Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Goodbye 'Maryland, My Maryland.' Welcome 'We Is Woke, We Is Woke'

MAY 19, 2021

**  Alabama police issue arrest warrant over stolen Confederate monument.  (That chair again.)

**  Community activists urge Florence City Council members to move Confederate monument.  (Alabama.  Well, at least they are urging and not demanding.  Again, how do you get to be a community activist?)

**  Anti-Confederate protesters march at SMPA.  (Sand Mountain, Alabama)

**  Maryland's racist, pro-Confederate  state song has been repealed.  ("Maryland, My Maryland" is out.  Might I recommend "We Is Woke, Oh We Is Woke" as a replacement.  And, it goes to the same tune.)

**  From Charleston to Minneapolis, America grapples with symbols of slave-owning past.


MAY 20, 2021

**  Complaint heard over Confederate statue in Daviess County on Wednesday.  (Owensboro, Kentucky)

**  Organizers sound off  ahead of Thursday's Confederate protest/counterprotest.  (Alamance County, North Carolina.)

--Old Secesh

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