Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Robert E. Lee Statue, Cost of Removing Pedestals $1.5 Million, Racism and U.S. Capitol Attack

JANUARY 6, 2022

**  Robert E. Lee statue to exit  Richmond's wastewater plant.  (Sad R.  That's right, a further slap in the face from the mayor and his cohorts, store it at a wastewater plant.  Will this ever end.  Oh yes, and turn it over to a black museum.  One can only imagine what horrible things they are going to do with it.)

**  Removal of remaining Confederate monument pedestals could cost approximately  $1.5 million.  (Sad R.  That seems to be way high, but the money goes to a big-time mayor supporter.  Of course, the cost of all this should be paid for by people who want the monuments and their pedestals gone.  None should come from public funds.)

**  Racism's prominent role in January 6 US Capitol Attack.  (If this was racism, I would think it was in response to what the BLMers were doing during the days of riots all year during 2020.  And, let's face it, most of those rioters, looters and arsonists committing hate crimes were of one particular race of people.)

But, I agree, those pictures of them idiots attacking the Capitol is as offensive to me as the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.  A horrible day in U.S. history.

Let Those Who Want the Statues Gone PAY for it THEMSELVES.  --Old Secesh

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