Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Actually Just One Headline in Confederate Google Alert Today
And, I wrote about it yesterday:
** Trump tweet, political divisions fuel rising discourse about new US Civil War.
This is about the possibility of a new Civil War breaking out.
It has not been just one headline since before the murders in Charleston, S.C..
Of courser,if this is what it is going to be in the future, with one or no headlines about these attacks that might mean this Civil War is over.
Here's Hoping It's Over. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Confederacy Under Attack, Oct. 30, 2019: Schools and Statues
From the Oct. 30, 2019,Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Watch exclusive clip of Trace Adkins as Confederate outlaw in upcoming movie "Badland."
(not CW II)
** Judge halts Chatham County plan to remove Confederate statue from Pittsboro courthouse. A very rare judicial win for us,even if just temporary.
** Franklin County School Board talks banning Confederate flag in dress code.
** Ross wants gun rights for felons, yes to Confederate statues.
** New research shows at least 76 Iowans joined the Confederacy during the Civil War. (not CW II)
** Letter: Editorial took good position on Confederate statue.
** Trump tweet, political divisions fuel rising discourse about new US Civil War.
** Stonewall Jackson Middle should drop first name, school panel says.
--Old Secesh
(Not CW II) and Skipped Days
Just a word about when you see (Not CW II) behind a headline on the list, as in the case of yesterday. This means the article does not deal with the current Civil War where groups are seeking to wipe out Confederate heritage. These are the articles I wish my whole Google Alerts for Confederate would be about.
This is the history of the First American Civil War.
Also, I will not be doing a days's lists of Google Alerts for Confederate, but that doesn't mean there were not any. generally, I get at least eight and more a day. Before yesterday's post from October 29, I had skipped Oct. 27 and 28.
The main purpose of this blog is to show that these attacks continue even if your local media isn't covering it. Plus, these are not just from the Southern States, but North and West as well.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Civil War II, October 29: Changing Vandalism of Confederate Statues to Hate Crime
From the Oct. 29, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** 2 arrested at Confederate monument protest in North Carolina.
** Confederate monument will not come down in Chatham County after judge's ruling at least for Now.
** 'Vicksburg' review: Breaking the Confederacy (not CW II)
** Council to finally decide if Confederate Gen. Pickett's name belongs on Bellingham bridge.
** Sons of Confederate Veterans want men who damaged Robert E. Lee bust charged with hate crime.
** Letter: Confederate flags should be banned at Athens Co. Fair.
** Confederate Railroad (Country rock band) booked 2 months before gov. cancelled.
** Confederacy group claims it was a victim of Robert E. Lee bust vandalism.
** NWA Letters to the Editor: About damage to Confederate monument.
** Feature: Trump tweet, political divisions fuel rising discourse about new US civil war.
It Just Keeps Going. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 28, 2019
Linwood Controversy: Flagpoles and Flags Removed After Confederate Flag Flew
From Oct. 25, 2019, WRBL CBS TV News by Chuck Williams.
I wrote about this in the last post and followed up on it.
At first I just figured it was just another example of offended people doing something illegal, but after hearing the story behind the headline, I'd have to say the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) camp was out of line in what they did.
Linwood is a historical cemetery in Columbus, Georgia, in which many Confederate veterans are buried. The city and the SCV camp had reached an agreement where they could fly the First National Flag, but not the Confederate battle flag. Either as a camp or an individual, someone raised the battle flag and the city immediately moved to not only remove the battle flag but also took down the two flag poles.
I don't blame the city. The SCV broke the agreement.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Oct. 26, 2019: About That Confederate Flag at the Cemetery
From the Oct. 26, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate. (Columbus, Ga.)
** Linwood controversy: Flagpoles and flags removed after Confederate battle flag flown. I will write more about this situation later where it seems the SCV overstepped their boundaries.
** Group sues to block NC country from removing Confederate monument. (Pittsboro, N.C. There are four other articles about this.
** Social media posts show Central Va students donning Confederate flags, using racist language. Incidents like this definitely do not help the situation with keeping the monuments and flags and give the opponents plenty of ammunition.
** UIPD responds to Confederate flag incident. (University of Illinois)
** Confederate statue doesn't have to divide Danville.
** DP Buzz: The role of Confederate monuments. An interesting array of comments and possible compromises. I myself can see room for compromise on them.
--Old Secesh
Friday, October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019: White Victimhood?
From the October 25, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Three articles on the removal of Confederate monument in Norfolk.
** Tensions flare in Chatham County as Confederate monument deadline nears.
** Opinion: Confederate Monuments and White Victimhood.
** Witnesses: Man yelled racial slurs while driving truck with Confederate flag around Campustown. (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, home of Univ. of Illinois) I hate to see things like this happen.
** Hometown Horror Stories: The Confederate ghosts at Beauvoir. (not CW II, just in time for Halloween, though.
** People gather to protest Confederate statue coming to Tavares.
** Woman travels country restoring veterans headstones, focusing on Confederates. (Probably not CW II)
** Your Opinion: Cease and desist moving Confederate monument.
--And So It Continues. --Old Secesh
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Oct. 24, 2019: Norfolk and Danville, Virginia to Shame Selves
You have to consider these as battles. And, the Confederacy is losing badly.
** 'Johnny Reb' no longer welcome in Norfolk: Virginia city gets ok to move Confederate statue.
Looks like yet another Southern City I will have to put on my boycott list, as so many have already managed to dishonor themselves. And, I was hoping to visit the grave of Fort Fisher's Col. William Lamb, who was also mayor of Norfolk.
** Prosecutors: Virginia city can move monument. Also about Norfolk's shame.
There were another seven articles about Norfolk's shame.
** Confederate statue to be moved in Danville (Va.) Another city to boycott.
Pretty Soon, I Will Not Be Able To Go South With All These Boycotts. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Second Civil War, Oct. 23, 2019: Hate Crime Statue Damage Costs Money to Repair
** City puts insurance "on notice" over Confederate statue damage. (Charlottesville, Va.) It costs money to repair damage done by those committing hate crimes against the statues.
** Interfaith vigil set to oppose Confederate statue. (Florida) Religion too?
** Some Bedford County parents 'disappointed and frustrated with school division's agreement with Office of Civil Rights.
** Sons of Confederacy responds to Dixie Classic Fair name change. Well actually it should be Sons of Confederate Veterans. Dixie is another word used by the Confederacy. Can't have that.
** Facebook posts by Palmyra school board candidate use racially divisive themes and memes.
** "Rumors of War" in Times Square is an epic response to Confederate statues.
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War, Oct. 23, 2019: Statues, Monuments and Now Placards
From the Oct. 23, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Norfolk can move Confederate monument, Virginia attorney general says.
** Danville church decides to relocate Confederate statue.
** Confederate flag placard sparks controversy. You've got to read this one, it is something else.
** Activists still fight to take down Confederate monuments across US.
** Denton County is still trying to tell the "full" Confederate monument story. Here's how to contribute.
--Old Secesh
More Attacks, Oct. 22, 2019: Confederate Statue in a Hoodie? More Damage to Confederate Monument
From the October 22, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** A Confederate statue ... in a hoodie?
** Franklin County schools dress code debate considers displays of Confederate flag.
** NWA letters to the Editor: Confederate memorial damaged.
** Confederate statue to be removed from local church lot.
** Governor Lee urged to start process for removing Confederate general's Capitol Hill bust.
** Confederate monument in Pittsboro draws hundreds to demonstrate.
** Va. school leaders enter agreement to resolve Federal civil rights complaint.
** Visitors step back into history at Andersonville Historic fair (Not CW II)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Confederate Battle Flag Has Divisive History-- Part 2: The Three National Flags
Continued from October 11, 2019. Just click on the Flag's Divisive History label to see other posts.
"The banner has become more popular than the Confederacy's first official flag, the Stars and Bars, which resembled the United States' Stars and Stripes, but with three wide red and white stripes and with a blue square union with seven white stars.
"In 1863, the battle flag was officially recognized by the Confederate Congress, turning it into a political symbol, as it has been ever since."
At that time, it was incorporated into a larger white banner as a square in the upper left hand corner as the Confederacy's second national banner. Then, a red bar was added at the opposite end of the banner so that the flag would not be seen as a surrender flag when hanging limp.
"But, John Coski, a historian at the American Civil War Museum, who documented the banner's divisive history in his 2005 book, 'The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem,' warns against simplifying what it stands for."
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 21, 2019
Peaceful, Easy Feeling Out at Hainesville This Past Saturday
Well, peaceful and easy until the Prelude to the Battle of Atlanta started. Then it got rather noisy when all the cannons opened up, followed by musketry.
This past Saturday and Sunday, Hainesville, Illinois, had its annual Civil War Encampment and Battle. I was there on Saturday. Even though I know a lot about the Civil War, I learned a lot more like "Battle Logs," "Goober Peas" and aerial wounds. I'll be writing about some of these in my Saw the Elephant blog.
But, the biggest plus was that no ultra thugs showed up to mar the proceedings. There was no Charlottesville. And, I am talking about both sides of the Confederate issue. And, the Lake County Forest Preserve District president evidently was not there either. It was through his efforts that one of the premier Civil War events in the whole state and that was Civil war days at Lakewood Forest Preserve in Wauconda. Guess he was afraid to see one of those Confederate flags, you know. Must not offend the president, you know.
There were even a few black people learning about history out there. And, quite a few children ranging from ages three to teens. And I never did see one of them staring at their cell phones. However, I did see some of the re-enactors on phones which didn't seem to look right.
One of the strangest things I ever saw was Robert E. Lee on a cell phone out at Wauconda one year.
A Trip Back Into History. --Old Secesh
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Heritage Attacks, Oct. 20, 2019: Pittsboro N.C. Is Peaceful
From the October 20, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate
** Protesters gather near Pittsboro Confederate monument.
** Pittsboro confederate monument draws hundreds of protesters and counter protesters. Really, you'd think that a major North Carolina newspaper like the Raleigh News & Observer would know Confederate is spelled with a capital (C).
** Three Forks history: Most diverse battle fought at Honey Springs. (Not CW II)
** Have you witnessed signs of white power ideology (Confederate flags, Nazi symbols)?
** From the Left: remember our dark history, but don't celebrate it.
** Bedford school system enters into agreement with Office of Civil Rights over Confederate flag.
** Fall Muster draws hundreds of spectators, re-enactors to Beauvoir. (Not CW II)
** Protesters and Counter Protesters gather in Pittsboro in response to Confederate statue.
** The impeachment of Andrew Jackson.
** Urban warrior in Nikes and a hoodie leads charge against white orthodoxy.
So Glad the Situation in Pittsboro Turned Out To be Peaceful. --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 19, 2019
And, So It Goes,October 19, 2019: Monument Protests Leave Residual Effects in Pittsboro
** 275th anniversary: Cedar Creek
** Monument protests leave residual effects on downtown Pittsboro. Whenever a Southern town does something like Pittsboro did, this means I will be boycotting it for a while.
** Sanford: One battle ends, but the fight over a Forrest bust continues at the Tn capital.
** Executive Council gathers in Montgomery, Alabama, with city underscoring the theme of racial reconciliation.
** When cotton was king.
--Old Secesh
And, So It Goes and Goes and Goes, Oct. 19, 2019: Neo-Confederate Groups in Pittsboro This Weekend
From the Oct. 19, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Neo Confederate groups to rally in Pittsboro this weekend.
** Why Robert E. Lee wore a colonel's rank during the Civil War.
** 'Civil War Revisited' transforms Kearney Park into action-packed battlefield.
** National Park Service Awards More $4 Million to help protect Civil War battlefields.
** Ta -Nehesi Coastes, Ryan Coogle discuss 'The Water Dancer' and slavery's emotional trauma.
Don't You Just Love the Word Neo. Kind of Makes You Think of Neo-Nazis. --Old Secesh
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Confederacy Under Attack, Oct. 18, 2019-- Part 2: Adding Historic Markers By Confederate Statues
** Historic markers unveiled near Confederate statue in downtown Franklin.
To me, this is an acceptable compromise in the removal of status question.
** 'Never to return': Greenspace wants Confederate statues out of Shelby County.
** Author dismisses concept of Black Confederate soldiers.
** Two hot topics: a ruling regarding Confederate statues in Memphis and residency requirements.
** Franklin's new historical markers reflect African Americans in city's Civil War legacy.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack, October 18, 2019-- Part 1: Possible Confrontation in North Carolina
From the October 18, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** SPLC releases details about upcoming Confederate monument rally. This will take place tomorrow, Oct. 19 in Pittsboro, N.C.. I am hoping it doesn't become another Charlottesville, but with this group playing it up, it just might be.
SPLC stands for Southern Poverty Law Center which never misses a shot at the Confederacy and seems to want the memory expunged from American history. I'd almost go so far as to call them racist and a hate group on their own.
A confrontation over the statue is in nobody's best interest as them people on both sides are way too radicalized.
** Sons of Confederate Veterans can't appeal statue's removal.
** League of the South calls for backup at Confederate protest. (This is a pro-Confederate group which will be at Pittsboro.
** After court decision Confederate statues are unlikely ever to return to Shelby County.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Maybe We'll Get This One In: Hainesville's (Illinois) Civil War Encampment and Battle
Well, our Civil War re-enactments in the Chicagoland area were dealt a double shot by powers that be this summer. First the annual Civil War Days event in Wauconda, Illinois, was cancelled, then reinstated, then cancelled again. Then, the annual Civil War event in Naperville was cancelled.
The first one was cancelled because of racism on the part of the Lake County Forest Preserve's president, a black man who had problems seeing the Confederate re-enactors with their flags. You know, the Confederate flag.
The second one was cancelled because of lack of attendance according to officials there. But, I would like to see who brought the idea up and who voted to cancel it.
Both were long-running events and well attended (at least the one in Wauconda which I attended on several occasions).
Now, this weekend, there is going to be another re-enactment at Hainesville, Illinois. Hopefully we will be able to get this in (and hopefully the weather will be good).
It's All Part of History, You Know. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Heritage Attacks Continue, Oct. 15-- Part 2: About the Confederate Capitals
** Man behind I-20 Confederate flags says he'll run for senate.
** Opinion: Nathan Bedford Forrest, it's time for Tennessee to stop celebrating you.
** An honest interpretation of John Castleman could help us reconcile our slavery, Civil War.
** All three capitals of the Confederacy now have black mayors. Okay, I knew Montgomery and Richmond. But what was the third Confederate capital?
The third one was Danville, Virginia, which was the capital for a very short time after the Confederate government fled from Richmond. Interesting.
** Book Review: "Life in Jefferson Davis' Navy." Review of a new book on the Confederate Navy. Anything Navy is my primary interest in the First Civil War. Real Civil War history.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Heritage Attacks Continue, Oct. 15-- Part 1: "Dukes of Hazzard" Flap
From the October 15, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Police investigating further damage to Confederate statues. (Charlottesville, Va.) And guess what they're calling it. Vandalism. This is not vandalism.
** Letter: Keep Confederate monument where it is.
** Lt. Governor Rutherford: Confederate plaque part of Maryland's 'complex' history.
** John Schneider including 'Dukes of Hazzard' Confederate flag controversy in new movie. For those of you who don't know, there are those who want the flag on the roof of their car removed.
** 'Searching for Black Confederates' unearths old arguments.
Something About That Flag On the Roof of That General Lee Car. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Confederacy Under Attack, October 14, 2019: And Don't Forget The Indian Confederacy
Oct. 14, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Indigenous history: The Iroquois Confederacy. I wonder if they will come under attack because of the "C" word.
** 7 Rebels' gravesites designated cemetery. Real Civil War history.
** Civil War historian to speak at Thomas Entrepreneural Hub.
** Ford dealership in South Carolina goes full Confederate.
** Glenn Boyce's Ole Miss: An inside look at the new chancellor's involvement....
** Hail Columbus the Italian: His statue stands tall for a great people. Now of course, people ar looking at his statues.
--Old Secesh
Friday, October 11, 2019
Confederate Battle Flag Has Divisive History-- Part 1
And, there was a time back in the 70s and 80s when I flew a Confederate and U.S. flag from the top of my garage and thought nothing of it and NEVER had anyone complain about it. I also had a Confederate flag belt buckle that I wore to school every day and a SCV sticker, prominently featuring a Confederate battle flag (the proper battle flag with square dimensions instead of rectangular which was the Confederate Navy flag (or jack). on my truck cap.
Sure couldn't do that any more.
From the October 28, 2018, Chicago Tribune "Confederate battle flag has divisive history, expert says" by Frances Stead Sellers, Washington Post.
"The distinctive configuration of white stars mounted on a blue 'X' and set against a field of red is now widely known as the Confederate flag. But it was originally the battle flag of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia."
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Confederacy Under Attack, Sept. 26, 2019: On the Football Field
From the September 26, 2019, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Bentonville (Ark.) police investigating damage to Confederate monument.
** Ohio high school football team claims they were subjected to racist chants, Confederate flags in game. (Orwell,Ohio)
** From USA Today: Nevada high school investigated for dragging black mannequin during halftime of homecoming game.
** Confederate flags: Melanie Finn.
** Sons of Confederate Veterans to dedicate monument near Okolona.
** Charlottesville man sues newspaper for reporting on family's past.
--Old Secesh
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