Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Confederadication: Virginia, Fire Departments, Confederate Flowers and Jacksonville

NOVEMBER 7, 2021

**  Virginia monument honors three black soldiers  executed by Confederates.  (Washington Post)

**  No Confederate flags at fire depts.  (Five Towns, New York)

**  Commentary:  As Confederate statues fall, build monuments to black heroes at risk of being forgotten.  (Here's an idea. Let the Confederate monuments stand and also build the ones to Blacks.)


NOVEMBER 8, 2021

**  Confederate Rose's large shrub, pink flowers appealing to  gardeners.  (Oh, no!!  Now we have a racist flower!!)

**  Culpeper County memorial honors story of black Civil War heroes. (Virginia.  A new monument honoring three USCT soldiers captured and executed by Confederate soldiers during the war.)


NOVEMBER 9, 2021

**  Councilman, influential  groups ask city council to postpone  vote on Confederate  monument removal.  (Jacksonville, Florida)

--Old Secesh

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