recent than you think.
** Courthouse's Confederate statue enters Giles County drug case. (Pearisburg, Virginia. A black defendant believes he can't get a fair trial with the statue outside the courthouse. (Where will it end?)
** Letter: Confederate monuments: The fake news of the time.
** They lost the Civil War and fled to Brazil. Their descendants refuse to take down the Confederate flag. (Washington Post)
** Sylvia approves resolution to ban Confederate imagery from town property. (North Carolina. Such a huge surprise. What will Sylvia's mother say??)
** Statue at Confederate graves vandalized at Savannah cemetery. Placed at Laurel Grove Cemetery in 1879. Statue of a woman named "Silence." Spray-painted and broke the statue's hand. The mayor, a black man, vows to find the people who did this and prosecute them. Too bad he can't be the mayor of Richmond, Va. Again, this is not vandalism. It is a hate crime.)
** Cemetery vandals hit Confederate markers. (Oakland Cemetery in Little Rock, Arkansas. Spray-painted and broke it enough that it can't be repaired. Lots and lots of obscenities.)
Like I Said, Cemeteries Are Next On the BLM Hit List. --Old Secesh
About That Confrontation in Graham, N.C.,Fort Milton M. Holland and Confederadication.
JULY 11, 2020
** Demonstrators gather near North Carolina Confederate statue. (Graham, N.C.) (I like how the article referred to the BLMers as anti-racists. The people they are protesting against were Whites. That's kind of racist in my book. The Graham mayor called for a state of emergency as there were about 60 anti-protesters with Confederate flags versus the 700 or so BLMers and their white minions. You did not know when the BLMers would get violent, start looting or tear down the statue.)
The BLM speaker read a long list of wrongs done to his people and as being stolen from Africa. They weren't stolen so much as bought from people in Africa. People in that part of Africa tend to be Blacks. So, who did the Northerners and Europeans buy the slaves from?
** Fort Milton M. Holland has a patriotic ring to it. (About renaming Fort Hood in Texas. Mr. Holland was awarded a Medal of Honor and would be a good choice when Fort Hood is renamed (I am presuming all those Confederate forts will be renamed in today's climate) as he is deserving and a native of Texas. But, so was John Bell Hood.
But, I would be against it being done right away because he was a black man. These wounds being inflicted are too deep right now. Name the fort after a Union general and then, say ten years down the line, change it. But, I doubt that will happen. Everyone of these forts will be named after Blacks and right away.
** Cannon Fire on the Bayou: Civil War battles fought in Southwest Louisiana. Wow!! Real Civil War history. Back when I first started getting alerts for Confederate back in 2007, almost every alert was completely made up of news like this. I sure look forward to the day that we return to normalcy and not all this effort to Confederadicate history as is going on now.
Confederadication= Confedereate + Eradication. --Old Secesh
Stone Mountain Again, Virginia, New York, Tennessee, NASCAR, Schools and Sylvia's Mother
JULY 11, 2020
** Georgia activists seek to remove 'Stone Mountain', the 'granddaddy of Confederate monuments. (Are you surprised. Again, Georgia needs to protect it before BLM and their ilk destroy it.)
** Richmond judge blocks removal of more Confederate statues. (Too bad, Mr. Mayor.)
** Factions war over Sylvia's Confederate statue. (North Carolina. What does Sylvia's mother have to say about this?)
** Teachers, staff call on Niskayuna School Board to ban Confederate flag. (New York)
** 'Step in the right direction': Bedford schools officially ban Confederate imagery. (Virginia)
** TN Capitol's Confederate bust decision shows strong, passionate divides remain.
** Confederate monument in Bicentennial Park to be discussed at public meeting. (Williamsburg, Virginia)
** Truck owned by driver who said he was quitting NASCAR over Confederate flag ban will have trump-Pence paint scheme.
** Joint Chiefs Chair breaks with Trump on Confederate base names.
"And the Operator Says, Forty Cents More For the Next Three Minutes." --Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
What Next? John Wayne, Teddy Roosevelt, "Gone With the Wind" and Walt Disney Under the Gun. Jeff Davis Peak in California Gets New Name
JULY 10, 2020
** Peter Bart: Will Hollywood icons topple like Confederate statues in current cancel culture? Now attention is shift to airports (John Wayne) ,statues (Teddy Roosevelt and movies ("Gone With the Wind." Logos might be next, like Walt Disney.
** Jeff Davis Peak ditches Confederate namesake, officials say. Here's what it will be called. (California near Lake Tahoe. It will now be called Da-ek Dow Go-et Mountain. The former name was much easier to say.)
** Slanted American history has skewed our vision. We can relearn.
** Statue to tennis star Arthur Ashe to stay put in Richmond. (Arthur Ashe was a hero and accomplished great feats in tennis, but, if the Confederate statues come down on Monument Avenue, his should be moved elsewhere. I'd hate to see it disrespected with "vandalism" like the other statues were.)
** Top US officer says military split on bases named after Confederate generals.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: 'Silent Sentinel" To Be Removed and Vindicitrix Comes Down
JULY 10, 2020
** Medley calls for removal of Confederate statue. (Bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese in Owensboro, Ky.,
** Loudoun officials vote to remove 'Silent Sentinel' Confederate monument.
** Confederate monuments in Gettysburg spark debate among historians. (After Confederate statues in cemeteries, they will be going after the ones at national and state battlefields.)
** 'Miss Confederacy' statue removed as workers rid Richmond of Confederate icons. (Known as the South's "Vindicatrix" from the remains of the Jefferson Davis monument on Monument Avenue.)
(The Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument was taken down earlier in the day. Like I said, it is an Confederate statue removal orgy.)
--Old Secesh
Dixieland Gas Station Changes Name and Richmond Episcopal Church
JULY 9,2020
** Dixie launches 'God Bless America' promotion, Confederate flag sign covered, for now. (Dixieland, a popular gas station, convenience store. gift shop just south of the Virginia-Maryland border. It has a large sign with the store's name and a Confederate flag. Wonder why they did this. Next they'll probably change their name. Perhaps now, more Blacks will go there.)
** Capital commission approves moving Nathan Bedford Forrest bust to Tennessee State Museum.
** Remnants of the Confederacy.
** AP Explains: Confederate flags draw differing responses.
** As Confederate symbols come down in Virginia, a Richmond church is removing its own, but keeps BLM graffiti. (Episcopal church once known as the "Cathedral of the Confederacy." Jefferson Davis was a member and he and Robert E. Lee worshipped there.
--Old Secesh
Now, the Coast Guard Under the Gun, Arlington National Cemetery's Confederate Monument and Fort Lee
JULY 9, 2020
** Top military officer labels Confederacy as treasonous as Pentagon takes 'hard look' at rebel ties. (Washington Post)
** During the Civil War, the enslaved were given an especially odious job. The pay went to the owners. (Washington Post)
** Army reviewing 'Confederate Memorial' featuring slaves at Arlington National Cemetery.
** McEachin suggests name change at Fort Lee. (Lt. General Arthur J. Gregg. A black man. Reading about him, he is deserving, but not to rename any of the bases after any black people as the wounds are too fresh and the hurt too deep right now. Maybe later. Right now, name them after other Union generals during the Civil War and change the name later.)
** Dealing with Confederate imagery on ships. (Coast Guard under attack for not banning Confederate imagery. Also, the Coast Guard Cutter Taney, the last surviving warship from Pearl Harbor and now a floating museum in Baltimore will have its name changed to its hull identification, WHEC-37.
--Old Secesh
The United States Today Kind of Reminds Me of the Place That Had Kristallnacht and Book Burnings in the 1930s
JULY 7, 2020
** Richmond removes statue of Confederate Matthew Maury, namesake for Naval Academy building.
** Process underway to remove Confederate monument in Roanoke. (Virginia Robert E. Lee)
** Lawmaker wants investigator to look into white extremism and racial bias in the military.
** Trump wrongly accuses NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace of noose "hoax,' defends Confederate flag. (Daily Beast)
JULY 8, 2020
** Army, Navy, Air Force secretaries recommend banning display of Confederate flag on military bases.
** JMU to change 3 buildings named after Confederate soldiers. (James Madison University in Virginia. Ashby, Jackson and Maury halls. Guess they'll also have to change the name of the school because of you-know-what.)
JULY 9, 2020
** Newport News' Lake Maury, named for Confederate officer, is now the Mariners' Lake. (Virginia)
** In Alabama, a city debates how to depict its past in the present. (Mobile)
** Letters: Loyalty to the state first during the Civil War.
** Watch Now: Crews remove Confederate statue from Libby Hill Park and bronze pieces from Jefferson Davis monument. (Richmond, Va. Altogether, five statues, two plaques and two other bronze pieces have been removed from monuments in Richmond since July 1. As predicted, the mayor and governor's orgy of removal has begun.
This is similar to what happened in Germany in the 1930s with Kristallnacht and book burning. Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Go to You Tube and watch videos of these in Germany in the 1930s and you'll be amazed at the similarities between BLM and those people. We're not saying who did this.)
Can Anybody Say Sturmabteilung? --Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Confederate Monument Marking Mass Grave of 300 Confederate Soldiers Buried in Greensboro, N.C. Cemetery Vandalized and Removed
JULY 9, 202
** Virginia governor calls for renaming schools that honor Confederate leaders.
** Confederate statues were never really about preserving history.
** As a candidate, Trump said Confederate flag should be 'put in a museum.'
** Opinion: President Trump will be happy about Georgia's forgotten flag.
** At least four Mississippi counties to move Confederate statues.
** Another House panel takes aim at Army posts named after Confederate figures.
** Commentary: A fitting end to the last Confederate monument in Southern California.
** Loudoun County Board votes to remove Confederate statue. (Virginia. I am in favor of removing all Confederate statues as that is the only way to protect them from the BLMers and their white minions committing hate crimes against them.)
** People react to vandalism, removal of Confederate monument at Green Hill Cemetery. (Greensboro, N.C. It marked the mass grave of 300 Confederate soldiers and had been vandalized and someone tore it down and removed it.)
After All the Confederate Statues in Public Places Have been Removed, BLM Will Go After the Ones in Cemeteries. --Old Secesh
Richmond Takes Down a Confederate Memorial Not on Monument Row
JULY 9, 2020
** House bill earmarks $1 million to rename Army bases honoring Confederate leaders. (I still say that those who want the names changed should pay for it.)
** Discussion continues over McKinney monument. (Texas)
** Richmond removes Confederate soldiers and sailors statue. (This one was not on Monument Avenue. Of course, BLM had "vandalized" it and it was removed by Richmond's mayor on July 8.)
** Gainesville, Granbury and Waxahachie are latest to consider Confederate statues' fate. (Texas)
** Gov. Bill Lee calls for Nathan Bedford Forrest bust to be relocated to museum. (Tennessee)
** Monuments and statues are falling. But what comes next?
** If military renames Southern bases, whose names should replace the Confederate generals?
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Stuart, Pensacola, Trump, Schools, A "No" Vote!! and Democrats
JULY 8, 2020
** Another Confederate statue in Richmond,Va., comes down along Monument Avenue. (JEB Stuart Evidently, the Lee statue is still up.)
** City issues memorandum recommending removal of Pensacola's Confederate monument. (Florida)
** Trump turns clock back 155 years with Confederacy-inspired election strategy. (CNN I just can't believe this news organization would say something like this. Especially since the Democrats are really playing up to Blacks.)
** Grand Ledge school officials to consider banning Confederate flag. (Michigan I wonder what they think about anything with BLM on it? Some folks consider that rather offensive.)
** Mississippi board votes 'no' on moving Confederate monument. (Oxford Lafayette County. All white male board. Hard to believe that in this post-Floyd era that something like this could happen. Ole Miss is in Oxford and they have already removed their statue.)
** Descendants weigh in on debate over Confederate symbols. (ABC News These are the descendants of Confederate generals.)
** House Democrats include removal of Confederate statues in the funding bill. (remove statues and busts of those who served in the Confederacy or have "unambiguous records of racial intolerance." Some of this last group include Charles Aycock, John C. Calhoun, James Paul Clark and Roger B. Taney.)
(Since those who were in the Confederacy are in the capital, I would support removing them because they fought against the United States.)
** Ohio has always had Confederate apologists.
--Old Secesh
Do You Think U.S. Army Base Names Have Become a Hot-Button Issue? Justin and Taylor Sign In. "Fame" Gone
JULY 7, 2020
** N. Carolina's 'Fame' Confederate monument taken down. (Salisbury Too bad as it was a really beautiful sculpture.)
** Lawmakers consider spending $1 million to strip all Confederate names from US Army bases. (Here's a better idea. How about having those people who want the names removed come up with the money and use no public funds. Hey guys, put your money where your mouths are!!)
** Change Confederate military names to honor those who fought for America. (Well, the situation here is that most of them did fight for the United States before the Civil War and did so honorably. However, since they did fight against the United States I am in favor of removing the names.)
** It's time for a change, at Fort Lee and other Army posts named for Confederate officers.
** Confederate statue at Raymond Courthouse may move after black citizen pleads case to supervisors. (Hinds County, Mississippi. What did we say about The Black Rule. You know, where all it takes is one black person to be offended to start removal proceedings. It also appears that the entire county board of supervisors are Blacks. Of course, they could save some time and call in the BLMers and their white minions who would then desecrate the statues with obscenity and topple them. Problem solved.)
** Justin Timberlake calls for 'disgusting' Confederate statues to come down. (How come he didn't say anything about this before? Is he just becoming aware of their existence. I don't know how much I can believe a guy involved with a wardrobe malfunction. Maybe he will do a "Silent Sam" toppling.)
** Taylor Swift can't stand 'racist historical' monuments in Tennessee: 'Villains don't deserve statues.' Likewise with Justin, except for the wardrobe malfunction. Confederate soldiers as villains? Villains usually rob people much like the occupying army in the South did to the citizens there. Is she talking about Union statues in the North?)
** Grassely: Senate would 'probably' override Trump veto of defense bill amid base renaming fight.
** Trump's racism is blatant, but the culture he defends comes out of the Civil War and goes well beyond racial division. (CounterPunch)
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: Seattle, Virginia Schools, "Fame", Louisiana Stands Up. Clergy and The Richmond Orgy
JULY 7, 2020
** Memorial to Confederate soldiers toppled at Capitol Hill's Lake View Cemetery. (Seattle, Washington. At the time it was unknown who did it.)
** Virginia schools quickly drop Confederate names, this time ignoring calls to preserve 'history.'
** After 111 years, Salisbury Confederate monument "Fame" is now being moved. (North Carolina)
** East Feliciana Parish leaders won't remove Confederate statue. (Louisiana. Wow. Politicians with a backbone.)
** Clergy call for removal of Confederate monument at Rutherford County Courthouse. (North Carolina)
** Richmond removes statue of Confederate Gen JEB Stuart. (The Statue removal Orgy Continues. Thanks mayor and governor.)
--Old Secesh
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