Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Friday, June 25, 2021

If a Black Person Wants a Confederate Name Removed, Does That Make Them a Racist? Brooklyn, Statues, SCV, Pulitzer Prize, North Carolina and Sad R.

JUNE 21, 2021

**  Congresswoman  Clarke calls for renaming  Brooklyn confederate (Confederate) streets.  (She is a black woman.  If a black person wants a Confederate name eradicated, does that make them a racist?)


JUNE 22, 2021

**  Documentary  examines troubled past with Confederate statues.  (Again, I have to wonder why it took certain people that long to figure out they were offended by them.  Come on, many of those statues have been there for a hundred years or more.)

**  Sons of Confederate Veterans  sues to restore Confederate monument to square.  (Decatur, Georgia)

**  Pulitzer Prize winner discusses his writings about Richmond's Confederate statues.  (Sad R.)

**  Pitt County Commissioners postpone transfer of Confederate monument  until next meeting.  (North Carolina)

**  Delay removal of Richmond's Confederate  pedestals, urge Northam's  chief of staff, community

--Old Secesh

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