Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Confederacy Under Attack: Sad V., Schools, Base Names, Kansas City, South Carolina and Arizona

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

**  Casey:  The former 'Capital of the Confederacy' rings the bell for voters' rights.  (You know, Sad V.)

**  Former Easthampton High School students settle racial lawsuit against school and city.

**  Commission to rename installations named  after Confederates to meet in March.


MARCH 1, 2021

**  An 'abomination':  Group offers $10,000 to remove Kansas City-area Confederate statue.  (Missouri.  The statue is in a cemetery with Confederate graves around it.  While I support, with reluctance, the removal of Confederate statues from public areas, cemeteries and private land should be exempt.  But I like the idea that those who want the statues removed pay for it themselves, which this group is willing to do.)

**  Activists push for removal of Confederate statue in Greenville.  (South Carolina)

**  Confederate symbols removed from Arizona in 2020.  (Three)

--Old Secesh

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