Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Chicago Murders and Shootings for Aug. 28 to August 31
From the Hey Jackass site.
There was a march made by BLM downtown Saturday with no rioting and looting. Thank you BLM, we knew you could do it.
Anyway, businesses on the Magnificent Mile, Chicago's ultra-high shopping district, were boarded up or closed early.
However, police were at the Magnificent Mile while they could have been protecting black neighborhoods were so many shootings occur. BLM should keep that in mind in the future.
** Anyway, here are the numbers for this past weekend: Noon Friday to 6 am Monday.
10 killed, 51 wounded.
** Week in progress, 8/30 to 9/5:
5 killed, 33 wounded
** August to date:
60 killed, 427 wounded
** Year to date:
473 killed, 2331 wounded
Again, the vast majority of these shootings and deaths were Black on Black.
I sure wish Blacks would be more involved with Black on Black shootings than police shooting Blacks.
--Old Secesh
Okay, Now. Take Down the Lee Statue in Sad Richmond. Hurricane Laura 'Topples' Confederate Monument in Louisiana
AUGUST 28, 2020
** Protesters, counter protesters converge at Marshall County courthouse over confederate flag. (Albertville, Alabama. The county still flies the Confederate flag and has a memorial at the courthouse. Hey, TV station WHNT, Confederate is a proper name and should be capitalized. It appeared to be peaceful on both sides. No Days of Rage. Plus the Confederate markers were not victims of hate crimes.)
** Supreme Court of Virginia tosses injunction in Richmond Confederate statue removal case. (Good, hurry up and take the statue and pedestal down. Every time I look at it now and see what BLM has done to it, I get very angry. So, let's get to it governor and mayor.)
** Hurricane Laura 'had other plans' for controversial Confederate statue in Louisiana. (Lake Charles. 150 mph winds toppled a tree which toppled the monument. Two weeks ago, the city decided to keep it standing. No word yet as to its fate.)
** Caroline supervisors must now decide where to relocate Confederate monument. (Bowling Green, Va.)
** To tears and cheers, the Portsmouth monument is being dismantled. (Virginia. Again, hurry up and get it down. Seeing what the BLMers did to it angers me immensely. If there ever was such a thing as a hate crime, they sure committed one here.)
** Racist or history? Majority Latino and Black Texas high school debates changing its Confederate name. Baytown, Texas. 15.2% Black, 72.6% Hispanic. I am all in favor of changing the name. Any time a Confederate-named high school is predominantly minority I am all for a name change.)
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: Portsmouth, Illinois, Congress, Tennessee, Maryland and Florida
AUGUST 27, 2020
** Portsmouth begins taking down Confederate monument. (Virginia. It will be relocated. NAACP ecstatic. Sadly, the city left the monument with all the BLM hate crimes committed on it. Glad it was removed.)
** House Democrat introduces bill to replace Confederate monuments nationwide. (Bobby Rush, U.S. House of Representatives, from Illinois. Apparently wants them replaced with monuments to Blacks. I am totally surprised that a Democrat would introduce something like this. Oh, and by the way, he is a black man. Another big surprise.)
** Other voices: Confederate statues don't preserve history, they distort it.
** Tennessee Heritage Protection Act puts future of Confederate monuments in hands of commission.
** US Rep Jamie Raskin writes a possible substitute for Maryland's Confederate-sympathizing state song.
** Man accused of vandalizing Pensacola Confederate monument arrested on suspicion of DUI. (Florida. He is a black man.)
Still, That Is Not Vandalism. It Is a Hate Crime. --Old Secesh
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Poor Gen. Loring. More Confederate Statues.
AUGUST 26, 2020
** Monument to Confederate General William Loring in St. Augustine moved Monday morning. (Florida. Very, very early Monday morning.)
** Priest blesses Confederate general's bones before they're exhumed from memorial site. (General Loring)
** Metro Parks and Rec to discuss future on Confederate monument in Centennial Park. (Nashville, Tennessee)
** Confederate monument on Matthews agenda. (Matthews, Virginia. On removal or not.)
AUGUST 27, 2020
** Confederate statue coming down at Va. site of interracial marriage case. (Bowling Green. The interracial marriage was between Mildred Loving (a black woman) and her husband Richard, a white man, in 1958. That was illegal back then. They were sentenced to a year in prison. The sentence was suspended when they agreed to leave the state.)
I Tell You, Gen. Loring "Can't Get No Respect." --Old Secesh
Chicago Cubs Player Jason Heyward Makes a Statement Over Racial Concerns
Jason Heyward believes Blacks in the United States are not being treated fairly.
He chose to sit out this past Wednesday's Cubs game to show his concern.
Whatever the actual treatment of Blacks in this country is, this man certainly doesn't have much to complain about. He has signed an eight-year contract with the Chicago Cubs for $184 million. Not exactly chump change and mistreatment in my book. He also got a $20 million signing bonus and has a base salary of $21 million, coming to a total of $23.5 million a year.
I just can't buy multimillionaire black athletes who talk about how bad it is to be Black in the United States.
Hopefully, the Cubs will dock him his salary for that game. But, I know they won't.
Well, if Jason Heyward will sit out a game for black victims of the police, he will also sit out a game for the five-year-old boy, Cannon Hinnant, who was recently killed and whose death was all but ignored by the national media, something they sure don't do when a black man is killed by police.
Let's Be Fair, Jason. --Old Secesh
Chicago Crime, Murder & Mayhem Update: Another Bloody Weekend Begins and Downtown Chicago Prepares for BLM 'Peaceful Demonstrations' and Possible Rioting and Looting
From the Hey Jackass site.
Weekend tallies go from noon Friday to 6 am Monday.
Jersey barriers and decorative flower pots on Michigan Ave., plywood forests sprouting again downtown, 12-hour shifts and officer safety alerts issued, plus all the usual nonsense has all the ingredients of a mostly peaceful weekend.
But, BLM plans "peaceful demonstrations" in downtown Chicago this weekend. We'll see how long that lasts. But with near overwhelming force, Chicago police should be able to keep the BLM rioters and looters at bay.
I know this does not directly pertain to Confederate monuments, but the main group attacking them is Black Lives Matter (BLM). And, since they profess to care about black lives, I thought these numbers, which by far are mostly Black-on-Black shootings and murders, would be of interest.
The site takes the numbers from the public record. These are not made up.
Okay, here we go:
The "Stupidity Tally" so far this weekend (starting at noon Friday):
The first 3 1/2 hours were peaceful.
Since then:
3 Killed and 9 wounded as of 11 pm Friday.
This does not include the overnight shootings which are always higher.
Week in progress (8-23 to 8-29):
11 killed, 95 wounded
August to Date:
51 killed, 383 wounded
Year to Date:
463 killed, 2287 wounded
Like I said, if BLM is so concerned with black lives, maybe they should be marching in their own neighborhoods.
The site has a great poster of its "Bridges Up, Don't Loot" saying. Check it out.
--Old ThisIsGettingOldSesh
It's Down to Two Flag Choices in Mississippi. North Carolina, Washington State, Florida and Tennessee
AUGUST 25, 2020
** Final two Mississippi flag proposals: Shield vs. magnolia. I pick the magnolia flag.
AUGUST 26, 2020
** Removal of Gaston County Confederate monument now uncertain. (North Carolina)
** Southwest Washington demonstrators gather at Confederate memorial to call for racial unity. (Washington state)
** Putnam County commissioners decide to relocate Confederate statue in front of courthouse. (Palatka, Florida. Big surprise, hunh?)
** Collierville mayor wants to keep Confederate monument despite protests. (Tennessee)
** Gaston commissioners go back on plan to move Confederate monument. (North Carolina. They voted 4-3 to keep it in front of Gaston County courthouse. Earlier, they had voted to give it to the SCV and provide money for removal and relocation.)
--Old SeceshMagnolia
Friday, August 28, 2020
Fort Hood Becomes Fort Hobby? Tennessee, Wilmington, N.C., Arkansas and Texas
AUGUST 25, 2020
** Collierville residents, other, ask board to remove Confederate marker in square. (Tennessee)
** Plenty of theories, few answers as to why Pine Valley's streets have Confederate names. (Wilmington, N.C.)
** Task force to decide future of Confederate monument in Cleveland. (Tennessee. Guess how this one will turn out?)
** Letter: Confederate flag illustrates the 'evil power of symbol.'
** Board backs name change for Fort Smith school. (Arkansas)
** Fort Hood: Historians push to rename Fort Hood after Killeen trailblazer. (Texas. Oveta Culp Hobby, a white woman, who was first director of Women's Army Corps in WW II. I could go along with this.)
I'd Back Any Fort Renamed for Anyone Who Is Not Black Except Colin Powell and Jackie Robinson. I'd be okay with forts named after these two deserving men. --Old Secesh
Will the NBA, WNBA and Those MLB Players Who Boycotted Their Games Do the Same for Cannon Hinnant?
If they are so concerned about people's lives, surely they will take another day off to commemorate the short life of Cannon Hinnant.
Hey folks!! All Lives Matter. Not just Blacks. Do you even know who Cannon Hinnant is?
And, it is especially sad when a five-year-old's life is cut short by an act of unspeakable evil.
Lets's Do What's Right. Boycott. --Old Secesh
Rude Woman Makes Fool of Herself in Alabama. Even Father Ryan? Va. State Senator: "Ya'll Can't Arrest Them"
AUGUST 25, 2020
** Confederate statue in Galveston County will stay put -- for now. (Texas)
** Franklin holding hearing on Confederate monument Monday night. (Virginia. Guess what they will decide?)
** Opinion: Father Ryan High School honors a Confederate sympathizer . It should be renamed. (The high school is in Nashville, Tennessee. Father Ryan was a Catholic priest considered the unofficial poet of the Confederacy. The writer was a very anti-Confederate guy.)
** Case cites Virginia state senator's words before protesters marred Confederate monument. (Yep, that was some marring they committed. Police say Louise Lucas Democrat) told them: "They are going to put some paint on this thing, and y'all can't arrest them." But, senator, isn't defacing public property a crime?)
** Reader Commentary: Two Maryland towns, two very different responses to Confederate monuments. (Salisbury and Easton, Maryland)
** Hecklers shout down group speaking in support of Confederate monument in Huntsville. (Alabama. One young white lady had a mouth and sure knew how to use it. Complete rudeness on her part. You need to see the video. Go to this site and watch it. Didn't her mama and grandmama teach her manners? Oh, and I see the BLMers and very likely this young lady, already had a go at the monument looking at all the red paint on it.)
One thing about the BLMers and other ultra-leftist groups, they certainly don't want to hear what the other side has to say. They are so sure they are right. Wait, isn't that who they are against?
This Is What We're Up Against. Whose a Blabbermouth!!? --Old Secesh
Another Confederate Monument in St. Augustine. Texas, Michigan, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida
AUGUST 24, 2020
** Confederate statues don't preserve history; they distort it. Dan Patrick should stop defending them. (Texas)
** Protesters and counter-protesters argue over Confederate, black slave boy statue in Allendale. (Michigan)
** One activist working for change in Jackson. (Mississippi)
** GOP lawmaker's celebration of KKK leader forces racial reckoning in Alabama.
AUGUST 25, 2020
** UF has Confederate statue removed from St. Augustine before dawn. (That UF would be the University of Florida. Again, why do so many Confederate statues get removed at night? Are they ashamed to be doing what they are doing?
But, upon further reading, this was done at the request of the general's descendants. Confederate General William Loring is also buried under the monument and will be disinterred and moved as well. I will be writing about the general in my Saw the Elephant: Civil War blog.)
Actually, There Is More to the Last Story. --Old Secesh
Thursday, August 27, 2020
I Couldn't Help But Notice a Difference in National and Local Media Coverage Between What Happened in Kenosha and What Happened to Cannon Hinnant
We must thank FaceBook and Twitter for keeping the word out for Cannon Hinnant since the national media, both TV and newspapers, ignored it.
What gives there?
Does the national media support BLM to the extent that the Democrats do? Would publicity on Cannon Hinnat's death make BLM look bad?
Many of us already have BLM figured out. A group that professes out front that they are upset about black people being shot by police (and I agree with that, way too many Blacks are injured or killed by police, though mostly when they refuse to do what the cops tell them to do), but what I keep seeing are riots, looting, arson, threats and hate crimes (in the form of attacks on Confederate statues) and really, really horrible obscene language.
This is what BLM means to me and anyone supporting them seems to be okay with these other aspects of them.
So, it would appear the national media must be BLM.
--Old Secesh
Don't Eat Here. Pro and Con on Statues. School Name Change.
AUGUST 21, 2020
** Wake Forest restaurant responds to backlash after denying Confederate group space. (North Carolina No Sons allowed. Well, next time I'm in town I certainly won't be eating at this place.)
AUGUST 24, 2020
** Groups want monument to remain; pray-in, sing-in held for Confederate statue. (Orangeburg, South Carolina)
** Indigo girls support Confederate monument removal with free concert in Florence. (South Carolina. Now, there's a big surprise.)
** Winona aldermen consider removing Confederate statue. (Mississippi)
** Fort Smith School Board passes resolution to change the name of Albert Pike Elementary. (Arkansas)
** Cleveland city councilman to propose idea for hotly contested Confederate monument. (Tennessee)
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: Mississippi, Virginia and Canada
AUGUST 23, 2020
** City questions ownership of Confederate monument on the Square. (Oxford, Mississippi)
** Felony charges over Confederate monument feed political intrigue in Portsmouth. (Virginia)
** County, landowner battle in court over Confederate flagpole. (Virginia Flaggers have 120-foot-tall flagpole and huge Confederate flag visible from I-64.)
** 'Very upsetting' Confederate flag still flying in Waybaushene. (Canada)
AUGUST 24, 2020
** Prominent Oxford residents requested Lafayette County relocate Confederate monument. (Oxford, Mississippi . The county board of supervisors unanimously voted to keep the statue where it is. Well, good for them. Finally, some more politicians who aren't spineless in standing up to BLM.)
** Confederate monuments now face scrutiny across Fredericksburg area. (Virginia)
--Old Secesh
Hey, NBA!! Go Ahead and Cancel the Season
I don't know, but when I see multi-millionaire black NBA basketball players telling about how hard it is to grow up Black in the United States, I just can't help but smile. After all, they earn more in one year than I did in 33 years of teaching. AND, I am a white person. Tell me about how hard it is.
Yesterday, led by the Milwaukee Bucks, the black players canceled the playoffs because of what happened in Kenosha last Sunday. And, they are talking about doing the same for today. First off, the Bucks should be made to forfeit the game. And, secondly, who really cares about the NBA. Very, very few people around here are even watching it. Who cares?
And, I did not hear a single black player expressing sorrow about the five-year-old white boy in Wilson, North Carolina, who was murdered by a black man. Shot point blank in the head in front of the boy's 6 and 7-year-old sisters. They seem to only care when a white person kills a black person.
So, go ahead NBA, cancel the season to show your grief about what happened to young Cannon Hinnant. Have you even heard of Cannon Hinnant?
Does anybody who supports Black Lives Matter know what they actually sand for? To me, BLM means rioting, looting, burning, confrontation and hate crimes against statues. They remind me a lot of a group from Germany's history called the Brown Shirts.
--Old Secesh
Let Those Statues Go. Protesters Clash in Mississippi. License Plates. Former U.S.Chief Justice Statues Coming Down Because of Confederate Ties.
AUGUST 23, 2020
** Moving Gaston's Confederate statue hits roadblock. (North Carolina. The SCV was to take ownership of it and the county pay up to $200,000 for removal and new place for it. But the SCV figured there would be a lawsuit against them for the amount of money.)
** Protesters clash over debate of removing Brandon Confederate statue. (Mississippi)
** City: No takers for Norfolk's Confederate monument. (Virginia)
** The fight to ban novelty Confederate license plates in Tennessee ramps up. (Sons of Confederate Veterans)
** As Confederate monuments come down, statues of Louisiana's E.D. White may be on the move. (Former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice. Statues in Louisiana and U.S. Capitol. His "crime?" Former Confederate soldier.)
** Albemarle County awards Confederate statue removal to Charlottesville construction firm. (Charlottesville, Virginia)
--Old Secesh
That Very Slick Memphis. Ole Miss, Portsmouth Va., Stonewall, Mail-In Ballots and Rome
AUGUST 22, 2020
** Ole Miss players pleased with tarps obstructing view of campus Confederate monument. (So glad they are now happy. You really don't want unhappy football players.)
** Both sides forge respect during battle over Confederate statues in Memphis. (In case you don't remember, Memphis found a questionable way to skirt around the issue to remove the Nathan Forrest and Jefferson Davis statues by selling the park to an organization formed just for the occasion. That "organization" then took the statues down. Very sneaky Memphis.)
** Portsmouth police chief releases statement about investigation into Confederate monument protest. (14 rioters committing hate crimes were charged with felonies.)
** Stonewall Jackson's arm: How Clarksburg, West Virginia, grapples with its Confederate heritage."
** Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864.
** Scholar expresses interest in consulting local statue committee regarding Confederate statue. (Nathan Forrest statue in Rome, Georgia)
I Was So Shocked To See "Vandalizers" Getting Charged With Felonies.--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ole Miss, SCV, Arizona, Missouri, Mississippi, Virginia and Charleston, S.C.
AUGUST 20, 2020
** Sons of Confederate Veterans sue to keep Forrest bust in Tennessee State Capitol.
AUGUST 22, 2020
** At football players' request, Ole Miss covers up Confederate statue overlooking practice field. (Geez. It had just been moved to this site for a more prominent site on campus. You just can't please some people.)
** 'I can't toe the line': Arizona's former leader of the Sons of Confederate Veterans resigned. (He wanted the group to stop showing Confederate flags. They didn't back him.)
** Commission to recommend removal of Confederate monument. (Jefferson City, Missouri.)
** The question of whether a Confederate monument in the heart of Brandon should remain. (Mississippi)
** City: No takers for Norfolk's Confederate monument. (Virginia. The removal cost the city $125,000 and it is likely destined for Elmwood Cemetery.
** Charleston violated free speech by nixing Battery parking. Confederate flag waver says. (South Carolina)
--Old Secesh
Whose Side Is the Media On in This BLM Thing-- Part 2
Again, the Chicago Tribune just calls this "civil unrest."
Continuing with the article: "Mission South Chicago was one of many businesses in the neighborhood damaged in late May during weeks long civil unrest that prompted several dispensaries (what marijuana shops are called in Chicago) to close. The bulletproof glass inside the dispensary was destroyed, some computers were taken and marijuana inventory was stole, Krane said.
"Krane declined to say how much inventory was lost, citing the company's ongoing insurance claims, but repair costs reached six figures.
"Still, the dispensary wasn't as badly damaged as surrounding stores, Krane said.
" 'There were other stores in the neighborhood that were burned. Most of the aesthetics at the dispensary were not damaged,' he said."
And, does this sound like simple "civil unrest?" And, nowhere in the article were there the words Black Lives Matter who were running the "demonstration" when the rioting and looting began. They are so responsible for it and not those "outside agitators police and city officials like to refer to as the reason for the violence and looting.
For some reason, our media is trying not to connect BLM with the Riots, Burning and Looting.
What is wrong with the Chicago Tribune?
This Is Simply a Black Lives Matter Thing. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Whose Side Is the Media On? Black Lives Matter or American Citizens and Business Owners?
An article in the July 31, 2020. Chicago Tribune "South Side marijuana dispensary could reopen" by Abdel Jiminez.
"Two-month closure forced by unrest."
Okay, "unrest." What exactly is that? Did someone not get enough sleep? Did a vocal confrontation take place?
Let's see. Two months before July 31 would put you at the end of May, beginning of June. Was there something going on in Chicago that could be considered "unrest" at that time?
Let's continue with the article and see.
"Mission South Chicago marijuana dispensary (you can now buy marijuana legally in Illinois to help raise money for the broke state) will reopen after closing for two months due to damage it suffered during civil unrest following George Floyd's death in late May."
Oh yes. There was that "civil unrest." Only I would have to call it rioting and looting. Who was rioting, looting and committing arson? And, what happened to this marijuana store?
A group by the name of Black Lives Matter was having demonstrations in Chicago which the media and mayor described as peaceful. Then, it wasn't so peaceful. It is kind of funny that whenever Black Lives Matter hits the streets, often we have that "civil unrest."
Don't you think that "civil unrest" is a much nicer name for "riot" or "looting?" Why would a respected newspaper like the Tribune just call what happened "civil unrest?"
Is Black Lives Matter Another Name for Rioting, Looting and Burning Especially in Light of Them Having Nothing to Say About the Black on Black Shootings in Chicago? --Old Secesh
Monday, August 24, 2020
Civil War II: North Carolina, New Orleans, Stone Mountain, Sad Richmond and Mississippi
AUGUST 21, 2020
** Public can weigh in on Confederate monument. (Monroe, Union County, North Carolina)
** New Orleans street honoring Confederate icon renamed for HBCU president. (Jefferson Davis Parkway will become the the Norman C. Francis Parkway in January. The city council will also be looking at renaming other streets named after Confederates.)
** More 'Black Lives Matter' signs than Confederate flags in the new Stone Mountain, Ga. (From the Washington Post. They have to be celebrating this, even though BLM signs mean "We're going to riot and loot at anytime.")
** Gray calls for probe of mayor's use of $1.8 million to remove Confederate statues. (Sad Richmond. Did the mayor's buddy make an illegal profit on this?
** Mississippi, last state with Confederate symbol on its flag, has new designs for citizens' vote. (I still wonder why the people almost always do not get the chance to vote on Confederate statue removal? Of course, there is now talk of other states with Confederate symbols in their flags. Go to my RoadDog's RoadLog blog for pictures of states with "Confederate" flags.)
** Hearing next month for Alabama lawmaker accused of theft. (He is under heavy attack for attending a Nathan Forrest birthday party and speaking at it.)
--Old Secesh
About Those Other 'Confederate' State Flags. You Can't Eat Here If You're Confederate. Ole Miss. About Sad Richmond's Mayor
AUGUST 20, 2020
** Mississippi's flag changing but Confederate symbols persist in five other state flags. (This one includes the North Carolina state flag. Plus, of course, there is also that Norwegian Confederate flag.)
** Residents weigh in on Confederate statue's place in Lovingston. (Nelson County, Va.)
** City of Lexington files lawsuit regarding removal of Confederate monument. (North Carolina. The city wants it gone, but it is on county property and the county won't remove it right now. So, there is more than just bbq in Lexington.)
** Wake Forest restaurant responds to backlash after denying Confederate group space. (North Carolina. Forks Cafeteria. Sons of Confederate Veterans. Just remember, if you let BLM use the place, they might start looting or rioting. At least SCV won't do that. Okay, you don't want our business, we'll meet and eat elsewhere.)
** Gainesville County Commissioners vote to keep courthouse Confederate monument. (Texas. Wow, how'd that happen?)
** UM installs green fencing to shield Confederate statue from practice field. (University of Mississippi. The statue was removed from the center of campus recently to a Confederate cemetery. Some black football players objected to the new location because they could see it when practicing.)
** Investigation into mayor's Confederate monument removal contract requested. (Sad Richmond's Sad mayor's choice for company to remove statues may be questionable. It should be looked into further.)
So Sorry That Ole Miss Football Players Have to Be Offended. Hut! Hut!! --Old Secesh
Chicago Mayhem and Black Shootings for This Past Weekend
From the Hey Jackass! Illustrating Chicago Values site.
While the Mayoral: "I have a right to make sure that my home is secure"... Green Zone was safe and secure this weekend. Other parts of Chicago were less so.
In addition to mostly Black on Black shootings, there were several BLM marches, but at least no looting or burning. Thanks BLM.
These numbers include Hispanic, whites and other groups, but by far the largest numbers are among the Blacks.
From Friday, August 21 noon to 2:30 am this morning:
5 Killed
67 Wounded
Last Week's Totals (8/16 to 8/22):
10 Killed
134 Wounded
August to Date:
41 Killed
321 Wounded
2020 to Date:
450 Killed
2227 Wounded
Again, this was mostly Blacks shooting other Blacks. So much for Black Lives Matter. Instead of defunding the police, perhaps more should be hired. By the way, not one Confederate or Columbus statue was involved in any of this.
Do They Matter? You Bet, But This Sure Doesn't Back That Up, Does It? --Old Secesh
Removing Confederate Statues with Some Modicum of Respect and Those Wild and Crazy State Senators
AUGUST 19, 2020
** Supes (county supervisors) decide on final site for Confederate statue. (Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi. It was in front of the courthouse and now will be moved to city-owned Friendship Cemetery where it will mark graves of Confederates buried there. Much effort went into this. Too bad Sad Richmond couldn't have done this before the governor and mayor went ballistic.)
** 'Not a good look': Rep. Wilkes says posting photo of Confederate flag was accident. (Mississippi State Rep. Stacey Hobgood-Wilkes, R.)
** State senator charged with 'injury' to Confederate monument. (Virginia. Louise Lucas, D.)
** Detailed plans in place for careful removal of Lee statue. (Sad Richmond. Surprisingly, it will be removed carefully and seemingly with respect. Hopefully out of sight of BLMer and their white minion eyesight. It is hard to believe that the state governor (who stands reelection in 2021) would develop a heart.)
** (Now, once the Lee statue is removed from the former Monument Avenue in Sad Richmond, only two statues will remain that need to be removed. The Arthur Ashe statue needs to be moved somewhere else to a prominent spot and that statue in front of the art museum needs to be moved inside.)
There Should Not be Any Statues on the Former Monument Avenue. Turn the area into a public park. --Old Secesh
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Let's Hurry Up and Get Everything Confederate Out of Sad Richmond
AUGUST 16, 2020
** Confederate flag touches off angry dispute. (Willsboro, New York. A man says his wife was fired from a village position because they flew a Confederate flag in their yard.)
AUGUST 19, 2020
** Senator: 'I will be vindicated' in Confederate monument case. (That would be Virginia state senator Louise Lucas who has two felonies charged against her for actions at a Confederate monument during a riot in Portsmouth.)
** Proposed effort could revive Mississippi's Confederate-themed flag.
** Commissioners discuss Confederate statue in heated meeting. (Alamance County, North Carolina. In Mebane.)
** Cataret County commissioners express continued support for Confederate statue. (Beaufort County, North Carolina.
** Looking for a monument? Richmond listening to offers for Confederate statues. (The sooner everything Confederate is out of that sad town, the better. But hopefully, the sad town will have the decency to make repairs to the statues and pedestals that they allowed the BLMers and their white minions to perpetrate hate crimes upon. The sad town should also pay for relocating the monuments.)
** (In the future, history books can refer to the Confederate capital as "That City in Virginia.' Don't even use the name as it doesn't exist. There never was that "R" town.)
I Bet Those Old Confederates, Long Buried in Their Graves, Are Sure Sorry Now That They Moved the Capital to That Sad "R" Town. --Old Secesh
Frats, SCV, Forrest, Fort Myers and Mississippi
AUGUST 18, 2020
** A Southwestern University frat tried to end Confederate traditions -- and was suspended. (Georgetown, Texas. About the Kappa Alpha fraternity.)
** Sons of Confederate Veterans file suit to keep Confederate general's bust at Tennessee capitol. (Nathan Bedford Forrest)
** Museum says displaying Confederate statue part of the healing. (Houston, Texas. The Confederate statue is surprisingly at the Houston Museum of African American Culture. They say it is a way from Blacks to confront slavery's painful legacy. The statue had been removed from a Houston park in June. A VERY SURPRISING MOVE.
** Fort Myers Robert E. Lee statue will stay for now. (Florida)
** Fort Myers city attorney working to confirm who owns the Robert E. Lee bust. (Florida)
** Then there were five: Mississippi group narrows flag options.
--Old Secesh
A Texas Politician Stands Up to Democrats and BLM
AUGUST 18, 2020
** Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Confederate monuments: Most Texans oppose 'erasing our history.' (Senate Democrats want everything Confederate gone, Confederadication. Republican Patrick said no to removing them from State Capitol. He said: "...it is important to note that in poll after poll, the majority of Texans, including many people of color, do not want us to tear down our history, especially in the middle of the night, or out of political correctness.")
We sure need more politicians like him who are not afraid to stand up to BLMers, the NAACP or SPLC. Maybe we can get him to move to Illinois, or, even better, to Virginia.
Like I've said before, LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON THE REMOVAL ISSUE. I'll live by the vote. If the majority votes for it to go, then so it should be. But, I doubt that the BLMers will let a vote against them go. It will be back to defacing and "toppling" statues.
** Court filing: Injunction keeping Confederate statue in downtown Lafayette should remain. (Louisiana. Statue of Gen. Alfred Mouton.)
** South St. Louis school named after Confederate officer gets new name. (Kennard Classical Junior Academy will become Classical Junior Academy. Samuel M. Kennard was a Confederate officer and founder of the Veiled Prophesy, aligned with the KKK.
It Is Wonderful to Come Across a Politician These Days with a Backbone. Evidently, They Still Exist. --Old Secesh
Did You Hear the One About the Virginia Senator Charged With Two Felonies For What She Did at the Portsmouth Statue Hate Crime?
AUGUST 18, 2020
** BREAKING: Sen. Lucas charged with two felonies for June incident at Portsmouth Confederate monument. (Senator Louise Lucas, Democrat and a black woman. Conspiracy to commit a felony and injury to a monument in excess of $1,000. Also warrants have been issued for a Portsmouth school board member, NAACP members and even members of the public defenders office. I am shocked by this as I thought BLM had carte blanche to do whatever they want to Confederate statues, especially in a state like Virginia. So, there is some law in the state after all.)
A video accompanies the article which shows BLM doing their BLM thing on that monument. A real hate crime in other words. Part of the video supposedly showed what the state senator did to get charged, but I didn't really see her doing anything wrong. But just the fact that she was present when crimes were being committed and supporting the crimes is enough in my book to arrest her.
This is one video you need to watch. I don't know why the police just stood by and watched, although I am glad they are now finally taking action. Watch the whole video (which takes a minute to upload. There is even a complete list of people charged so far.
The state governor, rather than being shocked and demanding her resignation, is supporting her. But, then again, he is a Democrat and one of those white people who are pledged to BLM. Plus, he is a committed supporter of Confederadication.
** Liverpool, site of the last surrender in US Civil War, grapples with its Confederate links. (A very interesting, but skewed account by a real Confederate-hater. I'll be taking the non-hate stuff out and writing about it in my Civil War Navy blog.)
** City removes Confederate monument from Bicentennial Park in Williamsburg. (Virginia)
** Hit 'em where it hurts-- how economic threats are a potent tool for changing people's minds about the Confederate flag. (In other words, if you don't like Confederate flags or statues, boycott. That is exactly what I do to any Southern city removing statues. I don't go there anymore. And, I'm thinking before long that I won't be able to go anywhere in the former Confederacy. Oh well. I may never be able to go to Virginia again.)
Well, Maybe There Is Some Hope for Virginia Yet. --Old Secesh
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chicago Mayhem So Far This Weekend, Friday August 21 to 5:50 PM Saturday, August 22: 3 Killed, 29 Wounded
And, the weekend isn't over yet and these were mostly Black on Black shootings and killings.
And, the weekend isn't over yet!! Saturday night is always a big night for shooting and killing in Chicago.
Say it again, Black Lives Matter.
Again, go to the Hey Jackass.com site to keep up to date.
So Confused. --Old Secesh
Mississippi's Gone to the Skeeters
AUGUST 13, 2010
** EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Man behind Mississippi's Mosquito Flag. (As you know, Mississippi is looking for a new state flag. We went to Mississippi once and met lots and lots of of these critters. I vote for this one. Read about it in the August 13 Clarion Ledger. But, I bet the state colleges wouldn't fly this one.)
AUGUST 14, 2020
** Mississippi flag: Commission chooses nine finalist designs, narrowing to 5 next week. (Looking at the proposed flags, going telephone numbering, I like 3, 4 and 9. But one not there, but I'm sure Blacks could get behind, would be a picture of George Floyd with the words Black Lives Matter and In God We Trust.)
Since any state flag design selected has to have the words "In God We Trust" might that offend folks who don't believe in God? Something to think about in these days of don't offend anybody except white Confederate-leaning people.
I have some really small hummingbirds around the house and when I'm outside tending the flowers, the scare the bejeebers out of me. I think, "Man, THAT'S One BIG mosquito!!"
I'm Getting So Excited to See What the New Flag Will Look Like. Old Secesh
It Must Be Nice to Have Friends in High Places, Right Devon? Wait Till You Hear What Happened in Sad Richmond!
AUGUST 17, 2020
** Proposed effort could revive Mississippi's Confederate-themed state flag. (Oh, No!! Say It Ain't So!! Well, actually, the state should have left it up to the voters at a referendum in November. Same with Confederate statue removals. Never leave the question up to a spineless group of politicians who are afraid to stand up to Blacks and their BLM strike force.)
** Fort Myers' Robert E. Lee statue will stay down for now. (Florida. Trying to find out who owns it. This was primarily an effort by the local NAACP riding on the groundswell of George Floyd protest.)
** Report: Mayor hired political donor to remove statues. (Sad Richmond's (Va.) Sad Mayor agreed to pay $1.8 million to a firm linked to one of his political donors. The firm, NAH LLC was created ten days before the sad mayor ordered the statue removal. Reports have this as a shell company for the contracting firm of Devon Henry who has contributed $4,000 to the sad mayor since 2016.)
** (Well, looks like time for sad Richmond to do some more removing.)
** Carroll County retired Mississippi state flag but won't budge on Confederate flag. (Carrollton. Still flies on courthouse grounds.)
Sad Richmond's Sad Mayor Was Elected in 2016 for a Four-Year Term. So, Evidently He Is Up for Re-election This Year. Hopefully, There Will be Some Folks Upset Enough About the Confederate Statues That They Let Him Know in a Few Months. --Old Secesh
Friday, August 21, 2020
Would It Be Vandalism If Someone Threw Paint On or Broke a Martin Luther King Jr. Statue? Or, Would It Be Something Else?
AUGUST 16, 2020
** Authorities investigate after Confederate statue vandalized. Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee. Again, would it be vandalism if someone did that to a Martin Luther King Jr. statue? I think not. Let's call what happened to the Confederate statue it for what it is, a hate crime. I really hate it when the media refers to the Confederadication of statues as "vandalism." But, then, they refer the riots committed by BLM as "civil unrest." A riot is a riot is a riot. It's time for the media and everyone to regard any BLM activity as a possible riot and with its accompanying looting.)
** 19-year old leading push Confederate statue says she didn't set out to become face of the movement. (Longview, Gregg County, Texas. Chelsea Laury.)
AUGUST 17, 2020
** Rally shows support for Augusta Confederate monument. (Georgia)
** Protests continue over confederate statue at Talbot Co. courthouse. (Maryland. It is spelled Confederate. Of course, the people in charge voted to keep it. The BLMers aren't happy about that one bit.)
** Backroads: Confederate statue's orbs intrigued pranksters. (Bell County, Texas. The problem with cannonballs. Quite an interesting article. Well worth a read. The pranks here have nothing to do with BLM.)
** Va. House Democrats want to make it easier for localities to take down Confederate statues. (A real big surprise here. One of the reason I am voting against almost all Democrats here in Illinois.)
** Franklin schools ban Confederate flag, symbols. (Indiana. Hopefully they are not allowing the equally offensive BLM stuff in schools as well. That stands for looting, rioting, attacking police and white people.)
Believe Me. When a BLMer Does Something to a Confederate Statue, That IS A HATE CRIME!! That Is Not Simple "Vandalism." ---Old Secesh
"civil unrest",
Black Lives Matter (BLM),
hate crimes,
King Martin Luther,
Thursday, August 20, 2020
And, Meanwhile, Back in Chicago, It Was Another Weekend of Mayhem, Shooting and Murder Among the Blacks
From the Hey Jackass: Illustrating Chicago Values site.
Instead of flocking to Chicago's beaches and looking up at the annual air show, it was "Bridges Up! Don't Loot!!" for BLM.
Final stupidity tally for last weekend, Friday August 14 to Sunday, August 16 in Chicago:
Killed: 7
Wounded: 57
Again, most of them were Blacks. And most of those Blacks were shot by other Blacks. At least, apparently, there weren't any children shot or killed. This happens quite often.
The Statistics:
WEEK IN PROGRESS 8/16 to 8/22
Killed; 5
Wounded: 92
Killed: 33
Wounded: 247
Killed: 442
Wounded: 2595
Again, this is mostly Black on Black crime. So, it must be like the "N" word. They can use it, but Whites can't. In other words, they can kill other Blacks, but Whites and especially the police, can't.
And, we have another weekend coming up. Wonder what the numbers will be? Check out the "Hey Jackass" site to find out.
And, one last thing, not a single Confederate monument or statue was involved in any of this!
Gives a Whole New Meaning to Black Lives Matter, Doesn't It? --Old Secesh
Maryland County Votes To Keep Confederate Statue. What Will BLM Do?
AUGUST 16, 2020
** Maryland county votes to keep Confederate memorial. (Talbot County. They're keeping their "Talbot Boys" statue. Sorry BLM and NAACP and SPLC. Mot to worry. BLM will commit a hate crime and "topple" it after defacing it. We'll file this under one of the rare wins for our side.))
AUGUST 17, 2020
** Police move in after opposing demonstrators clash at Georgia Confederate monument. (Stone Mountain. Looking at pictures, it did get violent and some of the people were carry weapons. Scary.)
** Group gathers signatures to change the name of Confederate Avenue. (Tyler, Texas. They also fought to change the names of Robert E. Lee High School and John Tyler High School. Both school names were changed.)
** Pro Confederate monument group holds rally. (Augusta, Georgia)
** What's News Today: Confederate monument hearing. (Roanoke, Va.)
** Removing statues, renaming institutions is a complex subject worth much discussion.
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: Charlottesville/Albemarle County, Va. Vies With Richmond for Sad. Taking 'Em Down
AUGUST 15, 2020
** Pro Confederate monument protest to take place in Augusta. (Georgia)
** Albemarle County bans Confederate imagery from school dress code. (Charlottesville is in Albemarle County, so this is no big surprise. Let's just hope this ban will also include offensive clothing like BLM. If not, I hope someone makes it an issue.)
The schools are also changing the names of schools. At least one school's name will be changed despite a long career of education because of a man's opposing integration. Just because you oppose integration this does not automatically make you a bad person.
** Confederate symbols tracked since Floyd's death.
AUGUST 16, 2020
** One place Confederate battle flags are still allowed in military: tattoos.
** Giles County juries deliberate in a room dedicated to the Confederacy. A black man doesn't like it. (Tennessee)
** More than fifty Confederate symbols moved, taken down in wake of George Floyd's death, study says.
** Contractor begins prepping St. Augustine Confederate monument for relocation.
--Old Secesh
The State of Confederate Statues in North Carolina-- Part 4
McClatchy News additional Confederate monuments taken down:
** GREENSBORO (1): A Confederate monument at a city-owned cemetery was "toppled" during the Fourth of July weekend.
** WINSTON-SALEM (1): The city removed a Confederate statue downtown March 12 citing public safety concerns because of protests for and against it at the site the preceding months.
** CLINTON (1): A statue outside of the Sampson County Courthouse was removed July 12 just hours after being "toppled." "Toppled" means a hate crime was committed against it.
** GRANVILLE COUNTY (1): A Confederate statue was removed June 24 after a "credible threat was made to remove it."
** ROCKY MOUNT (1): The city started to remove the Battle Park Confederate statue on June 29, the same day an apparent noose was found on a nearby tree.
** VANCE COUNTY (1): A Confederate statue was removed from outside a county office building in July and taken to an undisclosed site.
** WILMINGTON (2): On June 25, the city announced that two Confederate statues had been removed undercover of the night.
All so sad. But,if removal and safekeeping will keep the BLMers and their white minions from doing their hateful stuff to them, I support that.
--Old Secesh
The State of Confederate Statues in North Carolina-- Part 3
I an from North Carolina so especially interested in this article.
** PITT COUNTY (1): Confederate statue in front of county courthouse taken down June 23 after leaders voted for "immediate removal."
** SALISBURY (1): Crews on July 6 removed the Confederate Fame statue after the City and UDC agreed to move it to a cemetery.
** STATE CAPITOL IN RALEIGH (3): On June 19 "protesters" (actually rioters) "toppled (actually hate crimes) two bronze soldiers from a Confederate monument. This scared the governor into ordering three monuments be removed from the grounds for "public safety."
** WARREN COUNTY (1): A monument on the courthouse square in Warrenton came down in June after outside threats were made on FaceBook.
Next, the additional McClatchey's monument removal list.
--Old Secesh
The State of Confederate Statues in North Carolina-- Part 2
Here is a list of removed Confederate statues in North Carolina, compliments of the Southern Poverty Law Center:
** ANSON COUNTY (1): Statue stood in front of the Wadesboro Courthouse. Removed July 8 and expected to go to private property.
** ASHEVILLE AND BUNCOMBE COUNTY (2): Removed two statues, the second one on July 24. They are looking to remove a third statue. These two places will also have to change their names because they are named after slave owners.
** CHARLOTTE 1: A Confederate reunion marker came down after a June 21 order for removal near Grady Cole Center.
** DURHAM (1): The base was carted away August 14, three years after "protesters" toppled the statue after Charlottesville.
** FAYETTEVILLE (1): A statue started to be removed June 27. It reportedly had private owners and would go into storage.
** LOUISBURG (1): June 30, the town started to dismantle a Confederate statue to be placed in a cemetery.
--Old SeceshGone
The State of Confederate Statues in North Carolina-- Part 1
From the August 15, Greensboro (NC) News & Record "Dozens of Confederate symbols have been removed since May. How many in North Carolina?" Raleigh News & Observer.
I started this in the previous post.
In North Carolina, those magnificent list-makers at the Southern Poverty Law Center say that ten Confederate symbols were removed and three others were relocated from places where they've stood for decades. But another source, McClatchy News says the number is at least 19 Confederate statues coming down this year.
N.C. state law requires that the N.C. Historical Commission has to give approval for these removals. But there are exceptions, including one for potential dangers like a statue "toppling" over on a rioter or a potential clash between statue-haters and statue-defenders.
In Salisbury, a protester threw a rock at a building near where the Confederate Fame statue was and a counter-protester was accused of firing a shot into the air.
Wilmington removed two statues because of public safety.
Leaders in several state communities have taken down Confederate statues and protesters have removed monuments from the State Capitol grounds in Raleigh.
Next post will be a list from SPLC of N.C. removals.
--Old Secesh
Is 'Toppling' a Confederate Statue a Crime? Two Worst Groups Clash Near Georgia's Stone Mountain.
AUGUST 16, 2020
** Barred from a Confederate shrine, protesters scuffle in Georgia. (Stone Mountain. The two groups were described as far-right activists and white-supremacists versus anti-racist and far-left counter-protesters. Far-Right, Far-Left both really bad. Both groups are equally bad and dangerous in my books.)
** "This is a movement': New group pushes for removal of Confederate statue from Gregg County Courthouse lawn. (Longview, Texas. Longview Metro Chamber, Longview NAACP, Longview Ministerial Alliance and Longview Black Lives Matter make up this group called This Is Us.
** Dozens of Confederate symbols have been removed since May. How many in North Carolina? (59 across U.S. according to SPLC, those magnificent list makers (who won't make up one listing all BLM demonstrations across the country since May). Of those, 40 were taken down by officials are protesters with no plans to bring them back to their original placement. Another five were relocated. If protesters take down "topple" a Confederate statue, is that a legal action? Is that a crime?
As of Friday, 154 Confederate symbols still stood in North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
On That Second BLM Attack on Downtown Chicago, August 10
Most everyone knows about the recent round of rioting and looting committed by Black Lives Matter on downtown Chicago during the wee hours of August 10.
This supposedly was caused by a police shooting in Englewood Chicago neighborhood when a black suspect supposedly fired on the police when they attempted to arrest him. He got shot.
The police had their version of the events and community activists (is anybody in certain parts of Chicago not a community activist?) had another account.
Unfortunately there was no Chicago police body cam film of the events because they were a new unit and hadn't been issued cameras. That was a huge mistake on the police and city government. In today's climate, any police dealings with black people has to be thoroughly and completely documented on film.
However, no video has appeared to back the community activists claim that the police shot the guy for no reason. Whenever you see video of any police-black confrontations, all you see is every single black person filming the event on their $1000 cell phones. (These are the same people who can't afford $150 to $200 tablets for their children to keep up with their school studies in the virus days.)
Since the Blacks haven't come up with videos proving their side correct, I am going to have to side with the police version.
Video Most Surely Would Have Been Released By Now. So the Looters Got Another Chance to Stock Up With Ill-Got Stuff. It Was a Banner Night for BLM. --Old Secesh
Guess Whose Side NAACP Is On? Even Wisconsin: Florida, Alabama, Virginia and Tattoos
AUGUST 15, 2020
** Confederate monument in Plaza de la Constitucion to be removed in two weeks. (St. Augustine, Florida)
** Stevens Point schools explicitly ban Confederate flags, Nazi swastikas and other symbols as part of updated policies. (Wisconsin. Did they also ban anything with BLM on it? Equally offensive and stands for rioting, hate crimes, arson, attacks on police and looting.)
** Huntsville City Council over Confederate monument dispute. (Alabama. The statue has been hit by a hate crime by BLM and is covered in red paint. The city, in a show of class declines to clean it.)
** Surry County Board of Supervisors to relocate Confederate monument. (Virginia)
** One place Confederate battle flags are still allowed in the military: Tattoos.
** Judge: NC county can't ban all protests around courthouse. (Graham, North Carolina. Alamance County NAACP brought forward a lawsuit to allow protests. That means BLM will get to riot and commit hate crimes.
SPLC Has to be Celebrating. --Old Secesh
Florida, Stone Mountain, North Carolina, Mississippi State Flag, (RCSM) Removing Confederate Statues Matters
AUGUST 14, 2020
** Understanding Florida's complicated history with Confederate monuments.
** Georgia park with Confederate sculpture shuts gates. (Stone Mountain)
** Woman sues to block Confederate statue removal, claims civil rights violation. (Gaston County, N.C.)
** Mississippi state flag could have Choctow-inspired diamond shape.
** Removing Confederate Statues Matters. (Good one. But, I thought it was Black Lives Matter.)
** Georgia House member loses post over John Lewis criticism. (This is not a free country anymore, evidently. Mustn't offend certain folks. Granted, with Mr. Lewis' recent death, this shouldn't have been said this soon, but....)
** Petition calls for renaming Albert Pike Elementary in Fort Smith. (Arkansas)
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland,
AUGUST 14, 2020
** Groups protest for and against the removal of Confederate flag and monument in Marshall County. (Albertaville, Alabama)
** City of Lexington shares timeline of conflict around controversial Confederate monument. (Lexington, N.C.)
** Newport News Confederate monument hasn't seen tense protests or damage in recent months. (Virginia)
** Maryland county votes to keep statue honoring Confederate soldiers.
** Opposing groups protest over Confederate statue in Statesville. (North Carolina)
** Virginia city council votes to remove Confederate statue. (Newport News. Maybe that is why there has been no intense protests or damage to it. I also saw that it was completely wrapped to keep BLM away from it.)
--Old Secesh
Even Sherman and Carson? That SPLC on Cannon Hinnant
AUGUST 13, 2020
** There's a deal to move Greenville's Confederate monument, organizer says. (South Carolina)
** Confederate symbols to be explored in college's latest virtual teach-in on social justice. (Virginia Tech)
** Will Monterrey County be stuck with its Confederate street names? (California. Also some other names like William T. Sherman, Kit Carson.)
** He set out to show his son DC's 68 Civil War forts. Protests made it more than a diversion.
AUGUST 14, 2020
** In rapid 'reckoning,' SPLC reports 38 Confederate monuments have been removed in the US since George Floyd's death. It's a lot. (Southern Poverty Law Center. They, however, or really busy counting and rejoicing at the removed statues. But, they said nothing about Cannon Hinnant, the murdered 5-year-old white boy in North Carolina.)
** What should replace Confederate statues? (Wants statues to famed black people. Must they all have to be Blacks? Aren't there some deserving whites?)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Who Is Cannon Hinnant? Who Is George Floyd?
Go ask the next 100 people you meet these two questions.
Of the people I asked, three knew who Cannon Hinnant was. Everyone knew who George Floyd was. Of the people I asked, twenty-one more knew who Cannon Hinnant was when I mentioned that he was a five-year-old white boy shot point-blank in the head by a black man in North Carolina, but they didn't know his name.
There were still a whole lot of people who did not know who Cannon Hinnant was even with the extra information.
I myself did not know who Cannon Hinnant was until this past Friday and he was executed on Sunday, August 9.
Why is his death relegated to barely mentioned, if at all, on out national media, especially TV news and newspapers? As far as I know, even the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times had not mentioned it. I'be been watching the news a lot and the only mention here in Chicago was a one-minute segment on the local Fox TV station.
Next time you see BLMers and heir white minions out demonstrating for George Floyd, you might want to mention Cannon Hinnant to them and see if they know who he is.
If you don't know much about Cannon Hinnant, do a search for his name on the internet and find out. His picture is to the right of this.
Real Sad. Read Sad. See Sad. --Old Sad Secesh
Renaming in Jacksonville, Letting the People Decide.
AUGUST 13, 2020
** City Council votes to rename Hemming Park and Confederate Park. (Jacksonville, Florida. Hopefully SPLC got this information so they can add it to their Confederate "victims" list. Hemmings Park was named after Charles C. Hemming in 1899 after he put up a large Confederate monument in the park. The monument was taken down in June 2020.
Hemmings Park is now James Weldon Johnson Park, named after a Civil Rights activist and NAACP leader. He deserves an honor, but this is a slap in the face to some.
** Court orders referendum request on Confederate statue. (Front Royal, Virginia. Imagine voting on an issue like that. Let the people have the say. A surprising turn of events out of Sad Virginia. Why are Blacks so afraid to let the people vote? Do they think they will lose? Even if the people vote to let the statue remain, BLM and their white minions will "topple' the statue after defacing it. That's the BLM Way.)
** Talbot County votes to keep Confederate monument for now. (Maryland.The Talbot Boys who served in the Confederate Army. Some want it to be put to a vote of the people, in other words, a referendum. That's the way to make this sort of decision. It should not be left up to politicians, especially Democratic ones. We know how they will vote.)
Let the People Vote!! --Old Secesh
Monday, August 17, 2020
Come On SPLC, Get the Demonstration List Going. Florida, Missouri and Gettysburg
AUGUST 12, 2020
** Sarasota artist seeks repeal of Confederate honors. (Florida. Against laws honoring anything Confederate. Not art. You've got to listen to those artists as they really know what they're talking about.)
** Historic preservation agency recommends not removing Confederate marker. (Missouri. Wow! How'd that happen.)
AUGUST 13, 2020
** Report: 59 Confederate symbols removed since George Floyd's death. (An updated report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who has a very complete list of all Confederate items that need to be removed, a "hit list" as it were. However, I see that they have not yet compiled a list of demonstrations that have taken place since George Floyd's murder. In addition, they need to show the ones that ended up in riots, looting and burnings and I would also like to see losses in stores. Come on SPLC, you can do it!)
** Also, 16 schools and parks have been renamed. Mississippi retired its state flag and a town in South Dakota removed the Confederate flag from its police shield.
** New panels will share how and why Gettysburg's Confederate monuments were erected. Always interesting story as to how any monuments get erected. Good idea as long as they don't start citing people's opinions and stick to the facts.)
Come On SPLC. Get on the Listing Job!!! We Need to Know!! --Old Secesh
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Hey!! BLM, NAACP, SPLC: All I Have to Say Is Cannon Hinnant
What do you have to say about Cannon Hinnant?
Hey, SPLC, Still Waiting for the List of BLM "Demonstrations and Riots/Looting Since George Floyd's Death. --Old Secesh
Undercover of the Night in Athens. Now, All This Has Gone to the Birds.
AUGUST 12, 2020
** Georgia city dismantling Confederate monument from 1872. (Athens)
** Downtown Athens Confederate monument removed overnight. (Athens, Georgia. For almost 150 years, some folks didn't realize they were offended. Go figure. Quite a few Confederate monuments after removed undercover of the night. Wonder what that's all about.)
** Newport News will remove its Confederate monument from its location on Denbigh. (Virginia)
** In reversal, ornithologists yank Confederate general's name from bird. (McCown's longspur. It will now be named the thick-billed longspur. At least it wasn't just given the name of a black person because that seems to be the thing to do.)
** Williamson citizens speak for the Confederate flag on the county seal. (Tennessee)
** Confederate statue in Parksley sold for $1, but sale then voided. (Virginia. Was to be sold to SCV.)
All This Going to the Birds in a Hand Basket. Didn't the Stones Have a Song Called "Undercover of the Night?" --Old Secesh
HBO Removes 'Gone With the Wind, But It Will be Back with "Context"
From the June 11, 2020, Chicago Tribune.
HBO Max has temporarily removed "Gone With the Wind" from its streaming library in order to add historical context to the 1939 film long criticized for romanticizing slavery and the Civil War-era South.
In an op-ed Monday filmmaker John Ridley urged Warner Media to take down "Gone With the Wind," arguing that it "romanticizes the Confederacy in a way that continues to give legitimacy to the notion that the secessionist movement was something more, or better than what it was -- a bloody insurrection to maintain the 'right' to own, sell and buy human beings."
In a statement, AT&T-owned Warner Media, which owns HBO Max, called "Gone With the Wind" a product of its time" that depicts racial prejudices.
The company said that when "Gone With the Wind" returns, it will include 'historical context and a denouncement of those very depictions, but will be presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed."
Were all those people who saw the movie in 1939 idiots? How about everyone who have seen it since? It is strange how things can change to what they are now.
Sorry BLM. It Will Come Back and be Shown In Its Original Form. --Old Secesh
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Maryland's Flag Has Confederate Symbols. U.S. House Votes to Remove Confederate Monuments from Gettysburg
AUGUST 11, 2020
** VERIFY: Yes, Maryland's state flag has a Confederate symbol. (Marylanders who fought for the Confederacy used the Crossland Banner. Now, this flag has to go.)
** Letter: Confederate flag is a symbol of hate. (I'm beginning to think BLM flags and banners are also symbols of hate.)
** NAN Georgia leads peaceful rally for the removal of Confederate statue. (Augusta)
** Decades ago, a press association dedicated a plaque to a Civil War-era journalist who supported slavery. Now it wants it removed. (Plaque at Fortress Monroe for John Mitchell, Irish freedom fighter.)
** Figard: Don't forget the actual Confederate heritage. (slavery)
** Opinion: US House voted to remove rebel monuments from Gettysburg. The Senate must stop this. (Passed House July 24 by a 224-189 vote. has a provision to have all Confederate "commemorative works"-- every monument, statue and possibly all informational brigade and regiment markers, removed not just at Gettysburg, but all National Parks in the U.S. This is why Democrats must be stopped.)
** Georgia city confronts future of site where slaves were sold. (Louisville, Georgia) (I think it should be allowed to remain where it is as it shows a sad aspect of slavery.)
Goodbye Maryland Flag. --Old Secesh
Please, Take Down the Lee Statue in Sad Richmond. Beware 'Historical Context Opinions.'
AUGUST 11, 2020
** It's Time for us to change the course of history. (About a Confederate monument in Galveston, Texas.)
** Williamson County may form committee to discuss removal of Confederate statues. (Texas)
** St. Augustine passes motion to move Confederate monument. (Florida)
** Construction crews removing the base of Confederate monument in front of courthouse. (Durham, N.C. The statue was toppled by BLMers and their white minions in August 2017 after the Charlottesville, Va. confrontation. What was left was removed for public safety.)
** Virginia judge grants new injunction against removal of Confederate statue. (The Lee statue in Sad Richmond will remain up for at least another 90 days. This should be a great embarrassment to the city the way it allowed it to be desecrated. I wish it was down now. It hurts to see it standing there covered with all that obscenity and all those BLM hate crimes. You know that in most U.S. places, if you even "vandalize" a public monument, you'd get arrested. However, it seems to be okay to do that in Sad Richmond.)
** Supervisors set to discuss Confederate monument in special called Monday meeting. (Halifax)
** Gettysburg Confederate monuments to get new panels to offer more historical context. (In front of each of the 12 Confederate state monuments. I've seen a few of these "context" markers. Lots and lots and lots of people's opinions and very anti-Confederate. I'm against. If they want to write on them that the war was fought partly because of slavery, I'd be alright with that.)
It Saddens Me to See What They've Done to That Impressive Statue. (Just look at the picture of it at its dedication back in 1897 to the right of this.) --Old Secesh
Is It confederate or Confederate? Lee University Professor's Unique Approach to Confederate Statue. Not That Lee.
AUGUST 10, 2020
** Fort Smith Board of Education tables discussion to change school named after former confederate general. (20/29 News. Arkansas. Or should I write arkansas since they must not know about proper names. It is one of six schools in Arkansas named after Confederates.)
** Lee University professor proposes unique approach to Confederate statue. (Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. Let statue remain but build a cylinder around most of it with quotations by Civil Rights people. Well, that's a different approach indeed. By the way, Lee University was not named after you-know-who so its name does not have to be changed. It was named for Flavius J. Lee, an early leader in the Church of God and second president of the school. Goes to show you that a Lee is not necessarily the Lee.)
** 'Why can't I own it?' Fort Bend resident seeking ownership of monument honoring white supremacists. (Texas. There is some question as to who owns the monument in Richmond. He is a black man. The statue honors three members of a group called the Jaybirds who were involved in the Jaybird-Woodpecker War 1888-1889. The Jaybirds were an all-white group and the Woodpeckers were a biracial group. Seven deaths occurred.)
** Protesters seek removal of Confederate statue in Collierville. (Tennessee)
** Confederate statue to be removed at Ole Miss. (Moved from prominent campus site to cemetery on campus. It will cost $1.2 million, paid for by private donations.
Sure Would be Nice If Some People Figured Out That Confederate Is a Proper Name and Should be Capitalized. --Old Secesh
Friday, August 14, 2020
History Matters Too. Don't Be Destroying It. We Might Have Us a Problem in Our National Parks If the Democrats Have Their Way. No Confederadication!!
AUGUST 9, 2020
** Decades ago, a press association dedicated a plaque to a Civil War-era journalist who supported slavery. Now they want it removed.
AUGUST 10, 2020
** Activists call on Collierville to remove Confederacy relics on town square. (Tennessee)
** Oauchita County to vote on future of Confederate statue. (Arkansas. The people will vote on it which is how removal should be done. Majority rules in my country. Of course, Confederadication folk are afraid to let the people vote. Wonder why?)
** Letter: Confederate monuments belong in museums.
** Counterprotesters gather at courthouse to support the Confederate statue. (Palatka, Florida.)
** Battlefield guides concerned about the future of confederate monuments and plaques. (Gettysburg licensed guides. Upset about the House of Representatives bill to remove Confederate markers, plaques and monuments from national parks. I sure hope it doesn't come to that, but the BLMers and Democrats have to be stopped somewhere. But, come on guys, Confederate is a proper name!!!)
** Florida Confederate monument supporters: 'We're not giving up the fight' (Pensacola, Florida. One of them had a "History Matters" sign. It sure does, even if you don't like it. Don't erase history. No Confederadication 'Round Here!!)
** Perspective: Confederate 'de-Nazification' is doomed. (Of course, BLM seems to be a bit closer to Nazi tactics than most anyone else these days.)
Can You Believe the Democrats Want to Remove Confederate Monuments from the Battlefields? --Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Idaho and Virginia
AUGUST 9, 2020
** Gaston County residents fight for Confederate statue to stay. (North Carolina. Evidently, no BLMers showed up to counter-protest. How about that!! Also, the statue evidently has nor been defaced. Thanks again, BLM.)
** Rally urges removal of Broad Street Confederate monument. (Augusta, Georgia)
** Protesters voice opinions on Confederate statue at Putnam County courthouse. (Palatka, Florida)
** Idaho church removes glass window of Confederate general. (Boise, Idaho. Boise First United Methodist Church. I had to read this article to see why they would have Robert E. Lee in a stained glass window. Evidently to show inclusion for Southern people who settled there. Put in place in 1960.)
** It's the Law: Georgia law concerning Confederate statues. (The law says you can't remove them.)
** A divided Culpeper reckons with Confederate symbols. (Virginia)
** Albemarle County to remove Court square Confederate soldier statue. (Charlottesville, Va.)
--Old Secesh
About the Stuart Monument. Twelve Down, 199 More to Go.
AUGUST 8, 2020
** Marching home: Confederate monument foe works with Stuart descendant to send statue to general's birthplace. (Sad Richmond, Va. Sad Richmond City Councilman Michael Jones, a black minister, is throwing his support to James E. B. Stuart of Richmond, the general's great-great grandson, in his attempt to move it to Patrick Co., Va.
The statue is covered in red paint and at one time even had a noose placed around its neck. I thought BLMers didn't like nooses. Oh well. Here's hoping the statue gets moved to Patrick County. Here's hoping that BLM doesn't go after it there.)
** Despite Confederate monument removals, debate over effigies in Georgia still red-hot. (Of the original 211 monuments in the state, a dozen have been removed. Contains a map showing where statues still stand and where they have been removed. The article starts with the words "Georgia has exorcised some of its ghosts in recent years...." How do you think the writer stands?)
AUGUST 9, 2020
** Opinion: Flags everywhere, always (Asheville Citizen-Times. Where do you think Sad Asheville stands.)
** Sarasota artist wants repeal of Confederate honors. (Florida. Lists Florida laws that are pro-Confederate. Imagine an artist that would be for the Confederacy? Are there any?)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Let the People Vote! Will the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Have to Go As Well?
AUGUST 8, 2020
** FULL REPORT: County judge seeks vote on Confederate monument; poll question could be on November ballot. (Gainesville, Texas. This is the way the removal of all Confederate monuments should go, and not left up to politicians and Blacks. I actually think that if removal was put up to a vote, most of the monuments would remain. This is why BLMers are so much against taking a vote.
** Letters for August 8: Will the Vietnam Veterans Memorial have to go too? (Virginian Pilot. Were bad things done by the United States in Vietnam. Of course there were bad things. As such, all memorials will have to go.
As a matter of fact, bad things and atrocities have been committed in all wars by the U.S. All war memorials will have to go.
** Lawyer's guild says Floyd courthouse's Confederate monument sends wrong message. (Roanoke, Va.)
** Augusta mayor names members of Confederate monuments task force. (Georgia. Guess what they're looking to do?)
** Panel recommends Confederate statue remain on historic list. (Bentonville, Arkansas. Stay on NRHP list even though it has been moved from public property to private property.)
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Texas, Kentucky, Jews, Florida, North Carolina and Georgia
AUGUST 8, 2020
** Crowd gathers to protect Confederate statue in Weatherford after protest rumors spread. (Texas. This is a flashpoint which could easily end up in bloodshed. The people on both sides are armed.)
** Calloway County faith leaders calling for relocation of Confederate monument. (Kentucky)
** A Jewish Confederate's hallowed ground. (Finally, a real Civil War article. Six Jewish Confederate soldiers buried in the Soldier's Section of Richmond's Hebrew Cemetery.)
AUGUST 9, 2020
** Sarasota artist wants repeal of Confederate honors. (Florida)
** Gaston County community members fight for Confederate statue to stay. (North Carolina)
** Rally urges removal of Broad Street Confederate monument. (Augusta, Georgia)
** Protesters voice opinions on Confederate statue at Putnam County courthouse. (Palatka, Florida)
--Old Secesh
No 'Rebels' 'Round Here. South Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Alabama, North Carolina
AUGUST 7, 2020
** Virginia high school drops Confederate nickname 'Rebels.' (Douglas S. Freeman High School in Henrico County. In Sad Richmond. Douglas Freeman wrote the acclaimed multi-volume series of books "R.E. Lee", "Lee's Lieutenants" and "George Washington. As such, they are going to have to consider changing the name of the school. Maybe they could call the school's teams the Seceshes?)
** Mayor White: COVID-19, police accountability slow Greenville's Confederate monument plans. (South Carolina)
** Albemarle County votes to remove 111-year-old Confederate soldier statue. (Charlottesville, Sad Virginia. Exactly how long does it take some people to discover that they are offended. 111 years seems like a real long time.)
** Confederate statue removed from Denton's square after 21-year fight. (Texas. Well, at least "they" knew 21-years ago that '"they" were offended.)
** Black cheerleader quits after squad poses with Confederate flag shirt. (Daphne High School in Daphne, Alabama. Six white cheerleaders posed with a tee shirt with the words I (heart with a Confederate flag in it) Redneck Boys. Notice that the white in white cheerleaders was not capitalized. Should it have been? I guess we should be offended by the term Redneck and Redneck boys. But not.)
** Moving NC Confederate statue 'smacks of ethnic genocide,' woman says ahead of protest. (Gaston)
--Old Redneck Boy Secesh
Denton Texas,
Freeman Douglas S.,
high school,
Lee Robert E.,
Sad Richmond,
South Carolina,
Washington George
Civil War II: BLM Going After UDC Headquarters. That "confederate" and "Black Adjective" Thing.
AUGUST 7, 2020.
** Setting the Lost Cause on fire: Protesters target the United Daughters of the Confederacy headquarters. (In Sad Richmond. Located just a few blocks from Monumentless Avenue. Windows have been broken and a fire started inside, compliments of a BLM hate crime. Wonder where the headquarters of BLM is? Perhaps in one of those Chicago stores BLM has ransacked and looted twice in the last two months? No, even they wouldn't be dumb enough to ransack their own headquarters...or would they ?)
** Group wants to make SC city take down Confederate monument. (Orangeburg)
** Civil war rages over confederate names of US military bases. (Do they know that Confederate is considered a proper name?)
** Alabama city council votes to relocate Confederate monument. (Calhoun County)
** FS school board mulls Albert Pike school name change, more Black history in curriculum. (Fort Smith, Arkansas. And what about the making black capitalized when used as an adjective? It's black history.)
** How a Back the Blue rally went haywire, and left a police mother worried and grieving. Fort Worth, Texas)
--Old Secesh
Magnolias, Beer & Football for Mississippi's New State Flag?
AUGUST 7, 2020
** Magnolias, Beer Cans and Football: Mississippi is designing new state flag. (Since lawmakers decided for a new state flag back in June, there have been nearly 3,000 submissions for a new one. The new one can't have the Confederate battle flag and has to have the words "In God We Trust." A nine-member commission will choose one and submit it to referendum in November. If voters choose not to take it, the process will start over.
Most of the submissions lean toward the state flower, the magnolia, but some have beer cans and there are a lot of football items as well. Looking at the six proposals to the right of this, the 2nd and 5th are just an eyesore. The 1st and 6th look too much like a Confederate flag. The 3rd and 4th aren't very good. However, of the six shown, the 1st and 6th are best with 6th being the better of the two.)
** Fiscal Court votes to remove Confederate statue. (Daviess County, Kentucky)
** Madison County's paint-splattered Confederate statue has no defenders Wednesday. (Huntsville, Alabama. BLM strikes again with another hate crime.)
** Confederate monument relocation could cost up to $200,000. (Gaston, N.C. Something to think about. These costs should be paid by BLM and others who want the statue removed. The cost should cover removal, repairs and cost of putting it up elsewhere.)
** County officials could vote as early as Thursday on Confederate statue removal. (Albemarle County, Virginia. Charlottesville.)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Alabama, Letters, Schools, St. Augustine and Sad Richmond
AUGUST 6, 2020
** Alabama lawmaker who celebrated KKK leader faces arrest for theft. (Forbes. Will Dismukes. Allegedly stole from his place of employment between 2016 and 2018. If he is guilty, he should also resign. But reading the article I felt there was a definite slant to it.)
** Letter: Confederate soldiers were not patriots.
** Letter to the Editor: It's time to move on from the Confederacy.
** What matters most in naming US bases.
AUGUST 7, 2020
** Signs with Confederate school names go back up in Hanover County. (Richmond Free Press. A black newspaper. Virginia)
** St. Augustine's city manager recommends site for Confederate monument. (Florida)
** City's Confederate monuments now up for disposal. (Richmond Free Press by Jeremy Lazarus. Besides the headline. the first paragraph went like this: "Let the disposal begin. The Richmond City Council on Monday set in motion a plan to finally rid Richmond of most of the city-owned statues and icons of Confederate traitors. although surprisingly, not at all." I get the idea that Mr. Lazarus doesn't much like us.
Maybe We Could get Mr. Lazarus a Job at the Washington Post or New York Times. Maybe CNN? --Old Secesh
Black Lives Matter Shows Their True Colors at the Riot and Attack on Chicago Police at Columbus Statue in Grant Park
Yesterday while searching for information on the second round of Black Lives Matter riots and looting in Chicago, I came across a very interesting video put out by the Chicago Police Department about the riot that Black Lives Matter had back a few weeks ago in Chicago at the Columbus statue in Grant Park.
You can find it on YouTube under the title "Chicago police release video footage of protest at Columbus statue." This video is over 30 minutes long, but the main action started about two minutes into it. Fox News has a 6-minute video of the same thing showing the riot.
If you ever had any doubts about where BLM stands as far as guilt in the rioting and looting (no looting occurred here as it was mostly violence directed against the police) this video might help you make up your mind.
The police were surrounded. The BLMers used regular military tactics and surrounded the police inside a concrete fence erected around the statue. They threw frozen water bottles and fired fireworks at the police. 49 officers were injured with 18 requiring hospitalization. Just 12 BLMers were arrested and there should have been a lot more.
Some of the rioters were upset that the police hurt them, especially that young girl who claimed one cop knocked out some of her teeth. That meant she was on the front line of the rioters. Hey, lady, you get in the middle of a riot, guess what? You just might get hurt.
At the news conference following the video, one of the media people just wanted to know about the girl getting hurt. He wasn't interested at all in what had happened to the police. This is also a problem. The media won't place the blame on BLM for these riots and looting. Most of the time they won't even call it a riot, just a demonstration.
This Anarchy Needs to Stop. The Police Need To Be Allowed to Make Arrests and If the Rioter Resists or Others Around Resist, Police Should be Allowed to Use Whatever Force Necessary Needed to Stop Them. (I was watching the looting from Monday morning and the police just stood there watching it going on.)
--Old Secesh
Allow LGBTO Flags on Military Bases? We Don't Want Your Scholarships. Florida and Arkansas
AUGUST 4, 2020
** DoD's flag ban needs to be more specific, allow LGBTQ flags, lawmakers say. (What about BLM flags or signs. They should not be allowed either. Any flags or signs that are divisive in any way should not be allowed on bases.)
AUGUST 6, 2020
** Opinion/Letter: Remove Confederate statue in front of county courthouse.
** UCLA, UC consider cutting two scholarships connected with Confederate heritage group. (UDC offers two scholarships to students at University of California with Confederate ancestors. UDC's Ca;ifornia Division awarded $8,000 in 2017-2018. They are basing their motive on SPLC findings and we all know how racist SPLC is. I'd sugest the UDC to immediately pull the scholarships from the schools, but continue offering them to deserving students on their own accord.)
** (Our Camp Douglas Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp used to offer a $1000 scholarship to Illinois high school seniors for college, but, well, you know....)
** Half of Florida 's schools named after Confederate figures may soon be renamed.
** Confederate monument in Bentonville to be relocated. (Arkansas)
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: When Rice Talks. That Darn Norwegian Flag Again. Georgia, Alabama, Texas and Michigan
AUGUST 5, 2020
** Condeleezza Rice says Confederate statues are indefensible but that calls to tear down other monuments have 'gotten a little out of control.'
** Artist shares experience of watching Confederate statues being removed.
** Task force to consider fate of Augusta's Confederate monument. (Georgia)
** Confederate monument vandalized outside Alabama courthouse. (Huntsville, Madison County. Again, not vandalism, a hate crime.)
AUGUST 6, 2020
** Neighbors upset after Confederate street name changed in Harris County. (Houston, Texas. Changed from Robert E. Lee Road to Unison Road. However, the reporter spoke to people who lived on the road and they didn't want it changed. Some said they weren't given a choice.
** Couple in Confederate flag flap finds a Scandinavian solution. (Michigan. Again about that Norwegian flag.)
I Sure Wish They Would Stop Call Hate Crimes Vandalism. What Would They Call It If Someone Did That To A Martin Luther King Jr. Monument. I Sure Bet That WOULD NOT BE Vandalism--Old Secesh
Back to That Norwegian Flag Thing in Michigan. Let the People Vote On It. When Black Is Used As an Adjective.
AUGUST 5, 2020
** Warren County Commissioners seek referendum regarding Confederate statue. (Virginia. As it should be.)
** Richmond is open to ideas for future of city's Confederate monuments. (Sad Richmond. Again I ask that absolutely everything, not just monuments, regarding the Confederacy be removed from his city. It will be as if Sad Richmond did not even exist during the Civil War.)
** After removing Norwegian flag over Confederate flag confusion inn owners find a solution. (Michigan. Isn't that just the silliest thing. They have been accused of being racist even though they have two black kids. Just because of the confusion between Norway's flag and the Confederate flag. They think they might have a solution, though, as they will fly the Norwegian vimple. I doubt that will keep BLM and their white minions off their backs. It still looks a little like a Confederate flag. I'd never heard of a vimple before. See, you learn something everyday.)
** Many in largely black South Dallas neighborhood content to let Confederate cemetery rest in peace. (Texas. Has words Confederate Cemetery on its entrance. But this could cause problems if the UDC or SCV were to go in and do cleanup and repairs.)
** Greenville police: 5 arrests made during Saturday's protests at Confederate monument in Greenville cemetery. (South Carolina)
Since When Do We Capitalize Black When Used As An Adjective? Must Be A Black Thing Like African-American. I Am Hoping That One Of These Days They Are Able To Figure Out What They Want To be Called. --Old Secesh
Monday, August 10, 2020
Fort Robinson Has a Good Ring to It. Hey, Return the Armstrong Gun to Fort Fisher. What to Do With Those Sad Richmond Statues
AUGUST 4, 2020
** Army should rename Texas' Fort Hood for baseball pioneer Jackie Robinson. (At first, I thought absolutely not. But then I read that he had been an officer in the Army during World War II and had to battle segregation and racism there as well. He is a very deserving man. And, along with Colin Powell as a name for the Confederate bases, I'd support the change right away. Otherwise, when they change the base names I would like any that will be renamed for Blacks to have a five year wait as tempers are too frayed right now.)
** Gillibrand urges removal of Confederate symbols at West Point. (Democrat New York senator and white woman. Hey, Senator, how about removing that 150-pounder Armstrong cannon at West Point as it was a captured Confederate weapon. I know a great place to send it to in North Carolina.)
August 5, 2020
** Richmond City Council to accept offers for possession of Confederate monuments. (Sad Richmond has decided not to put the statues up elsewhere in the city. Now the only one remaining is of A.P. Hill. Also there is the question of what to do with the pedestals they were on.
They should offer them to the SCV or UDC. But the city, or better yet, the mayor or BLM, should pay for repairs and cleaning along with moving and new location expenses. Personally, I would like every single thing to do with the Confederacy out of this place, especially since I don't think I'll ever even drive through there again. Traffic is horrendous anyway and now the city has done this. And, they should just turn the American Civil War Museum into an American Black Experience museum which is essentially what it is anyhow.)
Just have history books say that the Confederate capital was moved somewhere northward. Don't even mention the name.
Even then, however, comes the problem of protecting them from BLM in their new locations.
--Old Secesh
The Problem With Police. Confrontations Can Lead to Bloodshed. Was This a Case of Mistaken Identity?
AUGUST 4, 2020
** Black Dallas church alleges intimidation by pro-police rally. (I wrote about this earlier and have to say the church has a point in this matter. But putting up a BLM banner means they're picking a side.)
** What's the problem with the police? Start with the negative reporting about them. (Definitely. I was just watching the Chicago police release video footage of protests at Columbus statue which shows what those officers had to endure, 49 police injured with 18 hospitalized. Then during questions, all one reporter harped on was the black activist female who was injured by a cop that night. Also the media being reluctant to call a protest that gets out of hand a riot as well as not saying these riots and looting take place during BLM activities.)
** Man who pointed a sniper rifle at crowd at Weatherford protests arrested, deputies say. (Well, first off, those "protests" were violent by then, so actually more of a riot. This is what scares me the most as there will always be armed persons on both sides and all it takes is one little thing to cause that to erupt in bloodshed. The police did the right thing in arresting him.)
** East Atlanta's Gen. McPherson monument mysteriously damaged. (Georgia Who do we know that goes around attacking statues these days? Oh yes. And Gen. McPherson was a Union officer, not a Confederate one. And the monument is located where he was killed during the Civil War. Watch the video of Lenora Scott. She is quite a wonderful lady.)
--Old Secesh
Black Lives Matter Strikes Again in Chicago: Riots and Looting, Part 2
Part 1 took place at the end of May.
What did the girl on that movie say, "They're Back!" Again, media didn't mention BLM in connection to these riots and looting, but it was their baby.
They struck again. The Loop and parts of Chicago were attacked by a mob of Black Lives Matter rioters intent on looting last night. Didn't they loot and burn enough two months ago? Was there a new and larger HD TV available, a new I-phone, more fancy jewelry?
Reports say downtown Chicago looks like a war zone again. At least the media is finally referring to what happened as riots and nor demonstrations.
Hopefully this will awaken people to the knowledge of exactly what kind of organization we have with BLM. Hey folks! This is what they do!!
Hopefully the mayor has come to the realization that these are not outside agitators hijacking a peaceful protest. Hopefully the Cook County states attorney won't be letting these guilty people go as she usually does.
Let the police do their job. Be tough and all those BLM signs need to be taken down.
Hitler had his Brown Shirts for political purposes. Who has the BLMers and their white minions?
Of interest, like two months ago, not one single Confederate flag or Confederate monument participated.
Well, Good for Them. So, Who Are the Real Bad Guys Here. --Old Secesh
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