Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Did You Hear the One About Sad R.'s Mayor and His Donor? Confused Ole Miss Football Players.

AUGUST 30, 2020

**  Richmond's top  prosecutor  declines to investigate Confederate statue removal contract awarded to Stoney donor.  (Sad R., Va.  Stoney is the mayor.  The donor received $1.8 million for the removals and his company was formed just a few days before the contract.  Something's rotten here if you ask me.  Kickbacks, anybody?  Must be nice to have friends in high places.)

**  Preservation of history:  Unwanted  Confederate monuments may soon find a new home.  (Ellenbrook home in Elk Garden, Virginia, will take them.  This was the home of William Alexander Stuart, a brother of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart.  If I ever return to Virginia, I'll go there instead of Sad R.)

**  Petition wants to replace Confederate statue for Chadwick Boseman.  (Anderson, S.C..  Boseman, who just recently died, was the star of "42" about Jackie Robinson and "The Black Panther" and grew up in Anderson.  I agree that a privately funded statue of him is in order, but not replacing the Confederate statue.  Put it up somewhere else in the city.)

**  Saturday protest held over relocation of Confederate statue with no incidents.  (Weatherford, Texas)

**  Ole Miss football team protests police brutality  in front of Confederate monument.  (They probably did not know that there have been no instances where a Confederate monument attacked an Ole Miss football player.  Head football coach was with them.  Time to find a new head football coach Ole Miss.)

**  I know there are a lot of people who don't like the nickname of the University of Mississippi which is the Rebels.  Maybe they should change it to University of Mississippi Black Lives Matter or BLMers for short. 

Ole Miss BLMers.  Nice Ring to It, Right?   --Old Secesh

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