Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

At What Point Will All Confederate Names Be Removed From History Books? Alabama, Texas, Virginia, Trump, Teaching, Oregon and Mississippi

DECEMBER 4, 2020

**  As Confederate statues fall and protests arise, Civil Rights museums are key to explaining why.

**  Alabama lawmaker moves to strike Confederate flag from coat of arms.  (A black woman.  How did they miss that.  She also wants any and everything Confederate gone.  Is that racist or what?  Wonder how long it took her to realize there was a Confederate flag on the coat or arms.  Kind of surprised no one else noticed it either.))

**  City to replace five more names dedicated to Confederate history and white supremacy.  (Austin, Texas.  Metz Park, Metz Pool, Dixie drive, Confederate  Street and Plantation Drive.)

**  Editorial:  Ordinance does not solve Confederate flag problem.   (Fredericksburg, Va.)

**  Lawmakers line up showdown with Trump over Confederate base names.

**  Editorial:  Teaching accurate, comprehensive history strengthens American society.  (As long as it is just the facts.  Today, so many of the facts are clouded by current culture.)

**  Pendleton activists condemn Confederate stamps.  (Oregon)

**  Augusta task force recommends  removing Confederate monuments, names.  (Georgia)

**  These pioneers tried  to get Confederate flag  out of Mississippi 156 years ago.

At What Point Will They Start Removing All Mentions of the Confederacy from History Text Books and Books in General?  --Old Secesh

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