Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Thoughts on the Lee Statue in Sad R.-- Part 2: Let BLM Pay Costs

I reluctantly support removal of all Confederate items from all public places.  They offend certain elements of the population and I can understand why they don't like them.  Although I find it hard to believe that it took them so long to realize that they were offended by them.  Come on, many stood for 100+ years.  Now, I can understand perhaps not saying anything about them during the Jim Crow era, but that essentially ended in the 1960s.  There have been a lot of years that have passed since then and last year after G.F. "Woke" many.

As in the case with all Confederate statues that are removed, all costs or removal, protection, storage and finding new places for them should be paid by those wanting them removed.  The statues should be turned over to the SCV and UDC for new sites on which to be erected.  Then, those who hate the Confederacy should pay for protection as we know BLMers and their white minions like nothing more than to desecrate statues with their profanity and paint.

I still believe that any statue up for removal should be voted on.  I'd go with how the majority of the people vote in all cases.  But, of course, Democrats and Blacks have seen what happened in Virginia on such votes last November, so sadly, that won't be happening.

The best thing others can do is to vote the rascals out and put friendly folks into power.

And, don't forget, the Democrats were the party of the South all those years during Jim Crow.

--Old Secesh

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