Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Major Loss in Virginia: Will This Be a November 9-10, 1938 All Over Again?

We knew this was going to happen.  The Democratic lawmakers in Virginia promised they were going to do this.  And, they did.  Now, all it takes to become law is the signature of the state's Democratic governor.  He has already assured us that he will sign it.

The voting went along party lines, much as the voting in the impeachment trial went.  The bill was sponsored by a black senator which comes as no big surprise.  In the senate it passed 21-19.  In the house the bill was sponsored by a black delegate and passed 53-46.

Localities will be able to remove war memorials at their discretion.  And, of course, this means CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS.

If the Democratic party in Virginia is taking the path of removing history, much like those in Germany were in the 1930s, how can anyone support them?   It will be imperative that Virginia voters get rid of the Democratic majorities in both houses and the executive position in the upcoming elections.

I would imagine that the Confederate monuments will start coming down within days of the governor's signature on the bill.  And the glee with which one group and their minions will enjoy it will know no bounds.

I have voted for Democrats in the past, as a matter of fact, I probably have voted for Democrats more often than Republicans.  And, that would include Carole Mosely-Braun and Barack Obama for U.S. senator and Obama for president in his second term.  I also voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election.

At this point, because of what has happened in Virginia, I probably will be voting for Republicans in all offices in Illinois (since I can't vote in Virginia) other than president in this upcoming election.  And, if the Democrats find themselves unable to come up with a viable candidate for president, who knows.

Let the Feeding Frenzy Begin.  November 9-10, 1938.  --Old Secesh

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