I am very glad to see that statue is down and I'm hoping the pedestal is down by now as well. However, I now understand a new time capsule has been buried at the pedestal's cornerstone so I am not sure that it will not be taken down at this time.
What the city of Sad R. allowed done to that pedestal is an extremely sad thing. I am disgusted by it.
At least the statue was not removed at the top of the pedestal under cover of the night as seems to be the case with most Confederate statues. Something about why criminal activity tends to take place at night instead of the daylight.
That construction worker who incited onlookers to cheer should be fired, but, since he works for the black man whose company took it down, he will probably receive a big bonus. Of course, the Team Henry Enterprises Co. was created to take down other Confederate statues just a few days before that happened. Devon Henry is a close friend and big contributor to Sad R.'s mayor, who is also a black man. I always thought there was something funny about all that.
Between Sad R.'s mayor and Sad V.'s governor (a white man), both of whom are Democrats, that poor state and city are going right down the tubes. I would move there just to vote against them, but at present the city and whole state is on my boycott list. So, sadly that won't happen.
But, what surprises me is that I am sure there are a lot of people living in Virginia who are proud of their Confederate heritage, perhaps even a majority of them. This last November during elections, out of six places where statue removal was placed on the ballot, all six places voted no. Of course, now Democrats and their black allies sure won't be placing anything up to the will of the people anymore.
Let's Not Forget the Political Party That Ran the Jim Crow Era in the South. And, It Wasn't the Republicans. --Old Secesh