Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

About Charlottesville's Holiday to Celebrate the Freeing of the Slaves This Month and Dumping Thomas Jefferson's Birthday

That great old Southern City of Charlottesville, Virginia, will not be commemorating Thomas Jefferson's birthday this year.  And, he sure had a lot to do with that city and college.

And, he wasn't their anathema Confederate guy.  But, he did, after all have the "s" word and that is all it takes there, evidently.  I kind of regard Jefferson as a key reason we became a country and succeeded.  You know, that document called the Declaration of Independence.  But, evidently that is not enough for them.  You know, "s" word.

They will be celebrating the emancipation of Blacks instead, because in March 1865, a Union force under George Armstrong Custer (yes,that Custer) came to town with the plan of destroying it, but they (and the college) quickly surrendered and essentially pleaded not to be destroyed.  They weren't.

And, the city council says this is when the Blacks were freed from their "s" word.

I've often heard that under the Emancipation Proclamation, slaves were freed in areas that were still in a state of rebellion and not under Union control, but didn't say much about slaves in border states or occupied areas.

I was reading about Charlottesville's role in the Confederacy and it was considerable and will be writing about it in my Saw the Elephant: Civil War blog in the future.

If Charlottesville wants to celebrate the freeing of the slaves, let them do it, but don't drop your connection to Jefferson.

Like I Have Said Before, There Is Something Mighty Wrong in Virginia.  --Old Secesh

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