Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Confederacy Under Attack: The Pittsboro Confederate Monument Removed At Night

November 20, 2019

**  Case dismissed for man who challenged impacts of Confederate statue outside Clinton courthouse.  (Louisiana)  This is a real good story.

**  Confederate monuments should be removed.

**  Removal of Confederate statue outside Chatham County courthouse begins.  (Pittsboro)  Looks like another place to be added to my ever-growing boycott list.

**  Bellingham named a bridge after Confederate officer 100 years ago.  Why it's history.   Pickett Bridge is no longer that in Bellingham, Washington.

**  Museum exhibit in Lynchburg to display Confederate flag after consultation with community.  (Virginia)

Another Loss in Pittsboro.

You Have to Wonder Why So Many Hate Crimes and Removals of Confederate Statues Take Place At Night?  One Wonders.  --Old Secesh

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