Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Bubba Gets His Way and a Confederate Statue "Attacks" Portsmouth Man

June 11, 2020

**  NASCAR says it will ban Confederate flags.  (See what Bubba Wallace started.  As usual, all it takes is one black person protesting to get their way.  Hopefully, the sport's fan base will show what they think of this decision and attendance will drop even more.  But, maybe they will make up for that loss with increased black attendance.)


**  Man injured in toppling a Confederate statue.  (Portsmouth, Virginia.  June 11, 2020, NBC News.  Hope he doesn't die, but sounds like he was seriously injured and taken to a hospital.  Now, he should be arrested for a hate crime.  No doubt, BLM will be adding Confederate statues attacking rioters to their list of Confederate hatred.

My big question is why were the police not breaking up the riot and making arrests.  Had they been doing this, he might not have gotten hurt.

It was all one big hate party, even with a band playing, till the "accident" took place.  Yep, everybody always has a good time until that statue you're illegally toppling falls on somebody.  I especially liked the one young lady in the video who was having the time of her life before the statue landed on the rioter, and then she wasn't having as much fun anymore.

Make sure you view the video.

I found this in another account of the incident from the June 11, 2020, Washington Examiner:

"On June 1, University of Alabama at Birmingham professor Sarah Parcak spent hours on Twitter detailing how to topple a monument properly, but the Portsmouth protesters did not heed her directions."

Can you believe she still has a job?  Imagine a professor doing something like that.  Well, you know Birmingham.  What would you expect?  Especially with a mayor who openly broke the law.

Moral to This Story:  Don't Stand in Front of Statues You're Toppling.  --Old Secesh

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