Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Taking a Long Look at the Alabama State Coat of Arms

I was looking at the Alabama State Coat of Arms in the picture section to the right of this and have come to the conclusion that other things need to be taken off it because they might offend some people.

Right now, there is a movement among black legislators in that state, and of course BLM, to remove the Confederate flag because it offends them.

In that case, they also need to remove the Spanish flag because the things they did to the Indians in the new world were too numerous to even get into.  France and British were also bad to the Indians.  Plus, all three countries have done bad things in their history.

Plus, eagles have been known to swoop down and grab fish and other small animals, even other birds.  Well, we can't have them either.

Then, there's that ship at the top of it with cannons.  Ships with cannons kill people on other ships and land.

Then, there is that state motto "Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere" which means "We dare to defend our rights."  Oops, they dared to defend their right to own slaves according to BLM.

So, all that has to go.

See what the NEW Alabama coat of arms will look like below.

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That's Right.  Nothing.  --Old Secesh

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