Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Monday, February 15, 2021

The Word From the Other Side: 'Best FUs to Confederate Monuments'-- Part 1

I came across this article in the Dec. 30, 2019, Blavity: News  "9 of the best FUs to Confederate monuments:  The Confederacy ain't rising anytime soon" by Ashleigh Lakieva Atwell.  She is a black person. 

Blavity is an internet company created by and for black millennials.

It starts:

"The confederacy was one of the biggest failures  in American history but some white folks refuse to let it go.  They have erected numerous memorials to commemorate men who stood on the wrong side of history.  Not to mention...they lost.  The confederates were also attempting to create their own slave-holding nation so they were also traitors.  Clearly, they refused to pick a struggle.

"Over a century later, we're still fighting for the right to not be subjected to statues, flags, and other useless shit celebrating these disloyal losers.  Thankfully, there were a few brave souls who made it their mission to give the figurative middle finger to the confederacy.

"While those dummies wait for the South to rise again, here are a few of our favorite anti-confederate rebels."

She goes on to list nine examples of standing up to the Confederacy.  Just wish she knew that Confederacy and Confederate are spelled with capital "C's".  Something about being a proper name.

I will list her nine things in the next post.

This Was An Extremely Racist Article.  I Don't Think She Likes Us.  --Old Secesh

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