Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Sad to Say, But It Is Time for the SCV and UDC to Ask City, County and State Governments to Remove All Confederate Monuments From Public Property

I have named this blog Civil War II (and had an earlier one called The Second Civil War) because when all this Confederate hatred stuff started after the Charleston murders, it became very apparent that this was a Second Civil War.

Even from the beginning, there was very little chance that our organizations would be able to protect out heritage, what with all the black militancy, their white minion support and all the public servants lacking back bone to stand up against the black tyranny.  There are just too few of us.

This has happened before in Nazi Germany with the mass book burnings and Kristallnacht (The Night of the Broken Glass).

We fought a valiant fight, but time has come to have an unconditional surrender to the forces that are against us.  We had a remote chance to keep them until the police stopped doing their jobs and protecting the statues.  Arrests should have been made.

I doubt that there is a single Confederate statue anywhere on public land that has not been "vandalized" (which actually is a hate crime committed against it) .  The only hope for them now is their total removal and that needs to be done by either the SCV or UDC, but most likely only towns and states have enough money to do it.

We can get that infamous SPLC "list" of targeted Confederate statues and markers to determine which ones remain and need to be removed.    I'm even willing to forego the Confederate protection laws that are in some states.

So, please cities, counties and states of the South, remove all Confederate statues and markers from all public space.  Take them somewhere safe from the Blacks and their white minions.  Do it for "public safety" which seems to be the preferred term used for it lately.

It seems that we have reached the point in the Confederacy where Lee's forces leave Petersburg.

So Sad.  So Sad.  --Really Sad Old Secesh

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