SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
** Hanover School Board agrees on new names for schools memorializing Confederate leaders. Hanover County, Virginia. Lee Davis High School could soon be renamed Mechanicsville High School. Stonewall Jackson Middle School could be named Bell Creek.)
** Lexington amends lawsuit to remove Confederate statue immediately. (North Carolina. Want it removed now and stored until lawsuit finalized.)
** A counter to Confederate monuments, black cemeteries tell a fuller story of the South.
OCTOBER 1, 2020
** Despite push, few schools have dropped Confederate names. (An analysis says that just 11 of 211 schools have had names changed. Plus they want names changed of all schools named after anyone who opposed integration.)
** Lexington calls Confederate monument 'figurative powder keg' that must be moved for public safety. (North Carolina. Only is the BLMers and their white minions get violent.)
** What's in a name? For some clubs in the South, uneasy ties to the Confederacy. (Secession Golf Club in Beaufort, South Carolina. The names of five tees carried Civil War names: Lee, Jackson, Stuart, Grant and Sherman, have been changed to important club members. Kind of strange that a a South Carolina golf course would have a tee named for Sherman after his March Through the Carolinas.
Also, the First National Confederate flag has been replaced on the club's logo with the S.C. flag. And, a copy of the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession has been removed from the clubhouse. Even changing the name was considered, but not done.
Got Confederate-Free Golf? --Old Secesh