APRIL 25, 2021
** Agreement reached on protests at North Carolina Courthouse. (Old Alamance Courthouse.)
** Opportunities for hope in Jacksonville after conviction in George Floyd's death. (Florida)
APRIL 26, 2021
** Monday is a state holiday in Alabama: Confederate Memorial Day is April 26.
** The Circle: Mitchell Eason photo with Confederate flag resurfaces. (So?)
** Beauvoir hosts Confederate Memorial Day events. (Mississippi)
** Sonya Clark unravels American propaganda in 'Monumental Cloth".
** The Watchdog: Texas lawmaker shares his pleas with colleagues to end Confederate Heroes Day.
** Icons of Civil Rights Movement and racial equality are replacing Confederates on monuments. (It is too bad that all the removed Confederate monuments are being replaced with black ones. Didn't some other white people do things to be proud of?)
** Georgia park with giant Confederate carving proposes changes. (Stone Mountain, Georgia)
--Old Secesh