Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Monday, March 29, 2021

These Attacks Just Don't End: At Least in NC, Toppling Confederate Monuments Is Illegal.

The main reason I keep writing this blog is so people see that this Confederate hatred campaign is still underway.  Media doesn't cover it in depth, just in local instances most of the time.  These are recent headlines that you read, with location and my comments in parentheses.


MARCH 25, 2021

**  NJ man charged with toppling Confederate statue outside NC Capitol.  (Back in April, 2020.  I am amazed.  I though that people committing hate crimes like that were in line to get medals and good commendations, not prosecuted.  Again, I am shocked.  Now, what about that Virginia state senator who incited a riot and hate crime in Portsmouth?)

**  Rally planned Tuesday over renaming of Duval County Confederate-named schools.  (Florida.  I am taking this as a vote as to whether to rename them or not.  If so, that is the way to go.  Let the people vote.  I did read that the voting does not determine the new name.)

**  Southern charm:  Patricia Altschul caught flying Confederate flags on Christmas tree.  (Big Whuup!!  So, who cares.  And how does a flag fly on a Christmas tree anyway.  And, who is Patricia?)

**  Robert E. Lee High School students plan protest over school's name.   (Jacksonville, Florida)

--Old Secesh

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