Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
As We Enter the Fifth Year of the Renewed Attack on All Things Confederate
We can definitely put the date of the beginning of this effort in earnest at June 17, 2015, it had been going on with increasing incidence ever since the Civil War Sesquicentennial, where it began picking up impetus.
That date, a white supremacist, racist, whose name won't be mentioned by me, entered that church and killed those blacks who welcomed him into study the Bible. He has done the most to hurt the Confederacy than anyone ever did, other than John Wilkes Booth. Why he is still alive is beyond me.
The second worst thing was the confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. This is where we also first majorly encountered the radical left. When I saw video of what happened, I have to say that there were plenty of really bad people on both sides. The sorry excuse who crashed his car into the anti-protesters is also, for some reason, is still alive.
I started this blog because newspapers usually don't report everything that continues to happen, which might give some the idea that this is over. Believe me, it isn't. And, personally, I don't believe it will be over until the last Confederate statue and memorial is pulled down or removed.
What I report are headlines from various newspapers and media sources and with some I make comment.
I am calling this the Second Civil War or Civil War II.
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 30, 2019
The Second Civil War: Lee-Jackson Day, UNC Black Panthers, the Shame of Winston-Salem, and Now Medicine
December 28, 2019
** A new bill would end Virginia's observance of a holiday celebrating Confederate generals.
** UNC Black Panthers send letter to Board of Governors opposing Silent Sam settlement. They are the first Blacks to attend UNC between 1952 and 1972. So surprised they would be against the settlement. At least we know they ad no involvement in the tearing down of the monument.
December 29, 2019
** In 2019, gun violence persisted, the Confederate statue came down. the Dixie Classic Fair got a new name... (Winston-Salem, N.C.. And, you will never guess why the fair name was changed. Too bad they took the statue down. I had wanted to visit the Chicago White Sox minor league baseball team there, but now the city is on my list of no-visit/boycott because of this.
** Should rebel flags be treated as Confederate monuments? Lynwood Cemetery lawsuit shifts.
** New logo for Civil War Medicine Museum won't include Union or Confederate flags in entirety. You'll never guess which flag had the problem.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Lee-Jackson Holiday, Lee Statue, Silent Sam Again, Memphis, North Carolina and Pittsboro
December 27, 2019
** Virginia lawmaker proposes bill to end Lee-Jackson holiday. (Joseph Lindsey is a black man, imagine that.) At one time, Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday was celebrated the same day. That was kind of weird.
** Analysis: Who joins rebel armies.
** Governor's office seeks legislation to replace Lee's statue at US Capitol.
December 28, 2019
** Top stories of 2019: UNC system gives Silent Sam to pro-Confederate group.
** Confederate statues in Memphis given to Confederate group, descendants.
** Students lead protest over Confederate flag, dress code. (N.C. high school)
** A reflection on Pittsboro's Confederate monument from the lens of a Civil War historian.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Of Wiley's Racist Monument, Bands and Roses With Offensive Names, and Pesky Confederate Flags
December 25, 2019
** Kehinde Wiley's anti-Confederate memorial. (He is the sculptor of the new monument in Richmond, Virginia. I am hoping people pay more respect to it than they do to Confederate monuments even though it is racist.)
** Upcoming court date in ongoing Confederate monument court battle reset. (Caddo, Louisiana)
** NWA Letters to the Editor "Statue deserves new place in context of area history. (Bentonville, Arkansas. Wants Confederate statue moved.)
** Confederate Railroad coming to Jackson County Fair. (Iowa. Here's hoping Gov. "Toilets" of Illinois won't cause it to be cancelled because of the logo and name.)
** Resident objects to vendor's booth at Old Tyme Fair in New Jersey with Confederate flag for sale.
** Confederate roses. I did not know there was a type of rose named this, but hopefully the name won't have to be changed because of their connection to the "S" word.
Well, if Confederate monuments are racist, I guess Mr. Wiley's monument is of the same sort.
--Old SeceshFlower
Thursday, December 26, 2019
U.S. Army Bases, Silent Sam, Florida and Virginia
December 23, 2019
** Fact: 10 U.S. military bases named after Confederate generals. (Guess what they want done with those names?)
** 12/22 Letters: UNC Board's Silent Sam deal was another strike at campus 'liberals.'
December 24, 2019
** Lake County remains divided on Confederate general statue. (Florida Gen. Kirby Smith)
** Why Virginia must amend its laws protecting Confederate statues.
** Virginia plots a course worth following on Confederate statues.
** Some residents want to rid Orlando school of Confederate general's moniker.
** Virginia lawmakers ask governor to remove state's Robert E. Lee statue from US Capitol. (One is White, One is Black.)
** Dolly Parton may replace a Confederate general.
** North Carolina judge blocks students in Silent Sam preservation decision with Confederate group.
--Old Secesh
"Silent Sam",
Dolly Parton,
Lee Robert E.,
North Carolina,
school names,
Smith Kirby,
U.S. Army bases,
U.S. Capitol,
University of North Carolina,
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Confederacy Under Attack: Silent Sam, Nikki Haley, Memphis and Pittsboro
December 22, 2019
** Parks thrive after removing Confederate statues. (Memphis, Tn.)
** Court will examine Silent Sam settlement, standing of Confederate group. (It is too bad the courts didn't do something about having those guilty of the hate crime in tearing down Silent Sam prosecuted.)
** New honorary street marker unveiled for Preston Avenue. (Charlottesville, Va.) Now named in honor of Asalie Minor Preston, an early black educator in the 1930s. The street was originally dedicated to Thomas Lewis Preston, a Confederate soldier who owned slaves.
** Nikki Haley on flag debate: People aren't going to 'listen to you' and 'work with you' if you 'villify' them.
** Pittsboro businesses push forward to end 2019. (Pittsboro, N.C. They were hurt by all the Confederate statue removal hoopla.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 23, 2019
Those "Horrible" Confederate Christmas Ornaments
Theses are headlines that you can look up to find out more.
December 20, 2019
** The Confederate battle flag does not belong in cemeteries.
** Students are fed up with seeing Confederate symbols at NC school. (high school)
** Confederate Christmas ornaments are smaller than statues-- but they send the same racist message. (Has it come to this?)
** 'Winning the lottery': Silent Sam settlement will vastly increase Confederate group's coffers.
** In Memphis, a shadow lifted, a legacy carried.
** Petition calls for removal of confederate general bust from Tennessee state capitol. (Don't you just love it when the news source spells Confederate with a small "c".)
** Confederate flag sweatshirt prompts new dress code. (Oregon)
--Old Secesh
Memphis Statues and UNC Still Up In Arms
December 19, 2019
** Confederate museum with Nathan Bedford Forrest statue doesn't want to be 'monument' graveyard.
** The Sons of Confederate Veterans want their due.
** Memphis Confederate statues released to Sons of Confederate Veterans and descendants.
I wonder if this will come with money like at UNC?
** Documents leave unanswered questions about UNC's deal with Sons of Confederate Veterans.
** UNC Silent Sam settlement will vastly increase NC Confederate group's finances.
** Confederate statues gone for good.
** "Reparations" for Confederates? UNC system trustees face backlash after paying more than $2.5 million.
** A city cancelled its Christmas parade instead of banning Confederate flags.
** Group plans to re-erect Memphis Confederate statues.
** Notham proposes cutting budget for Confederate grave maintenance in favor of black cemetery fund. (Virginia)
--Old Secesh
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Second Civil War: Memphis Statues and Deep UNC Troubles
December 18, 2019
** Sons of Confederate Veterans take possession of Memphis statues. Statues of Forrest, Jefferson Davis and another removed in 2017.
** Documents show UNC paid $75,000 to keep Confederate group off campus. Another agreement besides the $2.5 million. This one the SCV agrees to stay off all UNC campuses for five years.
** UNC faces backlash for its decision to preserve its Confederate statue.
** UNC lost $1.5 million grant after opening charitable trust to maintain Confederate statue.
** High school students fly Confederate flag to taunt LGBTQ students. Taunting is never acceptable. However, the LGBTQ students had been handing out their flags earlier and this was in response. What is fair for one flag is fair for another.
** UNC defends decision to pay Confederate group to move a controversial monument.
Well, Perhaps Those UNC Students and Their Outside Agitators Will Think Twice Next Time Before They Commit A Hate Crime. --Old Secesh
Civil War II: Why Those Confederate Statues Still Standing and Dolly?
December 17, 2019
** 93 % of Confederate monuments are still standing. Here's why.
** Iowa home with Confederate, Nazi displays vandalized.
** Committee explains deal to relocate Confederate monument.
** Theft of Confederate flags from cemetery remains a mystery.
** Group protests Nazi, Confederate display in Des Moines yard. (I did see that the wood with the German war symbol was not a swastika.)
** Will a Dolly Parton statue replace a Confederate memorial in Tennessee's Capitol?
** NC lawyer sues Confederate group over UNC letter takedown.
Not quite sure what this last one is about.
--Old Secesh
And Now This, About Those Andrew Jackson Statues
From the December 16, 2019, Kansas City (Mo.) Star "Frank White says minority groups should have had a say about Andrew Jackson statues" by Mike Hendricks.
Over the objections of Jackson County Chief Executive Frank White, the county legislative assembly voted Monday to affix historical context plaques to statues of Andrew Jackson outside the Kansas City courthouse and the Historic Truman Courthouse in Independence.
He would like some input on those plaques from Blacks and Indians on what the plaques say about his being a slaveholder and what he did to the Indians as both a military leader and president.
Well, at least they aren't being taken down (yet) and as of yet haven't been the victims of hate crimes from you-know-who.
And, in case you are wondering, Mr. White is a black man.
But at least the drive here is for context, not destruction and removal.
I Can Live With That. --Old Secesh
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Stealing Confederate Flags and Silent Sam
December 16, 2019
** Confederate flags were stolen from a Virginia graveyard. The search continues for the person who did it. (Harrisonburg, Va. About 250 small flags.)
** Letter: Move Confederate monuments to battlefields.
** NC university's Silent Sam settlement draws suit.
** Homeowner says swastikas, Confederate flags are not racist; others denounce them as symbols of hate. (Iowa)
** Instagram won't pull these racist, violent, Russian-inspired accounts. (Some are Confederate)
** Georgia lawmaker backs 'Confederate History Month' chided.
** UNC and Silent Sam: The uncertain future of a great university.
** We made the deal to pay a Confederate group to take Silent Sam. It was the best solution.
** North Carolina loses $1.5 million over Silent Sam deal.
You know, if the other side's idiot squad (the ones upset about the money) hadn't pulled down Silent Sam, this wouldn't be an issue.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Second Civil War: Oh Those Horrible Confederate Flags and Poor Nikki
December 13, 2019
** State panel not expected to talk Confederate bust at meeting. (Tennessee)
** Confederate flag is a racist symbol.
** Column: Nikki Haley is wrong about the Confederate flag's history.
December 14, 2019
** Democratic majority could bring monumental change to Confederate symbols.
** The Confederate flag is a symbol of cruelty.
** Lewis Toland: A different perspective on Confederate statue.
** Confederate flag isn't honorable.
** Nikki Haley and the Confederate flag.
** Nikki Haley's remarks about the Confederate flag haven't changed. Her stage has.
** Iowa man facing backlash for Confederate, Nazi paintings in his front yard. I saw the pictures of his house. In my opinion, nothing was wrong with the Confederate flags but he should not have put the swastika there.
Okay, let's see, in these headlines: Confederate flags are racist, cruel and dishonorable. What else?
Getting That Flaggy Feeling. --Old Secesh
Poor Nikki Haley Sure Opened a Can of Worms and Meet Statue Creator Kahinde Wiley
December 13, 2019
** A statue of a black man on a horse has a new home in then heart of the Confederacy.
** Civil rights lawyers stake claim in Confederate statue case. (Silent Sam statue money)
** Meghan McCain on Nikki Haley's opposing Confederate flags comments: 'This will haunt her.'
** Nikki Haley "disqualified for national office" after Confederate flag remarks, "View" co-hosts say.
** Friday Letters: Confederate monuments.
** Goldman Sachs employees want to cancel a Nikki Haley interview after her Confederate flag remarks.
** Kahinde Wiley responds to Confederate statues. He is the black man who made the new Rumors of War statue in Richmond. He also did the Barack Obama presidential painting and two paintings with something to do with two "Kill Whitey".
** Meeks amendment prohibiting Confederate names for DOD assets included in NDAA passage. Gregory Meeks, a black man, is a U.S. Representative from New York.
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 16, 2019
'Outrage Culture', Parades, New Richmond Statue,Flags at UNC Faculty
December 12, 2019
** Nikki Haley: Confederate flag could not be taken down in South Carolina today in today's 'outrage culture.'
** Georgia city cancels parade amid Confederate flag lawsuit.
** New statue unveiled in response to Richmond's monuments.
** Alpharetta city council votes to stop sponsoring parade amid Confederate flag lawsuit.
** Richmond gets a new soaring statue, this one with dreadlocks.
** Orange County rejects appeal over large Confederate flag along US 70. (North Carolina)
** UNC faculty: Leaders must condemn Confederate statue deal. There must be a moral to this story, folks. Don't commit illegal hate crimes and expect to get away with it.
** Swastika, Confederate flags on display near Iowa elementary school 'sickens' school officials. (Des Moines) Someone spray-painted the flags and a pick up truck on his property. I hate to see Nazi symbols by Confederate ones. Two different situations entirely.
** Statue of black man on horse has new home in heart of Confederacy.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, December 15, 2019
About That New Statue in Richmond, Lawsuits and Parades
December 11, 2019
** New statue unveiled in response to Richmond's Confederate monuments.
** Monumental statue of a black man defies Confederate monuments.
** Richmond councilman renews push for local control over Confederate monuments.
** Confederate group sues Georgia city over rebel flag removal. (Columbus)
** Owner of Confederate flag violating Orange County rules. (N.C.)
** Confederate flag suit leads Alpharetta to pull out of hosting parade.
--Old Secesh
Friday, December 13, 2019
UNC Folks Still Upset About Silent Sam Decision and Another Attack on Richmond Monuments
December 10, 2019
** A university's betrayal of historical truth. (Upset about UNC and Silent Sam.)
** Confederate statue at Ole Miss campus: What next?
** Group calls on Amazon, Google to remove 'white supremacist, pro-Confederate materials.'
** What Nikki Haley gets wrong about the Confederate flag. But one must remember that she was instrumental in taking down the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse.
** Richmond councilman to introduce resolution giving city ability to remove Confederate statues. This is regarding to Monument Avenue. This is the third time he has introduced it. And, the councilman is a black man. Big surprise there. I wonder if this will include the new statue at the Virginia Art Museum?
** UNC faculty condemns system's settlement with pro-Confederate group in resolution. I can't help but think this is funny. The SCV never would have gotten the money had the statue not been torn down. I would still like to see what role the "faculty" had in that hate crime that night.
** How the Daughters of the Confederacy spoiled Christmas.
** 'It's a free country': Orange County man continues to fly large Confederate flag on his property.
** UNC students march, protest Confederate statue settlement. At least they were not able to deface or tear down the monument since they has already done that. Again, the settlement wouldn't have happened had they not illegally and in a hate crime mode, torn the statue down in the first place.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Second Civil War: Nikki Haley, Columbus, Suing and Joe
December 8, 2019
** Haley: Killer 'hijacked' Confederate flag meaning for some.
** Confederate group sues Columbus mayor, councilors, over removal of flags at Lynnwood Cemetery. (Ohio)
** T. Greg Doucette threatens to sue Sons of Confederate veterans , demands group donate $2.5 million to black UNC students.
** Texas is no place for Confederate symbols. (Houston Chronicle editorial)
December 9, 2019
** Biden praises group who 'display the Confederate flag' as 'fine people' in resurfaced video. Back when Sen. Carole Mosely-Braun (a black woman from Illinois) wanted to deny the charter to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
** How the Confederate battle flag ended up in states like Vermont.: Historians explain.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
"I Feel So Bad for the Children" and Guilty Folks at UNC
December 7, 2019
** A town's Christmas parade is canceled because of potential protests over Confederate symbols. Wake Forest, N.C.
** Media piles on Nikki Haley after misinterpreted Confederate flag remarks go viral.
** 'I feel so bad for the children': NC towns cancel Christmas parades after threat of protests and demands to remove Confederate groups.
** University of Mississippi approves plan to relocate Confederate monument.
** UNC faculty votes to condemn Silent Sam settlement giving$2.5 million to Confederate heritage group. No surprise here. They encouraged and supported students to commit the hate crime destroying the statue.
** State officials may move Old Miss Confederate monument, but won't scrap it.
** UNC students march, protest Confederate monument settlement. They have only themselves to blame. They tore the statue down. I have to wonder why they haven't been expelled for criminal activity.
--Old Secesh
CW II: Ole Miss Confederate Monument in the Crosshairs Now and a New Statue in Virginia
December 6, 2019
** Board considers plan on moving Ole Miss Confederate monument.
** Agency mulls Confederate monument future.
** Archives board OKs plan to move Ole Miss Confederate statue.
** UNC students march, protest Confederate statue settlement. I have to have a big laugh over this one. It was their breaking the law and hate crime which led to the "payday."
** Nikki Haley claims _____ ____ 'hijacked' the 'heritage' of the Confederate flag in church massacre. Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina when the Confederate flag was removed from the state Capitol.
I do not believe in naming murderers is the reason for the blanks. I can not believe this guy is still alive.
** Crews prepare for statue made in response to Confederate monuments to be placed at VMFA. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
How about that, a new statue going up in the South and believe me it is not a Confederate statue. I wonder if the Confederate-haters will "vandalize" this one.
--Old Secesh
Monday, December 9, 2019
Civil War II: Christmas Parade Cancellation Was Big News Last Week
December 6, 2019
** Fearing protest, North Carolina town cancels Christmas parade featuring Confederate group. USA Today
** North Carolina Christmas parade canceled over Confederate controversy. NY Post
** Towns cancel Christmas parades after Confederate groups' floats spark potential protests. Newsweek
** North Carolina town cancels Christmas parade due to fear of protests over the inclusion of Confederate group. The Hill blog
** Christmas parades with Confederate floats canceled. Washington Post
** North Carolina Christmas parades canceled over reaction to Confederate floats included in them. HillReporter
** Christmas parades with Confederate floats canceled. Houston Chronicle
These are dealing with the cancellations of Christmas parades in Garner and Wake Forest, North Carolina over fear of protests and violence from the Confederate-haters.
A Big Ol' Bah Humbug From Them. --Old Secesh
And So It Goes: No Parade for You
December 5, 2019
** University of North Carolina gives Confederate group $2.5 million in lawsuit settlement. (Silent Sam)
** Wake Forest cancels Christmas parade after threat of anti-Confederate threats. (North Carolina) Isn't this the saddest news for a Christmas parade?
** Wake Forest joins Garner in canceling its Christmas parade for fear of disruption. And we know who is making the threats. Certainly not the Confederate re-enactors.
** Jessica Luther Rummel: Yearslong research shows genesis behind Confederate monument , why it must be moved. (Confederate statue in Denton, Texas) Some first rate, but extremely biased research. Not that I'm biased, of course.
** La. parish approves funding to remove Confederate monument. (Caddo, Louisiana) ($500,000)
A Bah, Humbug from the Confederate Haters. --Old Secesh
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Things to Know About Pearl Harbor
Well, more than five.
From the December 7, 2019, Kankakee (Illinois) Daily Journal "Five things to know about Pearl harbor."
** The attack destroyed or damaged about 20 Navy ships and more than 300 planes.
** Drydocks and airfields were likewise destroyed.
** 2,403 sailors and soldiers and civilians were killed.
** Nearly all the battleships at Pearl Harbor were significantly damaged: Maryland, West Virginia, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Tennessee were either sunk of badly damaged. All, however, were raised and repaired and fought. The USS Arizona and Oklahoma were both sunk and never fought again.
** Despite this,the U.S. Pacific Fleet was not knocked out of the war..
** The Japanese failed to destroy the most important onshore facilities: oil storage depots, repair shops, shipyards and submarine yards. As a result, the U.S. was able to rebound rather quickly.
** Unexpected American reaction. The attack united the country with a desire to go to war,
** When FDR asked for a declaration of war the next day, Congress was just one vote shy of unanimous, with Rep. Jeannette Rankin of Montana voting against it (she had also voted against the WW I declaration). She said, "As a woman I can't go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else."
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Just One In Three Pearl Harbor Survivors Will Be Able to Attend a Ceremony Today
These are some of today's headlines about Pearl Harbor from around the country to mark the event. You can type in the headlines to read the articles.
** Pearl Harbor veteran's internment to be the last on the USS Arizona.
** Wisconsin Pearl Harbor survivor to release book detailing his life story.
** Writer remembers Pearl Harbor survivors.
** Pearl Harbor survivor to rejoin 'all my buddies' as his ashes are placed on sunken battleship.
** USS Arizona survivor remembers Pearl Harbor.
** Pearl Harbor commemoration to continue in Inland Northwest, even after death of last known local survivor.
** Oldest Pearl Harbor survivor being honored in Solana Beach.
** Norris Burkes: Grass Valley Pearl Harbor survivor Joe Feld remembers the Day of Infamy.
** Pearl Harbor survivors return to Oahu to share their memories of the attack.
December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor
This is a new blog so might confuse readers as to why I take this day to write about this event, which took place today, 78 years ago on the island of Oahu. I write about it in all my blogs this day.
A Day of Infamy. A Day which won't be forgotten in my blogs.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Civil War II: Here a Neo,There a Neo. Who's a Neo?
December 4, 2019
** Why did UNC give millions to neo-Confederate group? About the "Silent Sam" statue which was torn down by UNC students in a hate crime last year. I just love the term Neo-Confederate. Makes you think Neo-Nazi. Confederate-haters love to use this term.
This was on the opinion page and written by a University of North Carolina history professor. Well, we know where he stands on the subject. Must Be a Neo-College Prof.
** Caddo approves $500,000 to remove Confederate statue. (Louisiana)
** Protest continue in Lake County over planned move of Confederate general's statue. (Florida)
** Confederate monument up for review this week. (University of Mississippi)
** Top Alabama court upholds Confederate monument protections.
** When the Sons of Confederate Veterans threatened a Silent Sam lawsuit they couldn't possibly win, UNC surrendered without a fight.
** Commissioner Jackson on Confederate monument: The clock is ticking. (Caddo, Louisiana)
** National civil rights organization wins in court decision to uphold removal of Confederate monument. (Pittsboro, NC)
--Old Secesh
"Silent Sam",
Pittsboro NC,
Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV),
University of Mississippi
The Confederacy Under Attack: Cleaning Up "Vandalism" and the Stolen Confederate Flags
December 3, 2019
** Texas Senate to review chamber's art, including Confederate paintings. (And guess what they'll do with those.)
** Crews cleaning vandalism off Charlottesville's Confederate statues. (Again, this is not vandalism. It is a Hate Crime!)
** Columbus preps for legal battle over Confederate flags removed from Linwood Cemetery. (Ohio)
** Poll: Majority of NC residents support Confederate statues staying in place.
** Reward for information regarding stolen Confederate flags increased. Some 200 Confederate flags stolen from Woodbine Cemetery in Harrisonburg, Va. Increased to $1,500.
** Judge dismisses Daughters of the Confederacy lawsuit: Chatham Confederate statue will stay down. Pittsboro, N.C.
** Feedback meetings complete, Eads says Confederate statue removal won't be an option. (Denton County, Texas)
Is This All-Out War? --Old Secesh
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Second Civil War: UNC Gives $2.5 Million to Upkeep of Silent Sam
December 2, 2019.
** Fact check: Were federal benefits granted to Confederate veterans
** UNC will give Silent Sam to Confederate group-- Along with a $2.5 million trust.
** Letter: Police arrest victims in Confederate counter-protest.
** An opinion on Confederate monuments & history.
** More diversity could fix the UNC Board of Governors.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
About Those Christmas Parades in North Carolina
In the past several days, one parade was canceled and one received the go-light. Both North Carolina towns are near Raleigh, the state capital.
Garner canceled theirs, but Wake Forest will still have their annual parade.
The Wake Forest parade (Wake Forest Univ. was originally located here before it moved to Winston-Salem) has included the Sons of Confederate Veterans for decades. The parade will go on as planned.
The City of Garner, however, canceled their parade, which has had Confederate re-enactment groups for many years, But fears that their appearance might cause "those people" who hate all things Confederate to cause problems and disrupt it with confrontations caused the city council to cancel it this year.
It is too bad when a group can disrupt an annual, peaceful event simply through threat as "those people" do now.
Kudus to Wake Forest for standing up to "those people." Disruptions and confrontations will not be coming from Confederate re-enactors.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II: Statues "Vandalized" Again and Wake Forest Christmas Parade to Go On
December 1, 2019
** Observer Forum: Did UNC System make right call on Confederate statue Silent Sam?
** Wake Forest residents back decision to let parade continue. (N.C. The Christmas parade will be held despite the fact that Confederate re-enactors are in it.
** Greg Harton: A monument stands for something.
** 'This is racist' and 'Impeach Trump' spray painted on Lee statue in Charlottesville.
It "Ain't" Over. --Old Secesh
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Second Civil War: N.C. Ban on Removal of Confederate Monuments Challenged
November 30, 2019
** NC ban on removal of Confederate monuments is challenged as local councils continue to bring down statues.
** Confederate statue fights show a greater division.
** To erase Dixie Highway, Florida County might turn to Harriet Tubman for help.
Even Highways? --Old Secesh
Confederacy Under Attack: UNC Gives "Silent Sam" to SCV
November 28, 2019
** University of North Carolina gives 'Silent Sam' statue, toppled by protesters in 2018, to Confederate group.
** Alabama Supreme Court rules that Birmingham cannot cover Confederate statue in Linn Park.
** 'It's a disgrace': UNC will give Silent Sam to Sons of Confederate Veterans after suit.
** Controversy surrounding Confederate group prompts Garner (N.C.) to cancel Christmas parade. People opposed to the Sons of Confederate Veterans have been making social posts against their participation so parade was canceled for fear of confrontation.
** Even though I've already written about "Silent Sam" being turned over to the SCV twice, I couldn't help but like this headline: "Confederate group nabs statue toppled at UNC." There you go, nabbing again.
Bah, Humbug!! --Old Secesh
Civil War II: A Very Rare Judicial Win
November 27, 2019.
** Connecticut man ordered to take down Confederate flag. I read about this story and believe me, this is someone we don't like flying Confederate flags or having anything to do with our side. The man flying the flag is a complete jerk and idiot and should be arrested.
** Sons of Confederate Veterans withdraw Tennessee complaint.
** 1898 descendants divided on George Davis Confederate statue. Wilmington, N.C.
** Top Alabama court upholds Confederate monument protections.
** Legal settlement will keep Confederate statue off UNC campus. "Silent Sam"
--Old Secesh
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