Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Ten Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy

Ten days from now, on July 1, the Confederate Statue Protection law in Virginia ends and everywhere, there will be rejoicing among Blacks and their white minions.  The party will be on.  City crews will be out removing the offensive statues, probably starting the first second after midnight.  Or, they will wait until a more convenient time (later) for the party-goers.

For some of us, it will be a very sad time, but one we'll have to live with in today's climate.

Probably the biggest parties will take place in Richmond and Charlottesville.

I had to chuckle as I saw an ad for a new book in one of my Civil War magazines.  The book is titled "An Illustrated Guide to Virginia's Confederate Monuments" by Timothy S. Sedore.  It locates 360 Confederate statues and markers in Virginia and gives a history of each one.

After July 1, you can use it to see WHERE these statues were.

I am reminded of two things that occurred in Nazi Germany prior to World War II.  One was the Nazi book burnings and the other was Kristallnacht.  I saw some videos of these events and it sure reminded me of something we are seeing regularly these days.  Give them a watch and see what you think.

Of course, Virginia is not alone in its depravity.  I may never get to go to the South again.

Did I hear correctly, but did "protesters"  (rioters and hate crimers) really topple and "vandalize" statues of U.S. Grant, Francis Scott Key and Father Junipero Serra in San Francisco Friday night.  In addition, statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were "vandalized" and toppled as well in Oregon this week.

If you notice me using "vandalize" that is because what is happening is not vandalism but a hate crime.

And, someone had the gall to "vandalize" the Arthur Ashe statue on the former Monument Avenue in Richmond.  They wrote "White Lives Matter" on it and Blacks and their white minions are livid with their anger.  How DARE someone  commit a "hate crime" like that?

So, Who's a Neo?  --Old Secesh

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