Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Even in Canada and Washington State. Come On Sad R, Take Down the Lee Statue

AUGUST 29, 2020

**  Protesters in Ridgefield, Vancouver,  rally in support of black lives.  (Canada.  Jefferson Davis Park has two markers for the Jefferson Davis Highway.  For Black Lives Matter and in honor of Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech.

**  Confederate statues would be removed from national parks in Gettysburg, elsewhere under Minn.  lawmaker's bill.  (U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, D. Minnesota.  Imagine a Democrat doing something like this?)

**  Virginia Supreme Court gives Richmond green light  to remove city-owned  Confederate statues.  (There you go, Sad R.  Get that Lee statue down immediately.  You should be embarrassed at what you let BLM do to it.  Shows your class.  Since Sad Richmond is so gung-ho to remove all connection it has to the Confederacy, I am already crossing out the name of that city in all my books.

Last night, I was reading a book about the bread riots that took place in that city and just substituted the word "Sad" whenever the "R" word came up.  I doubt that I will ever go there again.)

**  Laura topples Confederate statue  after parish votes to keep it.  ((Lake Charles, Louisiana.  BLM extremely mad that they didn't get to do it.  But even Mother Nature seems to be against us.  A lot of Confederate markers in Wilmington, N.C. have recently been knocked down by hurricanes.)

**  By the way, congratulations to Wilmington, N.C., for becoming the country's first World War II Heritage City.

**  People hurl racist epithets at protesters outside Confederate  memorial in Clark County.  (Washington. The protesters here are BLMers and their white minions.   I see that BLM got a taste of language much like they give everyone else.  They didn't appreciate it.  Sorry guys.  At least none of their homes or businesses were looted and torched.  Sad to see defenders sinking to BLM level.)

--Old Secesh

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