Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Confederacy Under Attack: Silent Sam, Nikki Haley, Memphis and Pittsboro

December 22, 2019

**  Parks thrive after removing Confederate statues.  (Memphis, Tn.)

**  Court will examine Silent Sam settlement, standing of Confederate group.  (It is too bad the courts didn't do something about having those guilty of the hate crime in tearing down Silent Sam prosecuted.)

**  New honorary street marker unveiled for Preston Avenue.  (Charlottesville, Va.)  Now named in honor of Asalie Minor Preston, an early black educator in the 1930s.  The street was originally dedicated to Thomas Lewis Preston, a Confederate soldier who owned slaves.

**  Nikki Haley on flag debate:  People aren't going to 'listen to you' and 'work with you'  if you 'villify' them.

**  Pittsboro businesses push forward to end 2019.  (Pittsboro, N.C.  They were hurt by all the Confederate statue removal hoopla.)

--Old Secesh

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