Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

So Sad That Cities Across America Have to Prepare for BLM Riots As Decision in Minneapolis Approaches

What has the United States come to where anytime court decisions are handed down that a certain group of people don't like, every city has to prepare for the inevitable BLM riots (even though our extremely biased media refers to it as peaceful demonstrations and civil unrest)?

So sad.

Now, I agree with PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS, but that is rare when that certain group is involved.  It degenerates to confrontation with authorities, lots of really bad language, burning, looting and in general rioting.

This did not happen when O.J. was acquitted in one of the most racist trials in U.S. history, but that was because that certain group got what they wanted.

Wouldn't it be something is the verdict goes against Blacks and their BLM, if they did have peaceful demonstrations?

We don't need another 2020.

I guess some folks need those new large screen HDTVs, top of the line cell phones, jewelry and clothes.

--Old Secesh

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