Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Renaming in Jacksonville, Letting the People Decide.

AUGUST 13, 2020

**  City Council votes to rename Hemming Park and Confederate Park.  (Jacksonville, Florida.  Hopefully SPLC got this information so they can add it to their Confederate "victims" list.    Hemmings Park was named after Charles C. Hemming in 1899 after he put up a large Confederate monument in the park.  The monument was taken down in June 2020.

Hemmings Park is now James Weldon Johnson Park, named after a Civil Rights activist and NAACP leader.  He deserves an honor, but this is a slap in the face to some.

**  Court orders referendum request on Confederate statue.  (Front Royal, Virginia.  Imagine voting on an issue like that.  Let the people have the say.  A surprising turn of events out of Sad Virginia.  Why are Blacks so afraid to let the people vote?  Do they think they will lose?  Even if the people vote to let the statue remain, BLM and their white minions will "topple' the statue after defacing it.  That's the BLM Way.)

**  Talbot County votes to keep Confederate monument for now. (Maryland.The Talbot Boys who served in the Confederate Army.  Some want it to be put to a vote of the people, in other words, a referendum.  That's the way to make this sort of decision.  It should not be left up to politicians, especially Democratic ones.  We know how they will vote.)

Let the People Vote!!   --Old Secesh

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