Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Sad to Say, But It Is Time for the SCV and UDC to Ask City, County and State Governments to Remove All Confederate Monuments From Public Property
I have named this blog Civil War II (and had an earlier one called The Second Civil War) because when all this Confederate hatred stuff started after the Charleston murders, it became very apparent that this was a Second Civil War.
Even from the beginning, there was very little chance that our organizations would be able to protect out heritage, what with all the black militancy, their white minion support and all the public servants lacking back bone to stand up against the black tyranny. There are just too few of us.
This has happened before in Nazi Germany with the mass book burnings and Kristallnacht (The Night of the Broken Glass).
We fought a valiant fight, but time has come to have an unconditional surrender to the forces that are against us. We had a remote chance to keep them until the police stopped doing their jobs and protecting the statues. Arrests should have been made.
I doubt that there is a single Confederate statue anywhere on public land that has not been "vandalized" (which actually is a hate crime committed against it) . The only hope for them now is their total removal and that needs to be done by either the SCV or UDC, but most likely only towns and states have enough money to do it.
We can get that infamous SPLC "list" of targeted Confederate statues and markers to determine which ones remain and need to be removed. I'm even willing to forego the Confederate protection laws that are in some states.
So, please cities, counties and states of the South, remove all Confederate statues and markers from all public space. Take them somewhere safe from the Blacks and their white minions. Do it for "public safety" which seems to be the preferred term used for it lately.
It seems that we have reached the point in the Confederacy where Lee's forces leave Petersburg.
So Sad. So Sad. --Really Sad Old Secesh
One Day To the Great Virginia Statue Orgy: Can Someone Say Kristallnacht and Book Burning?
Well, tomorrow will be one "glorious" day in Virginia's history for certain people, but definitely not for me. It is going to be a sad day. The law protecting Confederate monuments from these people will be gone and those statues will be coming down. Might as well make this a state holiday in Virginia to celebrate the great victory
Things will be ecstatic in Richmond and Charlottesville especially. As well as many other Virginia cities.
It will be deja vu with Kristalnacht and book burning all over again.
Anyway, I do not plan to watch it. Just too sad.
My boycott of this state has started, not that they would care, but I'll sure miss it. No Civil War battlefields, Crooked Road, Virginia peanuts and cheap gas in Wytheville for me for awhile.
Goodnight John Boy.
Life Will Go On. --Old Sad Secesh
Statues Toppled and Lynched in N.C.-- Part 7: How Did the Governor Respond?
So, you're the Governor of North Carolina and Friday night, you find that two hate crimes have been committed. The first one was on Capitol grounds when the two statues were "toppled" as they like to call it. I'm sure there had to have been all sorts of BLM, racist and swear words written as well.
Then, the group of "protesters" (really rioters) dragged the statues down the street and strung one up from a light post. Another hate crime. Come on, nooses and lynching. That's a REAL BIG hate crime. Everybody knows that.
What did Governor Roy Cooper do? Oh yes, did I mention that he is a Democrat and attended UNC-Chapel Hill. That might give you a hint.
He used the destruction and hate crimes to do something he has been wanting to do for a long while and that is to remove all Confederate statues from the Capitol grounds.
Saturday morning, official work crews came to the North Carolina Capitol to remove two more Confederate statues. One statue was dedicated to the women of the Confederacy, and another was placed by the United Daughters of the Confederacy honoring Henry Wyatt, the first North Carolinian killed in a Civil War battle.
Well, what about those rioters committing the hate crimes? Did he do anything about them? Or is it okay to commit hate crimes if you're a Black or white minion?
Why did the governor do what he did?
Thanks A Lot, Gov. --Old Secesh
Statues Toppled and Lynched in North Carolina-- Part 6: And, I Thought Nooses Were a Hate Crime
Two statues of two Confederate soldiers that were part of a larger obelisk were torn down Friday night by rioters in Raleigh, North Carolina. (With all the practice they got pulling down the "Silent Sam" statue at UNC-Chapel Hill, they really know how to do this. It was another example of we don't have to follow the law anymore.)
Police initially stopped the rioters, but after the area was cleared, the rioters returned and finished the job. They dragged the statues down the street and STRUNG ONE UP BY THE NECK from a light post. (Wait a minute, isn't a noose and lynching considered a hate crime? And they weren't arrested. I wonder what NASCAR Bubba and all his buds would say about this?)
Lynching and nooses must be a new one of those black things where they can use them, but Whites can't. Kind of like the "N" word, you know.
Next, North Carolina's governor reacts to this. Did he order various law enforcement groups to go out and arrest the perpetrators? I mean, after all, they had committed not one, but two hate crimes. (Attacking a Confederate statue and the "lynching.") You'd think that was a rather serious thing. Wouldn't you?
Find Out Next Post. --Old Secesh
Statues Toppled As Rioting Continues-- Part 5: Trump Gets Involved in Washighton, D.C.
The toppling of the Albert Pike statue in Washington, D.C., drew President Trump's ire.
He quickly tweeted about it, calling out D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and writing: "The DC police are not doing their jobs as they watched a statue be ripped down and burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country."
Of course, this set off an immediate maelstrom with the Blacks and liberal press.
Myself, I have been wondering the same thing. I was always of the opinion that if I went up to a public statue or memorial and did something to it I would be arrested by the police. Since when do Blacks and their white minions have the right to do this without fear of arrest?
--Old Secesh
Monday, June 29, 2020
NASCAR Puts Foot In It, Schools, Forts and Donald Trump
JUNE 10, 2020
** Movement underway to remove Fort Smith Confederate monument.
** NASCAR bans Confederate flags from all events and properties. (Bubba gets his way. Now guess someone who won't be attending these events. I won't even be watching them. Yesterday in the bar, a NASCAR race was on and very few watching it even with the lack of sporting events. They already had lost a huge chunk of their fan base. Hopefully this will nix the rest. Hopefully, they will be able to make up for this loss with new black fans.)
** Fort Rucker considers changing name of school named after Confederate general.
** 'Thoughtfully listening,' Birdville ISD considers abolishing school's Confederate themes.
** Fort Gordon Army base: Who was John Brown Gordon?
** Robert E. Lee bust in downtown Fort Myers. Things to know.
** Donald Trump, like the Confederacy, is picking the wrong hill to die on.
--Old Secesh
Army Bases, Flags, Monuments, Hood and Benning
Media headlines.
JUNE 9, 2020
** Take the Confederate names off our Army bases. (Atlantic Magazine)
** Fort Worth-area councilwoman poses with Confederate flag even as protests convulse Texas.
** Confederate soldiers monument to be taken down in Fort Worth.
** 'We're known as a Confederate school': 5000 sign petition to rename Richland High Rebels.
** Pentagon open to removing names of Confederate generals off Fort Hood and capiother posts.
** Who was Henry Benning, for whom Fort Benning in Columbus was named?
** It would take an Act of Congress to remove Confederate general's name from Fort Bragg.
** Hoyer supports removal of Confederate statues in US Capitol, wants bust of judge taken down.
** Rocky Mount approves removal of Confederate monument. (North Carolina)
--Old Secesh
When You Tear Down or Deface a Monument, It Is No Longer Protesting. You Are Now Rioting
JUNE 6, 2020
** Confederate women's statue in Florida defaced in protests. (Well, rioting actually.)
** NASCAR steers to stay clear of protests over George Floyd.
JUNE 7, 2020
** Let's be honest about why that Confederate marker is at Tarrant County Courthouse.
** Protesters topple Confederate statue in Virginia capital. (Again, rioters)
** KKK supporters converge on Fort Plain's Haslett Park after peaceful protest. (Peaceful protest? You mean no Confederate statues were injured?)
** Hundreds turn out for Saturday protest in Fort Myers.
** Peaceful protest held in DeFuniak Springs. (Peaceful?)
JUNE 8, 2020
** Protesters tear down statue in former capital of Confederacy. More may follow. (Again, rioters. You think more will follow?)
** Confederate statue in Tuskegee spray painted with expletives.
** Virginia superintendent: Rename Stonewall Jackson High. ban Confederate flag on school grounds.
** Watch Now: Confederate statue removed from Monroe Park after protesters tore it down. (Again, rioters. Let's call it what it is. These people are breaking the law.)
** Charleston protest over Confederate statue gets heated. (West Virginia)
I Believe the Term Is Mob Action. --Old Secesh
Statues Toppled And Rioting Continues-- Part 4: And, a "CHOP" Zone and D.C.
June 21, 2020, Chicago Tribune "Statues toppled across US in unrest" by Olga R. Rodriguez and Jeffrey Collins (AP).
In Seattle, authorities were investigating what led to the shooting in the area known as CHOP, which stands for "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest" zone. It has been harshly criticized by President Trump who has tweeted about the possibility of sending in the military to exert control.
How could any city allow such a thing to happen. How could the police just stand by and let this happen. Of, course, the police are just standing by watching the desecration of statues, so I guess this is to be expected.
In Washington, D.C., and Raleigh, N.C., it was another night of tearing down Confederate statues. In the nation's capitol, demonstrators (rioters) toppled the 11-foot statue of Albert Pike, the only statue of a Confederate general in the city (well, other than Statuary Hall in the Capitol).
They then set a bonfire to it and stood around as the statue burned, chanting "No justice, no peace!" and "No racist police."
Again, what we have here is Nazi Kristallnacht and Nazi Book Burnings, 2020-style.
Where Are the Police? Since When Has It become Okay to Break the Law With Impunity? --Old Secesh
Sunday, June 28, 2020
What Is Happening to Statues Across U.S. Is Reminiscent of of 1930s Nazi Germany: Book Burning and Kristallnacht
Has the United States slipped into a Neo-Nazi era led by BLM and Antifa?
Take a look at videos of the Nazi Kristallnacht and Nazi Book Burning on YouTube and the similarities are striking between the Nazis and the aforementioned groups.
Sadly, it is not just Confederate statues now, but all sorts of statues. Where will it end? How many presidents will have to be removed from Mt. Rushmore? When will Washington, D.C. be renamed Douglass, D.C., or Tubman, D,C,? When will the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial be either taken down or be renamed? When will the National Anthem be changed to "I'm Black, I'm Proud?" When will four of the five first president have to be written out of history books?
And, it goes on and on.
Maybe it is time for the government to put a stop to this anarchy and the Tyranny of the Blacks. Let the police put a stop to the lawbreaking, which, by the way, is not vandalism but hate crimes.
So, Who's a Nazi. So, Who's a Neo-Nazi. --Old Secesh
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Statues Toppled Across U.S. As Rioting Continues-- Part 3: Francis Scott Key and Father Junipero Serra
Also torn down in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park was a statue of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner.' The reasons were that Key owned slaves and he had that one part in the National Anthem where he wrote, "No refuge could be found for the hireling and slave," which is about the British arming escaped slaves.
Did anyone see Kappynapper running away from this?
Protesters also pulled down the statue of Spanish missionary Junipero Serra, an 18th century Roman Catholic priest who founded nine of California's 21 Spanish missions and is credited with bringing Roman Catholicism to the Western United States.
However, Serra forced Indians to stay at those missions after they were converted or face brutal punishment. His statues have been defaced in California for several years by people who said he destroyed tribes and their culture.
Police officers responded to the park but didn't intervene.
Since when do police not intervene when public or property is being destroyed. Well, actually that has happened a whole lot this month.
--Old Secesh
Friday, June 26, 2020
Six Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy: Bringing Back Book Burning and Kristallnacht
Six more days until the party begins. Believe it when I say what is going to happen is NOT a party for me, but a time of sadness and remorse that the United States has sunk to such a low point in its history.
I doubt that I'll watch all the coverage of people drinking, partying and laughing (and I'm sure it will receive a whole lot of media play). I wonder how those people would feel if statues of people they admire and respect were treated like that? What if they were having a funeral for a loved one or friend and people showed up doing what they will be doing this coming Wednesday?
The removal of those statues will be like that for me.
This has happened before in Nazi Germany in the 1930s when books were burned and then Kristallnacht. You can go to YouTube and watch videos of both of these and see the many similarities between Nazi Germany and Virginia.
This will forever be a stain on Virginia and I don't think I'll ever be able to go to Virginia again, even with the numerous Civil War battlefields and all the colonial and Revolution history. It will take a major forgiveness on my part.
And, I'd really like to go to the Mariner's Museum and see the USS Monitor turret and Bedford for the D-Day Memorial. I am hoping saner minds prevail in Bedford in regards to its Confederate monument to honor its men who marched off to defend their homes.
So Sad, So Sad. Who's a Neo-Nazi? --Old Secesh
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Some Staggering and Disturbing Numbers Out of Chicago in This Day and Age of BLM
These figures came from the web site"Hey Jackass! Illustrating Chicago Values." Really worth a visit to get the numbers.
As most know, Chicago has a serious problem with Blacks shooting, wounding and killing other Blacks and has had for quite some time.
While all these demonstrators are in the streets saying that Black Lives Matter, it is too bad they can't get their own people to stop shooting and killing each other.
These figures for the Week in Progress (6-21 to 6-27). June to Date and Year to Date. I gathered the information from the site on June 24.
S= shot, K=killed, W-wounded
S&K-- 12
S&W-- 94
S&K-- 61
S&W-- 454
S&K-- 283
S&W-- 1337
Not all are Blacks, though.
June 19, Friday: 2 S&K, 17 S&W
June 20, Saturday: 6 S&K, 29 S&W
June 21, Sunday: 3 S&K, 24 S&W
Black 241 victims, 22 assailants
Hispanic: 49 victims, 6 assailants
White: 14 Victims, 2 assailants
Unknown: 6 victims, 272 assailants
The 272 unknown assailants in the last line were mostly Black. Blacks usually don't inform police on other Blacks shooting people.
There was even a three-year-old black child killed last weekend.
And since May 25, there have been two black men killed by the police. In Chicago, in June this year, probably fifty Blacks killed by Blacks.
Things That Make You Wonder. Do Black Lives Really Matter To the Blacks? --Old Secesh
Statues Toppled Across U.S. As Rioting Continues (And Many Were Not Even Confederate)-- Part 2: Even U.S. Grant
"In San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, protesters sprayed red paint and wrote 'slave owner' on the pedestals before using ropes to bring down the statues and drag them down grassy slopes amid cheers and applause."
Believe me, when this happens,these people are no longer protesting, but rioting and should be arrested for destroying public property.
The statues targeted included a bust of Ulysses Grant, who was the U.S.president after he was the general who beat the Confederates and ended the Civil War." You'd really think the BLMers would honor and cherish him for that, wouldn't you?
"Protesters (rioters and hate crimers) said Grant owned slaves. He married into a slave-owning family, but had no problem fighting to end slavery. Grant also supported the 1868 Republican platform when he won the presidency which called for allowing black men to continue voting in the South."
Can You Believe That? --Old Secesh
Statues Toppled Across the U.S. As Rioting Continues-- Part 2
From the June 21, 2020, Chicago Tribune "Statues toppled across US in unrest" by Olga R. Rodriguez and Jeffrey Collins.
I started this in the previous post for Part 1.
"But several were removed by North Carolina's Democratic governor, who said he was trying to avoid violent clashes or injuries from toppling heavy monuments erected by white supremacists that he said do not belong in places like the state capitol grounds that are for all people." Well, what would you expect from a Democrat?
Really, governor, those 80-year-old white supremacist Daughters of the Confederacy? These were mighty violent people much like today's BLMers.
Sadly, I am beginning to want state and local governments to remove all Confederate monuments everywhere to protect them from hate crimes committed by BLMers, their white minions and college students. They apparently have complete impunity to any legal action that should be taken for breaking the law.
"The statues are falling amid continuing anti-racism demonstrations (along with the rioting, burning and looting all over the United States) following the May 25 police killing of George Floyd, the African American (personally I find this term offensive) man who died after a white police officer pressed his knee on his neck and whose death galvanized protesters around the globe to rally against police brutality and racism."
That was nothing short of murder, especially because I've seen no evidence that he resisted.
But, I was surprised to see this movement was not just directed against the police, but to a huge extent against the Confederate statues. If things were bad before his death with the Confederate memorials, they are out of control now. Even going to non-Confederate statues.
Do the Police Just Watch While BLMers Commit Hate Crimes Against Confederate Statues? --Old Secesh
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Eight Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy-- Part 1: Times That Try Your Soul
Just eight days until the Confederate Memorial Protection Act is no more and I am sure Virginia is preparing to have one of the biggest parties in state history next Wednesday.
Those statues will be gone and certain people and their minions will be partying hardy.
The Confederate statue situation is really opening the proverbial can of worms. It might even come back to bite the ones pushing it. Remember, all it takes is one black person to be offended before things get done. Hopefully that is a two-way street.
Here is an article from the June 21, 2020, Chicago Tribune "Statues toppled across the US in unrest" by Olga R. Rodriguez and Jeffrey Collins, AP.
"Protesters tore down more statues across the United States, expanding the razing in a San Francisco park to the writer of America's National Anthem and to the general who won the country's Civil War which ended widespread slavery. Really, writer of "The Star-Spangled Banner"? Must be something ol' Kappynapper had something to do with. Really, U.S. Grant who beat Confederate General R.E. Lee and ended the war in which slaves received their freedom? Really?
"In Seattle, violence erupted before dawn Saturday in a protest zone largely abandoned by police, where one person was fatally shot and another critically wounded.
"On the East Coast, more statues honoring Confederates who tried to break away from the United States more than 150 years ago were toppled."
And, what about the statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in Oregon?
--Old Secesh
Fort Campbell, Fort Myers, Indiana, Huntsville, Jacksonville, Virginia and South Carolina. How Many?
June 5, 2020
** Soldiers pull BLM signs, Confederate flag after viral confrontation. (Fort Campbell, Kentucky)
** Fort Myers mayoral candidates weigh in on Robert E. Lee statue. (The SCV has already removed the bust to prevent hate crimes from happening to it.)
** Man apologizes after flying Confederate flag near Floyd Vigil. (Columbia City, Indiana)
** Renewed push for removal of Confederate monument. (Huntsville, Alabama)
June 6, 2020
** Vandals strike controversial Confederate Park tribute to the women of the Confederacy in Springfield. (Jacksonville, Fla.)
** Virginia mayor resigns after requesting Confederate monuments.
** New petitions target Clemson's Tillman Hall, Anderson Confederate monument and more. (South Carolina)
** Virginia governor discusses his decision to remove Confederate monuments.
** How many Confederate monuments exist in the U.S..
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: Arkansas, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and Indiana
June 4, 2020
** No 'organized or collaborative discussion' about future of Confederate statue at Sebastian County courthouse. (Arkansas)
** City in North Carolina votes to remove Confederate monument. (Rocky Mount)
** 'Enough is enough' Atlanta suburb protest brings large crowd. (Decatur. In front of Confederate monument and no damage done to it. Amazing.)
** Calls to remove Tarrant County Confederate marker renewed amid George Floyd protests. (Texas) County commissioners have now voted to remove it. At least as of that time, it had not been "vandalized.'
** Confederate statue relocation was in the works before the protests. (Bentonville, Arkansas. Stood on square since 1908 and owned by UDC who were arranging to have it moved before George Floyd.)
** Moment of silence interrupted during George Floyd vigil. (Indiana. People drove by and revved engines. Some vehicles were flying Confederate flags.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, June 22, 2020
Two U.S. Ships Face Possible Name Change, SPLC Speaks and That Military Mess
These are media headlines.
June 13, 2020
** Senate bill to purge Confederate names from U.S. military could affect two Navy ships. (The guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) and oceanographic survey ship USNS Maury (T-AGS-66). The Chancellorsville is names after am 1863 Confederate victory and the Maury after Matthew Fontaine Maury who served in the Confederate Navy.)
** Ban Confederate flags and rename military bases. It's basic respect for our black troops.
** Confederate names would be stripped from Pentagon facilities under Senate measure. (Besides bases, street and building names at bases.)
** 'Watershed Moment': Will removal of Confederate monuments lead to lasting change in Alabama?
June 14, 2020
** Weekend Read: It's time for entire U.S. military to ban Confederate symbols. (There's a real big surprise. Imagine the good folks at the SPLC, Southern Poverty Law Center saying something like this?)
** A black man now heads the Air Force. It's progress, but military brass remains starkly white.
--Old Secesh
The Navy, Marines, Base Names, Columbus Beheaded, NASCAR and Flags
These are headlines from various media sources.
June 12, 2020
** Naval Academy board chair calls for removal of Confederate names from buildings.
** US Navy joins Marines in removal of Confederate flag.
** Trump says he won't consider renaming military bases named for Confederate generals.
** KY senator wants to replace Confederate statue with one of first black Navy diver.
** Confederates toppled, Columbus beheaded: Protesters are ripping down controversial statues. (In other words, ones they don't like. And when they topple or behead they cross the line between protester to criminal.)
** Congress could force name change at bases honoring Confederate generals.
** NASCAR bans Confederate flag from all events, including races. (Hard to see the impact at this point since no spectators are allowed. However, hopefully those who like the flag will voice their feelings through nonattendance.)
** Historical figures reassessed after George Floyd's death.
** More than 2K sign petition to ban Confederate flag from Ebensburg-sanctioned events. (Pennsylvania)
--Old Secesh
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Ten Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy
Ten days from now, on July 1, the Confederate Statue Protection law in Virginia ends and everywhere, there will be rejoicing among Blacks and their white minions. The party will be on. City crews will be out removing the offensive statues, probably starting the first second after midnight. Or, they will wait until a more convenient time (later) for the party-goers.
For some of us, it will be a very sad time, but one we'll have to live with in today's climate.
Probably the biggest parties will take place in Richmond and Charlottesville.
I had to chuckle as I saw an ad for a new book in one of my Civil War magazines. The book is titled "An Illustrated Guide to Virginia's Confederate Monuments" by Timothy S. Sedore. It locates 360 Confederate statues and markers in Virginia and gives a history of each one.
After July 1, you can use it to see WHERE these statues were.
I am reminded of two things that occurred in Nazi Germany prior to World War II. One was the Nazi book burnings and the other was Kristallnacht. I saw some videos of these events and it sure reminded me of something we are seeing regularly these days. Give them a watch and see what you think.
Of course, Virginia is not alone in its depravity. I may never get to go to the South again.
Did I hear correctly, but did "protesters" (rioters and hate crimers) really topple and "vandalize" statues of U.S. Grant, Francis Scott Key and Father Junipero Serra in San Francisco Friday night. In addition, statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were "vandalized" and toppled as well in Oregon this week.
If you notice me using "vandalize" that is because what is happening is not vandalism but a hate crime.
And, someone had the gall to "vandalize" the Arthur Ashe statue on the former Monument Avenue in Richmond. They wrote "White Lives Matter" on it and Blacks and their white minions are livid with their anger. How DARE someone commit a "hate crime" like that?
So, Who's a Neo? --Old Secesh
Ashe Arthur,
Charlottesville Va.,
Grant U.S.,
Jefferson Thomas,
Key Francis Scott,
Richmond Va.,
San Francisco,
War Memorial Protection Laws,
Washington George
Second Civil War: The Groundswell Continues
These are headlines from U.S. media.
June 3, 2020
** The history behind Birmingham monuments damaged during the George Floyd protest.
** Confederate monument in Alabama partially removed.
** Confederate monument removed in Florida as US anti-racism protests continue.
** Monuments across the United States re-emerged as targets of rage over weekend of widespread protest. (Photo of a man who taped himself to Confederate statue in Colorado.)
** Admiral Raphael Semmes statue in downtown Mobile vandalized overnight.
June 4, 2020
** George Floyd protests renew calls to scrap Confederate emblem from Mississippi flag.
** Protesters have been really successful at getting statues with racist history removed.
** Cities remove racist monuments before protesters can topple them. (Wouldn't "protesters" toppling statues be a hate crime?)
** Protesters damage businesses, monument in downtown Birmingham. (Well, Birmingham. What else can I say. Is it still a protest when they break into a business and loot it?)
June 5, 2020
** Birmingham mayor slapped with state lawsuit after tearing down Confederate monument. (Finally, some good news.)
** Top military leaders speak out about racism in wake of George Floyd's death in police custody.
--Old Secesh
Friday, June 19, 2020
Help, I Can't Keep Up
Bring back those good old days in April, in the early stages of the coronavirus, when all these incessant attacks on all things Confederate by the new Tyranny of the Blacks took a vacation.
I only had to write four blog entries that month about this mess.
Now, I find it impossible to keep up with the affronts that you see everywhere. I have to wonder if there is one single Confederate statue anywhere which hasn't had a hate crime committed against it.
If the attacks would stop, this blog would also stop.
But, I don't think it will last much longer because I am fairly sure that by the end of this year, maybe before, every single Confederate statue, memorial, name, flag and everything else will be gone as we have an updated version of November 9-10. 1938.
That's the Night of the Broken Glass which the Nazis used on the Jews for those of you unaware of history. Who is a Nazi now?
The Night of the Broken Confederate. --Old Secesh
Times That Try Men's Souls: A Band, Bad Professors?, NASCAR Zealots and Nancy
Here are some articles in the Chicago Tribune of late.
** Lady Antebellum changes name. You know, antebellum is used to describe the South before the Civil War.
** "One Tree Hill" stars asks fans to help fire fire professor. (A professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, who said "Massa Cooper, let my people go!" UNC-Chapel Hill? Wasn't that the place where professors likely urged students to tear down the "Silent Sam " statue in a hate crime?)
Also, kind of strange that those "One Tree" folks had nothing to say about the that professor from UAB who tweeted about how to pull down a statue. Why hasn't she been fired? Oh yes. Birmingham, Alabama, where the mayor has broken the law and is proud of it.
** About that NASCAR ban. The Chicago Tribune had two hate-filled commentaries about how bad everyone who supports anything Confederate is. Those two would be Kevin Williams and Eric Zorn. Hate, hate, hate guys. Man, that's a lot of hate-spewing.
** Pelosi orders Confederate portraits removed. Those of four previous Speakers of the U.S. House who served in the Confederacy: Robert Hunter, James Orr, Howell Cobb and Charles Crisp. Charles Crisp was not a Speaker until after the war.
Maybe, since she's one of those Democrats, and you know how they are about the "S" word, she should also remove the names of Southerners who may have or may not have owned the "S" word. Those would be Nathaniel Bacon, Henry Clay, Langdon Cheves, Phillip Pendleton Barbour, Andrew Stevenson, John Bell, James K. Polk, John White, John Winston Jones and Linn Boyd.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Confederacy Under Attack: Pelosi Says, Military, U.S. Capitol, Florida, Georgia and NASCAR
June 11, 2020
** The Army was open to replacing Confederate base names. Then Trump said no. (Well, at least one person standing up to the current tyranny. However, again, I would support renaming the bases since these men fought against the United States. However, the cost of renaming them should be borne on those who want them renamed. Put their money where their mouths are.)
** Pelosi calls to remove Confederate statues from display in US Capitol. (Is this the same person who behaved so childishly at the President's State of the Union Address? However, I do agree with removal of Confederate statues from the Capitol for the same reason as stated above.)
** Army leaders to make decision of Confederate flags 'soon'.
** Democrats push to remove Confederate statues from US Capitol after George Floyd's death. (There it is again, that Democrat word.)
** Hemming family left with questions after removal of Confederate statue. (Jacksonville, Fla. Removed from Hemming Park and family of Charles and Lucy Hemming who donated to the state. The removal was the mayor's decision. The mayor is a white man.)
** Confederate statue in Dalton, Georgia, square comes under fire from activists.
** NASCAR bans Confederate flag at all events and properties. (What if it is on a tee shirt?)
** Rep. Thomas Massie called out by opponent for displaying Confederate battle flag at home. (Kentucky)
--Old Secesh
12 Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy
Let the parties and celebrations begin in that poor deluded state. And, I am sure a certain group of people and their minions will be ecstatic beyond themselves. I just don't know how things got so bad in Virginia. But, much of it can be traced to the Democratic party after they gained control of the state government.
Sadly, since I don't live in that state (and right now sure am glad I don't) I am unable to vote in their election in November. However, as far as voting for Democrats at any level here in Illinois, those people will not be receiving my votes, other than our McHenry County Board chairman. And, I should point out that I usually vote for quite a few Democrats.
Last election, I voted for Hillary Clinton and the one before that, I voted for Barack Obama. I also voted for Obama when he ran for U.S. senator and Carole Mosely-Braun when she ran for that office.
I am hoping that in November, I won't have to vote for the Republican, but if Joe Biden doesn't come out against the desecration of Confederate monuments, I may be forced to do exactly that.
A Real Sad State of Affairs. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Bubba Gets His Way and a Confederate Statue "Attacks" Portsmouth Man
June 11, 2020
** NASCAR says it will ban Confederate flags. (See what Bubba Wallace started. As usual, all it takes is one black person protesting to get their way. Hopefully, the sport's fan base will show what they think of this decision and attendance will drop even more. But, maybe they will make up for that loss with increased black attendance.)
** Man injured in toppling a Confederate statue. (Portsmouth, Virginia. June 11, 2020, NBC News. Hope he doesn't die, but sounds like he was seriously injured and taken to a hospital. Now, he should be arrested for a hate crime. No doubt, BLM will be adding Confederate statues attacking rioters to their list of Confederate hatred.
My big question is why were the police not breaking up the riot and making arrests. Had they been doing this, he might not have gotten hurt.
It was all one big hate party, even with a band playing, till the "accident" took place. Yep, everybody always has a good time until that statue you're illegally toppling falls on somebody. I especially liked the one young lady in the video who was having the time of her life before the statue landed on the rioter, and then she wasn't having as much fun anymore.
Make sure you view the video.
I found this in another account of the incident from the June 11, 2020, Washington Examiner:
"On June 1, University of Alabama at Birmingham professor Sarah Parcak spent hours on Twitter detailing how to topple a monument properly, but the Portsmouth protesters did not heed her directions."
Can you believe she still has a job? Imagine a professor doing something like that. Well, you know Birmingham. What would you expect? Especially with a mayor who openly broke the law.
Moral to This Story: Don't Stand in Front of Statues You're Toppling. --Old Secesh
News Just "Don't" Get Any Better: More Monuments Coming Down
June 10, 2020
** 'If we don't move it, they'll take it down': Protests prompt U.S. leaders to remove Confederate statues. (A sad statement of out time. We have to let them break the law.)
** Protests are bringing down Confederate monuments around the South.
** Confederate statue removed from Florida park. (Jacksonville's Hemming Park. Of a Confederate infantryman.)
** Confederate monuments could come down for Asheville, Buncombe County. (North Carolina. City and town considering resolution to remove two Confederate monuments which have been victims of hate crimes. Also the gravestone of Civil War North Carolina Governor Vance has been knocked over in local cemetery.)
** Calls to remove Confederate statue from state capitol's front lawn. (Atlanta, Georgia. Statue of John Brown Gordon, a Confederate general, was defended by law enforcement so it was nor "vandalized."
** However, a "Peace Monument" in Atlanta's Piedmont Park was "Vandalized." Dedicated in 1911, it marked fifty years of peace between the North and South.
** Huntsville city council president backs removal of Confederate statue at courthouse. (Alabama)
And, remember, Wikipedia has a complete list of Confederate monuments removed, hate crimed or plans to remove. Kind of beat the old SPLC to it. Sorry guys. Go to "List of monuments and memorials removed during George Floyd protests."
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: What Bubba Wants and a Partial List of Recent Hate Crimes
June 10, 2020
** Bubba Wallace wants NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag. (Bubba is a NASCAR driver.)
** Confederate statues are coming down following Floyd's death. Here's what we know.
A list of hate crimes:
Norfolk, Va.
Portsmouth, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Alexandria, Va.
Louisville, Ky.
Frankfort, Ky.
Jacksonville, Fla.
Birmingham, Al.
Montgomery, Al.
Mobile, Al.
Nashville, Tn.
Bristol, United Kingdom
Each one of these places has more information. I imagine dear old SPLC will soon be publishing their list of brave deeds.
Must be nice to be a BLM person and be able to commit hate crimes with no fear of arrest.
Where Are the Police? --Old Secesh
Monday, June 15, 2020
What Now, Even a GAR Statue "Vandalized" in Indiana and That Military Thing
June 10, 2020
** County posts notice of removal of "camp facilities" at courthouse protest site; protesters say they were told to leave county property by 10:01 Tuesday or face arrest. (Bloomington, Indiana. They even put graffiti on the GAR monument. For those of you who don't know, the GAR was a fraternal order of Union soldiers during the war. Who'd have figured Union soldiers would get the same treatment as Confederates. I just don't know about these "protesters." Must have been asleep in history class.)
** Navy to remove public displays of Confederate flag, following Marine Corps lead. (So, the Navy embarrasses self like the Corps.)
** Confederate flag to be banned from public spaces on Navy ships.
** Navy orders removal of Confederate flag; Army bases may be renamed.
** Army willing to discuss renaming Fort Bragg, which was named after a slave owner and Confederate leader.
Again, I am of the opinion that U.S. military bases shouldn't be named after generals who fought against the United States. However, I believe that since those bases have been fact for so long, those who really want the names changed should put their money where their mouths are and pay for it. No public money should be used. Also, I'm not a huge fan of General Bragg.
Really, a Union Statue? Too Bad These People Don't Know Much About History. Well, There Were the Rioters in Birmingham Who Attacked a World War I Statue. --Old Secesh
No Flags, Birmingham, Even England Statues Coming Down
June 8 and 9, 2020.
** Marine Corps bans public display of Confederate flag on its bases and installations amid nationwide unrest over George Floyd killing. (I will be expecting an apology from the Corps for the Montford Point Marines. Shame on the Corps.)
** Birmingham officials finish protester's job and pull down 11-year-old Confederate monument. (The city finished the hate crime.)
** WATCH protesters TEAR DOWN statue of slave trader in Briston. (England)
** Crew heard cheers as Confederate general's statue toppled in Monroe Park. (Richmond, Virginia)
** Virginia gov. to announce removal of Confederate Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond.
** Senator calls on Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard to ban the display of the Confederate flag. (Illinois' U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth. As a Democrat, I wasn't going to vote for her anyway. And as a veteran, she should know that the men who fought under that flag were U.S. soldiers.)
** Louisville removed the Castleman statue. Is this the end for other Confederate memorials? (The statue had been vandalized many times.)
** Army to consider changing names of forts named after Confederate generals.
** Donald Trump and George Floyd.
** Tear down all the racist statues. From The Mary Sue. Watch the glee and joy of the destruction of several Confederate monuments. Those people sure are enjoying themselves.
** Letter to the Editor: , June 9, 2020: Maury's contributions outweigh role in the Civil War.
Do rememeber. What Is Being Done to the Statues Is Nothing less than hate crimes. --Old Secesh
15 Days Until Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy
Yep, folks, just 15 days until Virginia gets to "legally" go on its state sanctioned tear-down of Confederate statues, and I know Richmond and Charlottesville are really anticipating that. It will be cause for a great party with all sorts of cheering, hand-clapping and back-slapping. There will be so much joy for some.
I wonder how many other statues will be coming down in the state between July 1 and July 4?
Every Southern state is having the repulsive Confederate Hate virus, but Virginia, the former capital of the Confederacy, especially so.
The whole state is now on my boycott list as a result, which, as a Civil War buff, is difficult with all the battlefields there. Plus, traditionally, I stop in Wytheville, Virginia, for gas on my way to North Carolina as this is the cheapest gas during the whole trip. Next time, I will wait until I get to North Carolina to fill up.
Plus, I was planning on driving the Crooked Road for that experience. And, if you've been following my Tattooed On Your Soul: World War II blog, I've been writing about Bedford, Virginia, and its role as America's World War II City because 19 of its 34 sons died on D-Day. I won't be visiting it for now.
Just some of the things I will be missing about Virginia (but not that horrific traffic gridlock in the northern part of the state between D.C. and Virginia).
All that will have to wait until I find a way to forgive Virginia for its transgressions.
So Sad. But, No Money From Me. --Old Secesh
Saturday, June 13, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: Marine Corps, Streets, Flag and Virginia Beach
June 7, 2020
** Confederate monuments are coming down, are streets and highways next?
** U.S. Marine Corps issues ban on Confederate flags.
** Summerville woman flies new Confederate symbol after years of community debate. (Second Confederate National flag.)
** Crew heard cheers as Confederate general's statue toppled in Monroe Park (Richmond, Va. Statue of Confederate General Williams Carter Wickham.)
** Unrest prompts Virginia Beach to reconsider the future of its Confederate monument.
** Let's be honest about why that Confederate marker is at Tarrant County Courthouse.
** KKK supporters converge on Fort Plain's Haslett Park after peaceful protest.
** Hundreds turn out for Saturday protest in Fort Myers.
** Fact: 10 U.S. military bases named after Confederate generals.
** Peaceful unity protest held in DeFunaik Springs. (Florida)
--Old Secesh
A World War I Statue Hit in Birmingham. Also, Richmond, Mobile and the Military
These are newspaper and media headlines so you can search them.
June 6, 2020
** Removal of Confederate statue provokes strong, mixed reactions in Mobile.
** From bumper-stickers to T-shirts, Confederate flags now officially off-limits for Marines.
** City erupts. (Richmond, Va., Richmond Free Press)
** Another one: Confederate statue brought down under cover of darkness.
** Birmingham statue's creator hopes old wounds heal. (About the Linn statue.)
** Military leaders: We must uphold justice and liberty for all.
** Floyd death pushes military to face 'own demons' on race.
** World War I memorial in Birmingham vandalized during Sunday night riots, removed by city.
Really, a World War I Monument? Idiots!! --Old Secesh
Just 17 Days to Virginia's Confederate Statue Orgy
Well, now that the state Democrats have scrapped the Confederate statue protection laws, effective July 1, I'm imagining every Confederate statue in Richmond and Charlottesville and most of the rest of the state will come down within a few days at that time.
That of course, if this is done legally. I'm of the thought that Virginia's governor and Richmond's mayor might sort of suggest an earlier removal.
Anybody besides me reminded of an event that took place on November 9-10, 1938, in Germany. The BLM and state officials kind of remind me of the ones responsible.
Who's a Neo? --Old Secesh
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Virginia, Clemson, Anderson, S.C., Wikipedia and How Many Confederate Monuments Are There
June 6, 2020
** Virginia mayor resigns after requesting Confederate monuments. Interesting story.
** New petitions target Clemson's Tillman Hall, Anderson monument and more. (City of Anderson, S.C. Ben Tillman was S.C. governor and so-called white supremacist and founding trustee of Clemson University.
A white student was photographed in front of the hall with graffiti of racial slurs and KKK. That student has been removed from the school. And, rightfully so. But, I have to ask why students at all universities who "vandalize" monuments on campus are also not removed from schools as well?
** Virginia governor discusses his decision to remove Confederate monument.
** Monuments and memorials removed during the George Floyd protests. Wikipedia. List of 35 monuments and memorial either removed or with plans for their removal. Also three outside the U.S. And, another list of seven symbols and insignia, two buildings and three names and nomenclature. Well worth checking this list out.
See List of monuments and memorials removed during George Floyd protests in Wikipedia.
** How many Confederate monuments exist in the U.S.? If you want to know, check out the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which has an extensive and accurate list of them so that "protesters" will know what to go after.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: Richmond, Virginia, Indianapolis, Mobile, Semmes and Confederate Women
June 6, 2020
** Richmond is taking down Confederate statues: Is this the end for other Confederate memorials?
** Virginia GOP calls own lawmaker's comments on Confederate statues 'idiotic.' She said that this was erasing white history, something you can't say these days.
** Hackney: Confederate monuments don't belong in Indianapolis-- or anywhere else.
** Mobile, Alabama removes Confederate statue without notice.
** Admiral Semmes Confederate monument removed from downtown Mobile. (This was done by the city government, not rioters.)
** Vandals strike controversial Confederate park tribute to the women of the Confederacy in Springfield. (Springfield Park in Jacksonville, Fla.) Really? Confederate women who sent their sons and husbands off to war and suffered so badly from Union occupation? Really?
** Removal of Confederate statue provokes strong, mixed reactions from Mobile community.
--Old Secesh
It Goes On and On: Virginia, Alabama and Georgia
June 5, 2020
** Senator Warren of Virginia, former governor, discusses Confederate monuments. Says it is time they were removed.
** Johnson: Gov. Ivey, lawmakers rescind law protecting Confederate memorials. Opinion column from Birmingham AL.com.
** Athens officials want to push Confederate monument off pedestal. (Athens, Georgia)
** Confederate flag painted over at Mobile's McGill-Toolen Catholic High School. (On stained-glass window.)
** Movement to change Confederate-named Montgomery schools gains momentum.
** Alabama Democrats call for state to end holiday commemorating Confederate leader. (Why is it that the Democrats seem to be the party Of the Blacks and For the Blacks?)
** Mayor, governor announce removal of Confederate monuments. (The monuments are still standing, legally until at least July 1 according to the latest bill passed by the Democrats and signed by the Democratic governor.)
--Old Secesh
About the Desecration of That Lee Monument in Richmond
In the last post I wondered if the city or state government of Virginia or Richmond had taken steps to clean all the obscenities and hate off the Lee statue on Monument Avenue. What the rioters did to it back in early June is horrible. It would seem to be a stain on the city and state to leave the desecrations on it.
The answer is no, as of Monday, June 8 a photograph showing an inspection team from the Virginia Department of General Services inspecting it and everything that was on it then is still on it.
An embarrassment to a state and city that certainly should be embarrassed for their recent and impending actions.
This monument and others on Monument Avenue should be cleaned immediately.
Were there any Confederate monuments which were not victims of hate crimes since June 1st?
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
It's a Flood of Anti-Confederate Hysteria These Days-- Part 2: Indianapolis, Boston Alabama, Tampa and Kentucky
June 4, 2020
** Mayor Hogsett announces plans to remove Confederate monument from Garfield Park. (Indianapolis. Indiana. This honors 1,616 Confederate prisoners who died at Camp Morton in the city. It was built in 1912.)
** This is a good one. The monument in Boston honoring Col. Shaw and the all-black 54th Massachusetts Infantry (from the movie "Glory") was defaced on Sunday, May 31. Who'd a thought the Blacks and their white minions would have done something like that.
** Tonight: Roy Wood Jr. on Alabama removing Confederate monument.
** Huge, infamous Confederate flag taken down due to protests near Florida neighborhood. (Tampa. The SCV took it down figuring the rioters would attack it and the police wouldn't do anything about it.)
** Murray man calls for removal of Confederate memorial outside Calloway County court house. (Kentucky. He is a black man. generally speaking, all it takes is one black person protesting to get it removed. Such power.)
** Protesters demand more than removal of Confederate monuments.
** Northam, Stoney back removal of Richmond's Confederate monuments. (Northam is the Va. governor and Stoney is Richmond's mayor. Northam is a white man. Stoney is a black man.)
Today is June 10 and I wonder if the Lee monument has been cleaned. I see that the J.E.B. Stuart and Jefferson Davis monuments on Monument Avenue also had hate crimes committed against them. I am betting that the racist statue of the black man on a horse in front of the art museum across the street from Monument Avenue was NOT TOUCHED.
This Is Just Too Sad. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
It's a Flood of Anti-Confederate Hysteria These Days-- Part 1
From newspapers from June 4, 2020.
** Confederate monuments coming down around the South amid protests.
** George Floyd protests reignite debate over Confederate statues. (Well, actually, I would call the early protests more of riots and looting.)
** Mobile Archdiocese removes Confederate flag from McGill-Toolen mural after petition.
** Stoney to propose removing all Confederate statues from Monument Avenue.
** In Pictures: Confederate symbols torn down amid U.S. race protests. (Again, more like riots and looting.)
** No 'organized or collaborative discussion' about future of Confederate statue in Sebastian County.
** As monuments fall all across the South, will districts reconsider Confederate named schools?
--Old Secesh
Monday, June 8, 2020
Confederate Monuments Coming Down Fast and Those Not Coming Down Have Been Severely "Vandalized"
June 3, 2020
** Confederate monument removed after Birmingham mayor's vow to 'finish the job.'
** Confederate monuments come down: Alexandria statue removed, as 'Black Lives Matter' written on others. The statue was of a Confederate soldier and it was taken down by its owners, the UDC. This article has an update of other anti-Confederate actions taking place around the nation in the wake of the George Floyd murder.
** Protesters in some cities target Confederate monuments. Another list of monuments that have had hate crimes committed.
** Mobile cleans vandalized Confederate statue, Birmingham removes theirs. The statue was of Confederate Admiral Raphael Semmes, commander of the famous cruiser CSS Alabama.
** Confederate monuments coming down around South amid protests. (Also the statue in Norfolk, Virginia, was "vandalized."
This Is Horrible. 0--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Birmingham, Ole Miss, Arkansas, Tampa Salisbury
June 1, 2020
I will try to get caught up on the Second Civil War since the beginning of June. These attacks on the Confederacy and Confederate statues in particular have gone into overdrive since the George Floyd tragedy.
You can bring up most of these by just typing in what I typed.
** Birmingham mayor orders removal of Confederate monument in public park.
** Confederate monuments haunt American democracy.
** Chancellor commits to Confederate statue relocation. (University of Mississippi)
** Now is the time to end Confederate holiday, Alabama Congresswoman says as protests rock the state. (She is a black woman.)
** Confederate monument in Bentonville square to be moved. (Arkansas)
** Protesters tear down statue, damage Confederate monument in Alabama. (They were rioters and in the process of committing a hate crime. This was the statue in Birmingham.)
** Group takes down huge Confederate flag in Tampa. (The local SCV flies it and they also took it down. This was after word of a possible protest to be held at the site to take the flag down.)
** The latest: Birmingham begins removing Confederate monument.
** Shots fired, two arrested following argument with Confederate group at BLM protest in Salisbury. North Carolina (Sadly, the shots were fired into the air by a member of the Confederate group We do not need this sort of counter protest. Hopefully he will be charged and tried.)
--Old Secesh
Sorry, I Just Couldn't Look at That Picture Anymore. I Had to Remove It.
That picture of the "vandalism" (actually a whole bunch of hate crimes) on the statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, bothered me too much and made me too angry. So I took it down.
You can see it at the June 7, 2020, Vox "Protesters tore down a statue in the former capital of the Confederacy. More to follow" by Riley Beggin.
I just couldn't stand that image any more.
--Old Secesh
So, Ending Police Brutality Means "Vandalizing" Confederate Statues and Pulling Them Down in Virginia
And, I use the word "vandalizing" in the headline in italics because it is actually a hate crime.
From the June 7, 2020, Vox "Protesters tore down a statue in the former capital of the Confederacy. More to follow" by Riley Beggin.
A picture of the "protesters" at the "vandalized" Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond accompanies the article. I will put that picture at the top of the blog for a few days in case you haven't seen the "vandalism." The picture was taken by Ryan McKelley
"Protesters toppled the statue of a Confederate general in Richmond, Va., Saturday night (June 6) it was the latest of a number of monuments to the former slave-owning South to be pulled down by protesters and public officials as people nationwide demand racial justice and an end to police brutality.
"The protesters defaced the statue of Confederate Gen. Williams Carter Wickham in the city's Monroe Park., which sits on Virginia Commonwealth University campus, before using ropes to pull it down.
One person reportedly urinated on it before running away.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, June 7, 2020
The Robert E. Lee Statue in Richmond During More Normal Times
You may have noticed that I have added a painting of the dedication of the statue of Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, at the top of my sidebar.
The dedication took place on May 29, 1890.
Happier Times. --Old Secesh
I Saw What the "Protesters" Did to the Lee Monument in Richmond
"Protesters?" They were really rioters and looters.
That was sure a huge amount of "vandalism" as they like to call it. And, I am sure all the Confederate monuments on the avenue were similarly marked. Could this be considered a hate crime?
Sadly, the amount of time it took to do that meant that the police must have been there and allowed it to go on. Probably figured that it was better to have the "protesters" doing that than looting and pillaging or causing confrontations.
I'm sure that statue in front of the Virginia Art Museum just off the avenue was untouched.
--Old Secesh
So, Where's the Apology to the Police?
In the last two posts, I mentioned at least six policemen being injured by rioters protesting the tragic George Floyd death. I didn't mention the looters hurting police as they were too busy elsewhere doing their thing.
Can you believe a car full of certain people deliberately ran into the officers then sped away. Didn't something like that happen in Charlottesville several years ago?
The main black racist organizations are the NAACP, BLM and the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center).
I have not seen a statement from any of these groups as to how they feel about those injuries.
Waiting. --Old Secesh
Friday, June 5, 2020
Let's See. These People Want Confederate Monuments Down?-- Part 2
WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Law enforcement officials used tear gas, pellets and low-flying helicopters to turn back demonstrators. Protesters smashed windows at the Teamsters Building before dispersing.
LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY-- A day of mostly peaceful protest ended with violence as police used tear gas in Louisville's downtown Jefferson Square.
Other cities with protests and violence:
AP estimates that at least 5,600 people have been arrested since protests broke out about George Floyd's death.
155 arrests in Minneapolis
800 in New York City
900 in Los Angeles
And These People Want to Get Rid of Any and All Things Confederate. I Don't Know. --Old Secesh
Let's See. These People Want the Confederate Monuments Taken Down?-- Part 1
The murder of George Floyd was tragic, but so are these.
From the June 2, 2020, ABC News.
** Four police officers shot in St. Louis protests. (Please, let's stop calling these protests. They are clearly riots. But at least we know the riots weren't because of the Confederate monument in Forrest Park which has already been taken down and the reason for my boycott on St. Louis.)
** New York City imposed a curfew to prevent another night of destruction that included the breakin and looting of the iconic Macy's store. People rushed into the Nike store carrying out armloads of good. Wreckage littered the inside of an AT&T store.
** Cicero, Illinois-- Two people were killed during protests. Sixty were arrested. Looters broke into a liquor store and other businesses.
And this wasn't even Chicago where looters attacked the downtown with much destruction over the weekend. And, in the meantime shootings in Chicago, mostly Black on Black for May 31-June 6: Shot and Killed: 27, Shot and Wounded: 117.
** Buffalo, New York-- A vehicle plowed into a group of law enforcement officers injuring at least two.
Follow up on this: Three police officers were injured and the driver and occupants of the car have been caught. They were not white people.
And, These People Have Problems With Confederate Monuments? --Old Secesh
Thursday, June 4, 2020
The Floyd Tragedy Has Caused Open Season on Confederate Memorials
That much enjoyed respite that we had when the Confederate-haters took a break during the coronavirus pandemic has come to an end. Part of this is due to the relaxing of the restrictions that were emplaced for it, but the biggest thing has been the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.
So many Confederate monuments had hate crimes committed against them (and not vandalism as the media likes to call it) and then we had the situation in Birmingham, Alabama with that city's mayor who needs to be arrested and then the college professor who sent out directions on how to topple obelisks to rioters.
What is wrong with that city?
Too bad, I was enjoying not having to do this blog, but looks like that time is over.
If They Would Just Back Off. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
We See What They're All About Now
This past weekend proved beyond a doubt what these Confederate haters are all about. Do they know that they have all but guaranteed the re-election of their anathema to the U.S. presidency?
They are just as bad as the white supremacists, American Nazis and KKK. And, supposedly they are against those groups.
Who Knew? --Old Secesh
Monday, June 1, 2020
Protesters Target Confederate Statues in Recent Riots-- Part 2: Norfolk, Richmond, Nashville and Philadelphia
In Norfolk, Virginia, protesters climbed a Confederate monument and spray-painted graffiti on its base. Norfolk is one of the Virginia cities who have already let it be known that they will be removing the monument as soon as they are able to July 1. (Sadly, another Southern city I will now have to boycott.)
In Richmond, Virginia, at least two of the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue, those of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Jeb Stuart were completely covered in graffiti.
Nearby, a fire burned at the headquarters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The building was also covered with graffiti.
In Tennessee and Pennsylvania, statues of people who weren't Confederates but who had racist tendencies were also targeted.
The one in Nashville, Tennessee, of Edward Carmack was toppled. Protesters (well, those committing hate crimes and getting away with it) sprayed graffiti on the statue of former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo after trying to topple it.
The death of George Floyd was a miscarriage of justice. Not as bad, but still breaking the law, the attacks on the statues is also called breaking the law. Why do they get away with it?
Where Are the Police? --Old Secesh
Protesters Target Confederate Statues in Some Cities-- Part 1: Mississippi, Charleston and Raleigh
From the May 31, 2020, Politico, AP.
Protesters marching about the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis also attacked Confederate statues in several cities. Monuments in Virginia (no surprise there), the Carolinas and Mississippi. I haven't read the whole article but am sure those "people" in Charlottesville got a chance to spew forth their racist hatred as usual.
The words "spiritual genocide" were sprayed on the Confederate monument on the University of Mississippi campus. In Charleston, S.C., the base of the "Confederate Defenders" monument was defaced with "BLM" and "traitors." I have written a lot about this statue in my Civil War blogs.
In Raleigh, N.C., the Confederate monument at the state capitol was marked with an "X" and a shorthand for a phrase expressing contempt for the police. The word racist was also written on the monument.
I wonder if these persons committing the looting and hate crimes know that they are doing a whole lot to reelect Donald Trump.
Disgusting Behavior. --Old Secesh
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