Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Controversial Dent "Wildman" Myers Dies, Owned a Confederate Memorabilia Shop on Kennesaw, Georgia

JANUARY 19, 2022

**  Kennesaw  Confederate  souvenir shop owner Dent Myers dies.  (Georgia.  Dent "Wildman" Myers has died.  He was a real character and complete Confederate.  All those "Woke" and ultra leftist people who "visited" his lace and tried to make him realize how wrong he was never succeeded.  He was unreconstructed to the end.  I was fortunate to meet him back in the 1970s.  Not a person I'll ever forget.)

**  Florida lawmaker introduces a bill to remove three c(C)onfederate holidays from state law.  (A Democratic white woman.)

**  Owner of controversial Kennesaw Confederate memorabilia shop dies.  (Did I mention his shop was controversial or that he was controversial.  The more controversial, the more "Wildman" liked it.)

The Old Unreconstructed Hippie/Rebel Guy.  --Old Secesh

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