Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ask Amy, Something Mighty Fishy in Sad R. If the Confederate Flag is Offensive in School, What About BLM Items?

NOVEMBER 10, 2020

**  Ask Amy:  Friend's Confederate flag-waving hard to ignore.  (Have we come to this, Dear Abby?)

**  City leaders to discuss renaming Confederate Avenue.  (Sad R..  As we know from the previous post, they not only discussed it, they did it same night.)

**  Texas students disciplined for wearing Confederate clothing to school.  (All schools need to also ban anything BLM as this organization is as hateful and racist as any Confederate flag.  Plus, BLM is responsible for numerous riots, looting and burning.  Let's make it fair.)


NOVEMBER 11, 2020

**  Group raises massive Confederate flag over I-40 after residential election.  (North Carolina)

**  Prosecutor decides to investigate $1.8 million contract to remove Richmond's Confederate statues.  (Sad R.  There was definitely something mighty fishy going on there.  I can't help but wonder how the vote would have been on removal had this been allowed to go to a public vote instead of left up to the BLM supporters.)

--Old Secesh

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