FEBRUARY 20, 2022
** Confederate flag beads tossed during Cleopatra parade land in Gallier Hall stands. (New Orleans. Well, just drop them next time. Duh.)
** Online petition seeks to make London the latest Ontario community to ban Confederate flags. (Canada. Banned in Collingwood. Are the BLM flags also banned. To me that means hate, burning and looting.)
** South Fulton mayor to propose changing street named after Confederate general. (Georgia. Stonewall Tel Rd. The mayor is Black and guess what? He wants it renamed after another black person. There are also other Stonewall Tell places in town, including a school. I couldn't find out what Stonewall Tell actually stood for because the Confederate general in question had the name and nickname Stonewall Jackson. So not sure what the Tell was all about.)
** Murdo Fraser criticized for Confederate flag attack in Scottish Greens, (Scotland)
** Time capsule meant for Confederate temple unearthed in Virginia. (Sad R. Temple?)
--Old Secesh