Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Maryland's Flag Has Confederate Symbols. U.S. House Votes to Remove Confederate Monuments from Gettysburg

AUGUST 11, 2020

**  VERIFY:  Yes, Maryland's state flag has a Confederate symbol.  (Marylanders who fought for the Confederacy used the Crossland Banner.  Now, this flag has to go.)

**  Letter:  Confederate flag is a symbol of hate.  (I'm beginning to think BLM flags and banners are also symbols of hate.)

**  NAN Georgia leads peaceful rally  for the removal of Confederate statue.  (Augusta)

**  Decades ago, a press association dedicated a plaque to a Civil War-era journalist who supported slavery.  Now it wants it removed.  (Plaque at Fortress Monroe for John Mitchell, Irish freedom fighter.)

**  Figard:  Don't forget the actual Confederate heritage.  (slavery)

**  Opinion:  US House voted to remove rebel monuments from Gettysburg.  The Senate must stop this.  (Passed House July 24 by a 224-189 vote.  has a provision to have all Confederate "commemorative works"--  every monument, statue and possibly all informational  brigade and regiment markers, removed not just at Gettysburg, but all National Parks in the U.S.  This is why Democrats must be stopped.)

**  Georgia city  confronts future of site where slaves were sold.  (Louisville, Georgia)  (I think it should be allowed to remain where it is as it shows a sad aspect of slavery.)

Goodbye Maryland Flag.  --Old Secesh

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