FEBRUARY 27, 2021
** Ban on Confederate flag urged in Northampton schools. (Massachusetts. The black principal was shown holding a BLM sign. Does that mean he supports rioting, burning, looting and hate crimes?)
** Alabama ranks third in nation for number of Confederate symbols removed in 2020. (That has to be embarrassing. Again, the racist group SPLC has the numbers and says that 12 were removed. In case you're wondering, Sad V. led the pack with 71 thanks to their sad gov and mayor. N.C. was second with 24. The states of embarrassment.)
** HEY SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center). We are still waiting for your list on BLM "peaceful demonstrations" that led to rioting, confrontation, looting, burning and hate crimes in 2020. Come on guys, you know you can do it!!
** Lawmakers vote to remove Confederate name from highway. (No surprise there. Sad V. Jefferson Davis Highway)
** Confederate symbols removed from Georgia in 2020. (Seven according to SPLC)
--Old Secesh