Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Judge Them By the Standards of Their Time, Not Today's
January 29, 2020
** Virginia group: Confederate statues should stay, with changes. (A Virginia Beach commission recommends historical context by it and a statue honoring black heritage.)
** Nathan Bedford Forrest bust resolution hearing brings out defense of Confederate general. (Resolution to remove it introduced by a black legislator. SCV defending it. One said, "An individual must be judged by the standards on the times in which they live-- not the standards of today." Very true observation.)
** Richmond City Council okays procedure for a new statue on Monument Avenue honoring USCT. But also wants to remove the one of Jefferson Davis and put historical context by other Confederate statues.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Murals, Buildings and a Flag Law in Mississippi
January 27, 2020
** Charlottesville mural calls for local control over Confederate monuments. (Virginia And their "Local Control" means removal.)
** Reese Foundation weighs in on petition to rename bridge. (Selma, Alabama Edmund Pettus Bridge for Sen. John Lewis of Georgia.)
** What should we do with racist monuments and buildings (UNC-Greensboro Remove them. Also mentions Dickinson College (Pennsylvania) renaming three buildings there that are named after advocates of slavery.)
January 28, 2020
** Y'all Politics site in Mississippi reports a legislative bill by Sen. Seymour that requires all government organizations to fly the state flag, including colleges and universities. It also protects private citizens who choose to fly the flag. (You would never expect for this to be something that has to be settled by a law. The way I look at it, if a university chooses not to fly the state flag, their public money should be cut off. They have seceded in effect.)
Personally, I would like to have the Mississippi state flag's design put on the ballot and let the people make the decision to keep it as is or change it.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Of Flags, Schools and An Intelligent Look at the Statue Question
January 26, 2020
** District plans Confederate flag apparel after complaint. (Colchester, Connecticut. The parent of a bi-racial student said that a classmate had showed him a sweatshirt with a Confederate flag on it. All it took was her complaint. I sure wish I had that much power.)
Of interest. The Norwich (Connecticut) Bulletin had an online poll asking respondents should offensive apparel, like shirts with a Confederate flag, be banned in school districts. 77% said yes, 23% said no. I don't know how scientific this is.
** Alumni sue after Virginia school drops Confederate General's name. (Washington Lee High School in Arlington County is now Washington Liberty High School. Again, I am in favor of changing the name of any Confederate-named school if the majority of the students are Blacks.
** Letter: Let monument go to a museum. (Salisbury, N.C.)
** Editorial: Battle of the statues will not end well.(Fredericksburg, Va.) The Editorial Staff makes a good point. In other words, if the Confederate statues come down because some find them offensive, then that opens the door for these to come down. What about statues of:
Founding Fathers-- any one who owned slaves
John F. Kennedy-- sexual relations
Franklin D. Roosevelt-- Thousands of Japanese people forced to relocation centers during WW II.
Harry Truman-- Atom bomb
Union Soldiers-- What they did in the occupied Confederacy
U.S. soldiers-- Any number of things they did in war time.
Martin Luther King Jr--
I would like to add these to the list of things Martin Luther King Jr. had: sexual relations, violence where he went, the way Blacks responded to his assassination with riots, burning, looting.
Finally, some Words of Wisdom out of Virginia.
We Could Be Opening a Real Can of Worms. --Old Secesh
About That Proposed USCT Monument in Richmond, Virginia
In the last post, I mentioned that the Richmond City Council, which has been doing everything it can do to have the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue removed, is thinking about putting a new statue up there to honor black soldiers from the USCT (United States Colored Troops).
Again, I always support anything that relates to history. However, I stand completely opposed to this current effort to remove all Confederate statues, memorials and plaques from all public spaces (and even private). I am hoping that this current movement by Virginia Democrats to push this agenda does not mean I will have to vote for Republicans in the next election. I would rather pick and choose my candidates as usual.
Anyway, I got to wondering about the USCT regiment that the Richmond City Council wants to be placed on Monument Avenue, especially in regards to the 14 Medals of Honor they received so did some research.
I will write about that research in my Saw the Elephant: Civil War blog later today. To view it, go to My Blogs column to the right of this and click on it.
More History, Less Hatred. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Richmond City Council Looks At Putting Up USCT Statue on Monument Avenue
From the January 22, 2020, Fort Worth Star-Telegram "Richmond city council endorse funding for new statue" AP.
Richmond, Virginia
Here's a story that really puts a burn on things. With all its efforts to remove any and all things Confederate from the city that was the capital of the Confederacy for most of its existence, here is the latest thing they want to do.
A panel has advanced a resolution for a new statue on the city's famed Monument Avenue that would honor black soldiers who fought during the Civil War. It would memorialize a United States Colored Troops (USCT) regiment which had 14 members awarded the Medal of Honor. They did not say what USCT regiment. Too bad, as I would be definitely interested in that information.
The city council might take action on it as early as next week.
The commission also recommended removing the statue of Jefferson Davis from Monuments Avenue.
Now, I wouldn't mind a statue honoring the USCT on the avenue, but let's leave the Confederate ones. How about a compromise?
Leave the Confederate statues (and add context plaques if needed) and put up this monument as long as it doesn't involve public funds.
But, Take Down The Confederate Monuments and Put Up This One Isn't Going to Work for Me. --Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Birmingham, Chicago, Virginia, Washington Post
January 25, 2020
** Birmingham (Alabama) fined over panels around Confederate monument.
** Chicago man says HD Supply allowed racist figurine to be displayed. (A black man was offended by a figurine in a warehouse. All it takes in one person to be offended by a Confederate symbol of any sort to start problems. I wish my feelings counted as much.)
** Rep. McEachin a 'Johnny-come-lately' on removing Confederate statues. (Virginia)
** It's time for Virginia to retire Lee-Jackson Day. (Washington Post This newspaper is taking the lead in Confederate-hating.)
--Old Secesh
About That Confederate Memorial in Orange, Texas
I wrote about this in my January 24, 2020 blog.
From January 21, 2020, 6 KFDM, CBS, "Confederate memorial in Orange ignites modern day civil rights struggle" by Angel San Quan.
The Confederate Memorial of the Wind is located on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. Some people consider that a slap in the face of the civil rights icon and movement. You know, the "S" word.
It consists of 13 columns, representing the 13 states of the Confederacy and contains the Confederate flag as well as the flags of Texas Confederate regiments. It is quite an impressive structure. It was built by the Sons of Confederate Veterans who chose the site because the land was cheap, not because of the name of the road it is on.
Construction started in 2013 and there has been controversy over it ever since.
Opponents of the memorial have raised money to put up a billboard by it featuring King and one of his quotes: "A time comes when silence is betrayal."
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 27, 2020
Confederate Monuments in State of Washington
January 24, 2020
** Confederate monuments in Seattle hidden in plain sight. (Seattle Univ. Student Newspaper. Very anti-Confederate.)
** How to debate Confederate symbols.
** GOP candidate: If you like birth control you should like Confederate statues.
** City to pay over $365K to cover plaintiff's attorney fees in Confederate statues case. (Charlottesville, Va.)
** David Duke agrees to pay $5K to man hurt at Virginia rally. (David Duke is a former KKK leader. The man was injured when the car crashed into counter protesters. I always hate to see the KKK involved in this.)
--Old Secesh
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Civil War II: A New Confederate Monument in Florida (What? No Protest?)
January 23, 2020
** Tallahassee Guards dedicate Confederate monument. (Tallahassee, Florida) I imagine this will really upset "some" folks. What? No Protest?
** Loudon advances 'Path to Freedom,' Confederate statue's future called into question. (Virginia) They are also looking into adding some more statues to tell the story of slavery and the civil rights struggle in the county. I am always in favor of more historical monuments and markers.
** Opinion: Don't move Confederate monuments, talk about slavery, history.
** Judge to hear arguments to remove protection for Confederate statue in downtown Lafayette. (Louisiana)
** Ole Miss students want to move Confederate monument. Here's how lawmakers could stop them.
** NC Board of Elections asked to probe Confederate group and its political activities. (Had those "students" not illegally destroyed Silent Sam, none of this would be a problem. By the way, what legal actions have been taken against the "students"?)
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 24, 2020
Confederate Memorial in Orange, Texas, Drawing Opposition, Lee-Jackson Day, Mississippi Bill
January 22, 2020
** Did Confederate flags fly at a guns rights rally in Virginia?
** Confederate memorial in Orange ignites modern day civil rights struggle. (Texas)
** Sons of Confederate Veterans propose Lee-Jackson-King Day instead of Lee-Jackson. (Virginia) Virginia's Senate passed a bill to remove Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday. I would not like to have both Lee-Jackson and MLK commemorated on the same day.
** You thought Lakeland's Confederate statue was gone? Not so fast. (Florida)
** Lee-Jackson Day luncheon illustrates toil to hold on to Confederate history. (Lexington, Virginia)
** Mississippi Senate bill would prohibit moving public Confederate, other monuments.
--Old Secesh
Problems With MLK Day, Schools, Statues
January 21, 2020
** Opinion: The Confederate context IHL needs to consider. From an Ole Miss student who compares slavery to concentration camps.
** In Alabama, Martin Luther King Day also honors Confederate Robert E.Lee.
** Lakeland confederate monument dispute heading to federal court. (Florida. Don't you just love it when a media source spells Confederate with a small "c."
** Confederate flag nothing like the Stars and Bars.
** Confederate memorial draws protest on MLK Day. (Orange, Texas) They drew six people for the protest.
** Virginia school board ignores racism, refuses to ban Confederate flag clothing. (Franklin County)
It's Confederate With a Capital "C." --Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: Confederate Heroes Day, Dixie Highway, TV and Forrest
January 20, 2020
** A walk through Confederate Heroes Day.
** 'We've got to change this': Has Dixie Highway reached the end of the road? (You know. Dixie = slavery and all that stuff.)
** North-South reconciliation left African Americans behind.
** 'Game of Thrones' creators' controversial slave drama 'Confederate' cancelled by HBO. (Well, you know, that "S"thing and that "C"thing that some object to.)
** Tennessee governor wants to amend day that honors KKK leader. (Nathan Bedford Forrest) (Is it true that some want to strike the name Forrest from the movie because he was named for that Confederate general?)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Poor, Poor Lawbreaking Birmingham, MLK or Confederate, Who came First?
January 19, 2020
** Alabama court won't reconsider Confederate monument ruling. (Birmingham, Alabama. They put up plywood around it and the court ruled that this went against state law protecting military memorials. I feel so sorry for Birmingham.)
** This MLK weekend , Texas will again recognize Confederate Heroes Day. (Well, at least it was an opinion piece. Who had the day first?)
** Lee working to amend Confederate general proclamation. (Lee is not Robert E. but the Tennessee governor. He does not want to do a proclamation for Nathan Bedford Forrest.)
** Confederate Heroes Day ceremony in Longview honors ancestors' dedication. (Texas)
** Fight over Lakeland's Confederate monument goes to federal court. (Florida. It has already been relocated at a cost of $185,000.)
Confederate Monument removal very Financially Rewarding for Contractors. --Old Secesh
Monday, January 20, 2020
Birmingham, Alabama, Is Mad, Confederate Holidays Under Attack, Virginia
January 18, 2010
** Alabama Supreme Court won't rehear Confederate monument case. City of Birmingham covered Confederate monument in plywood.
** Confederate holidays have been in Ky law for nearly 100 years. This bill will change that. Would strike Robert E.Lee Day (Jan. 19) and Confederate Memorial Day (June 3). Sponsored by a white state representative.
** Photos show proposed relocation site in Salem Cemetery for Confederate monument removed from downtown. (Winston-Salem, NC)
** Confederate battle flag supporters hold events as Democrats pus to remove Lee-Jackson Day. (Lexington, Va.) Seriously, Republicans must take back control of the state.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Civil War II: Wearing the Flag, That Silent Sam Case, Ole Miss Monument and HBO
January 16, 2020
** Virginia school students can wear the Confederate flag on clothes. Rocky Mount, Virginia. (Can you believe this was in the New York Daily News? Mighty big issue in a city that has no other issues.)
** Quite a few headlines on the Civil Rights group getting involved in the Silent Sam case. (Instead of being mad about the money the SCV is getting, they should be happy they weren't prosecuted for the hate crime they committed and destruction of public property.)
January 17
** Miss. IHL board delays vote on relocation of Confederate monument on Ole Miss campus. (Institutions of Higher Learning). (Does Ole Miss still get state funding even when they won't fly the state flag? Sounds like a case of secession to me. Maybe they shouldn't be getting state funding as long as they don't fly the flag.)
** Confederate: HBO cancels controversial series from Game of Thrones creators. The series never got off the ground because of people being offended. Hey, even the name.
I Say, Let the State of Mississippi Vote on the Flag. --Old Secesh
Friday, January 17, 2020
Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Texas
January 15, 2010
** 'Unifying' art replaces mural that featured Confederate flag. (In Florida State Capitol.)
** Va. school board will not ban Confederate flag in dress code.
** Students back in court over Confederate statue case. (A national civil rights organization called Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed it on behalf of five students and a teacher to intervene in the Silent Sam situation.) Looks like we have another racist organization out there.
** Texas school board starts 'new age of understanding,' drops Confederate song 'Dixie' after years of criticism.
** Commission Wrap-up: Commissioner supports revisiting Confederate memorial issue. (St. Augustine, Fla.) There is a sign there saying context will be added. I support adding context to Confederate memorials if that is what it will take to prevent having hate crimes done to them.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: A Split in Virginia, and a New Poll
January 14, 2010
** Franklin County declines to ban Confederate flag in dress code. (Virginia) I guess at least something has to come out of Virginia these days. The only board member to vote against the issue was a black woman. Five other Blacks spoke against allowing the flag on clothes. Big surprise there.
** Virginians deserve to have local control over Confederate monuments. Well, I agree with this, but it would have to be put before a public vote in order to remove one. Should the vote be to remove the monument I would go along with it. We can't leave it up to spineless politicians who are so afraid of the Blacks and their white minions. Also, we can't leave it up to the courts.
** What the Confederate flag means in America today. (YouGov) They took a poll of 34,000 and found that 41% say it represents racism. 34% say it is heritage. This was across the whole United States. The poll also included Blacks.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Now, Albemarle County, Silent Sam, Silent Sham and License Plates
January 13, 2020
** Albemarle looks for public input on future of Court Square, including Confederate soldier statue. (Albemarle County is where Charlottesville, Va., is located. Evidently there is another Confederate statue there that is offending some folks.)
** Monday numbers: A closer look at the Silent Sam settlement and its impact.
** Editorial: A Silent Sham. This is from the UNC student newspaper The Daily Tar Heel. They are still mad about it. Well worth a read.
** Utah government considering canceling DEPORTM personalized license plate. Evidently there is a Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate there.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Some N.C. Newspapers Against the Silent Sam Deal
January 12, 2020
** Two North Carolina newspapers: Wilmington and Elizabethtown support the UNC student newspaper in lawsuit against the UNC Board of Governors. They say the meetings with the SCV should have been open.
Strangely, though, neither mention the fact that the tearing down of Silent Sam was a criminal act and also a hate crime. All Elizabethtown mentions is that it was "toppled August 20, 2018".
--Old Secesh
Monday, January 13, 2020
Virginia Still an Issue, Silent Sam Deal Still an Issue, and Some Schools
January 11, 2020
** Virginia Democrats pledge to let local governments move Confederate statues. This led by Virginia's governor.
** City Council takes steps to control Confederate statues. Richmond Free Press
** UNC newspaper sues over deal to remove Confederate statue. (Student newspaper still upset about Silent Sam deal. One has to wonder at what role this newspaper had in the tearing down of the statue and now they are mad about it.)
** Report: Sons of Confederate Veterans members say group broke tax laws. (The Motorized Cavalry did not report all finances. Though attached, this is not the NC Division of the SCV which had the deal with the Silent Sam statue.)
Just think had those UNC students and outside agitators not torn the statue down illegally as they did, perhaps this whole situation would not have occurred.
** Hanover County, Va's NAACP sues to rename Confederate schools, hearing Jan. 14. (Personally, I'm all in favor of this if the majority of the students are Blacks.) Is the NAACP a racist group?
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Second Civil War: Again, What Is Wrong With the State of Virginia?
January 10, 2020
** Northam proposes bill to give localities control over Confederate monuments. (Virginia governor, white, Democrat)
** Virginia Dems pledge to let locals move Confederate statues.
** Confederate group in Silent Sam deal accused of violating tax and campaign finance laws. (That would be the SCV. Digging up dirt by the good folks who tore down the statue.)
** Bellamy and others rally against Confederate statues. (Wes Bellamy is from Charlottesville, Va., and is a black man.)
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 10, 2020
More Confederate Monuments in Virginia "Vandalized", Virginia Localities Want Control Over Their Monuments
January 8, 2020
** Someone spray painted Confederate monuments in Richmond.
** 2 Confederate monuments vandalized in Richmond. (This is from the Washington Post, so no doubt there is much rejoicing in this Confederate-hating newspaper. Don't you just love it when the media calls these hate crimes "vandalizing.") It cost Richmond $4,000 to clean the statues. They have been repeatedly "vandalized."
** Richmond asks Assembly for control over Confederate monuments.
** Lynchburg (Va.) museum unveils exhibit featuring restored Confederate battle flag. (Reckon some folks will object to it being displayed. Wonder who?)
January 9, 2020
** UNC newspaper sues over deal to remove Confederate statue. (Still mad about the results of their effort to take down Silent Sam.)
** Monumental Justice Virginia to rally in Richmond for local control over Confederate monuments. (Another Confederate-hate group.)
** VA lawmakers urged to let localities control Confederate statues.
I see that a recent poll by in Virginia showed 51% of people disapproved of giving localities the right to decide the fate of the Confederate statues. 44% supported it.
Makes You Wonder. --Old Secesh
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Has Happened to Richmond and the State of Virginia? A Sad Time for the State
January 7, 2020
** Richmond City Council asks Virginia for authority over Confederate monuments. (And guess what they want to do with those monuments?)
** Civil War medical museum prepares to amputate Confederate flag from logo. (Nice play on words.)
** Appellate court rules against bring Confederate statue back to Travis Park. (San Antonio, Texas)
** Notham wants to eliminate Lee-Jackson Day as holiday, make Election Day a holiday. (Virginia's governor and, Notham is white.)
** Sweeping changes expected as Virginia Democrats take control. (This does not bode well for our side.)
Hard to Believe They Would Be Wanting to Abandon Their Heritage So Much. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Civil War II: Univ. of Texas, Richmond City Council Going After Confederate Monuments As Are Democrats in Virginia
January 6, 2020
** Confederate statues will remain off University of Texas campus, appeals court rules.
** Goldman Sachs employees protest Nikki Haley appearance over Confederate flag comments. (Weren't these the good folks who helped bring on the big recession with their greed back a few years ago? I understand they had to pay several billion dollars for their role in it. Evidently greed and misadventure okay. Making a comment that offends their genteel nature isn't.)
** Lynchburg museum opens new exhibit. (Virginia The exhibit will include a Confederate flag and you know what that means.)
** Richmond City Council to vote on monuments resolution. (They will ask the General Assembly for local control of removing Confederate monuments.)
** Democrats , newly dominant in Virginia, race to make new laws. (And, of course, that means to remove Confederate monuments.)
Those Good Folks at Sachs. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
About That McKinley Statue in Arcata, California
Back on Dec. 29, 2019, and Jan. 2, 2020,I wrote about the removal of the President William McKinley statue from a public square in Arcata, California. Evidently it was based on his imperialistic tendencies that some folks objected. So, it would seem this to be a direct carryover from the war on Confederate statues. If it offends anyone, it must come down.
Some background information on he statue.
From Wikipedia.
Stood in the center of the Arcata, California, town plaza from July 4, 1906 to February 28, 2019.
It was commissioned by a real 49er (came in 1849 for the gold rush), George Zehndner and sculpted by Haig Patagian.
Arcata is located in the northern part of the state and is a liberal college town. There has been controversy over it since the 1970s with those wanted it removed citing McKinley's allegedly racist and imperialistic policies. Others defended it because of its historical significance. The statue had been the victim of hate crime in October 2018 when an acid was thrown on it, causing discoloration.
First the city council voted to remove it, then they had a public referendum which supported the removal. Currently, the City of Canton, Ohio, is in the process of attempting to get the statue. He is from Canton and his presidential library and museum is located there.
Erasing History Again. When or Where Will This Stop? --Old Secesh
Monday, January 6, 2020
Losses in Courts, Richmond Vote, Forrest's Bust
January 4, 2020
** Federal appeals court shoots down lawsuit to restore Confederate statue in San Antonio Park.
** Tennessee state panel not expected to talk Confederate bust at meeting. (Nathan Bedford Forrest bust inside Tennessee Capitol building.)
** Richmond City Council to vote on Confederate monuments resolution at special meeting Monday.
January 5, 2020
** Appeals court dismisses lawsuit against U. of Texas over removal of Confederate statues.
** Council to reconsider monuments resolution. (Richmond, Va. This is will be the third time an attempt has been made there to remove the Confederate monuments.)
--Old Secesh
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Second Civil War Continues: Monumental Justice Virginia, Museums and R.E. Lee
January 1, 2010
** Coalition renews focus on removing Confederate monuments. (Charlottesville, Va.)
** A group called "Monumental Justice Virginia" promotes local choice on Confederate statues.
** National Museum of Civil War Medicine changes logo. (It used to have both U.S. and Confederate flags, now it won't have either. Wonder which flag caused that?)
** Two members of Congress call for the removal of Lee statue in US Capitol. (One White, one Black)
January 3, 2020
** City of Winston-Salem, others say court properly dismissed UDC Confederate statue lawsuit. (N.C.)
** Hearing Jan. 14 on Hanover NAACP suit to rename Confederate schools. (Virginia Hard to believe the NAACP would want something like this.)
** Virginia governor seeks bill replacing Robert E. Lee statue in US Capitol.
--Old Secesh
Friday, January 3, 2020
Charlottesville Heats Up, A New Confederate Hate Group, Those Racist Monuments
December 31, 2019
** Students lead protest over Confederate flag, dress code. (North Carolina high school)
** Sign marking Confederate history is one of the latest to disappear in NC, officials say. (Greensboro, N.C.) This one is about the Confederate cabinet fleeing after Appomattox. The other is about UNC-Greensboro. More action by Confederate-haters?
** Hudson launches campaign to support Confederate monuments bill. A newly elected state legislator (called Delegates in Va.) and she is a white person. We always need to know what race people are who do these things. (Charlottesville, Va.)
By the way, the Robert E. Lee statue there is shown in the news report and it sure looks like Mr. Wiley copied this statue.
** Confederate flag license plate leads to firefighter's lawsuit against county. (Montgomery County, Maryland) Claims other firefighters harass him because he is black and a Muslim.
** New coalition demands state cede control of Confederate monuments. (Charlottesville, Va.) Evidently this group calls itself Monumental Justice Virginia and one of the leaders is a former city councilman who is a Black. Of interest, they note that there are 220 Confederate monuments in Virginia.
** The escalating fight over racist monuments in the South.
** Monumental Justice Virginia campaign rally held at Free Speech Wall in Charlottesville. Mostly white people there.
** Campus safety will be a key issue for UNC leaders and students in 2020. (Yes, we must insure that no student gets hurt when they are committing a hate crime and pulling down an offending Confederate monument. Maybe they should also look into protecting innocent statues from hate-based attacks.)
So, Do We Have A New Hate Group? --Old Secesh
Something to Think About Before Taking Down Those Confederate Statues-- Part 2
The Arcata, Cal. mayor was estimating the cost at $525,000 based on the cost of four statue removals in New Orleans awhile back which cost a total of $2,100,000. Divided by four, that came out to $525,000 each.
Why was this cost so high? Litigation, extensive police involvement and overtime. I might also add the cost of repairs and cleaning the statues after the "Vandalism" actually "Hate Crimes" committed against them.
San Antonio spent $258,680 to remove its statue. (No more visiting there for awhile for me.)
Cost in Dallas to remove one statue came to over $450,000.
Actually, I can think of a much cheaper way to remove or take down a statue. Round up those UNC "students" who took down Silent Sam, pay their airfare to California and let them do their thing. They'll commit their "vandalism" for free. And, they have experience at that.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Something to Think About Before Taking Down Those Confederate Statues-- Part 1
This seems to be the big "thing" with cities and towns today, and that is removing Confederate statues and monuments because some people object to them. As can easily be seen, there are some who do not object to them.
Anyway, to remove a statue costs some money. And then, the question arises, what to do with those statues once they are removed? That too, can cost some money. Just ask those "good folks" at UNC who tore down one and then got a shock when the bill came due.
In the last post, there was a letter to the editor of a newspaper out in Arcata, California, about the removal of a statue there. I was trying to think of a reason why there would be a Confederate statue out in California. It turns out that the statue is of former president William McKinley and a Civil War Union officer. Certainly not a Confederate. So, what did he do to get those people to demand his statue removal? I'll cover that in an upcoming post.
But, back to dollars and cents, what is the cost of a Confederate statue/memorial removal so that some folks won't be offended anymore?
From the December 28, 2019, Mad River Union newspaper in Arcata, California.
Mayor Winkler of Arcata estimated the cost of removing the William McKinley statue at $525,000 and this stirred up a lot of controversy. Many thought that was too much.
I agree, $525,000 is a whole lot of money. Maybe just add clarifying plaque around it to explain why some people don't like the statue.
More to Come. --Old Secesh
Lee's Statue, Elimination of Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia and Now William McKinley?
December 29, 2019
** Robert E. Lee's statue does not belong in US Capitol.
** Virginia could vote to eliminate Lee-Jackson Day.
December 30, 2019
** Why do northern states have Confederate monuments?
** The Confederate flag stood for racism.
** Letter to the Editor: Winkler saved Arcata more than $500,000 on statue removal. (Arcata, California) This is a statue of William McKinley. More on it later.
--Old Secesh
94th Post to This Blog and So Sad It Has to Be
This is the 94th post to this, my newest blog, and a blog I wish was not necessary. This new war on the Confederacy which has been launched by Blacks and their white minions is a hurtful one, a sad one and I believe somewhere down the road in the future will be lumped right up there with the Third Reich's burning of books, Kristillnacht and not accepting another person's views and any number of other times humans have behaved poorly.
Now, I don't blame Blacks for not liking the Confederacy. If I was a black person I would most likely hate the Confederacy as well. But to me, flying a Confederate flag or paying respect at a Confederate monument is not white supremacy or racism. It is out of respect to history.
Sadly, however, white supremacist groups and racists have often, as Nikki Haley put it, "hijacked the flag" and cause to spew forth their hate. Every time I see the KKK or Nazis involved on the Confederate side, it saddens me. It would be great if we could ban them from the flag and support. Unfortunately, not likely, much the same as their use of the U.S. flag.
Anyway, it is my definite hope that this blog will no longer be necessary this whole year, but I kind of doubt it.
My sign-off, Old Secesh, is a tip of the hat to the term used by Northerners to put down the Confederates as they were backers of secession, "Sesch" or "Secesh."
--Old Secesh
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