Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

About That Disgrace That Took Place Yesterday in D.C.

Those pictures of the Trump mob swarming over the outside and inside of the U.S. Capitol was alarming to say the least.  The fact that a group like this could get into the building and interrupt the workings of the government is unbelievable.

I hope never to see it again.  The photos of the idiots all over the outside and inside the Capitol are ingrained in my mind now, along with the Twin Towers burning on 9/11.  I hope the authorities are able to track them down and prosecute (at least better than they did with the BLM agitators).

I did find the media's comments on what happened of interest.  NBC, ABC and CNN came out and called what happened riots.  And, they were.

However, I saw that during last summer's Days of Rage by the BLM and their white minions, that the rioting, burning, looting and hate crimes committed were called civil unrest.

Hey, boys and girls, a riot is a riot is a riot.

I hope never to see pictures like those idiots climbing all over the Capitol again.

Look Like a Riot.  Is a Riot.  Let's Call Them As They Are.  --Old Secesh

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