Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Michigan Legislator Introduces Bill to Disallow Confederate Flags at State Capitol Grounds (No More Confederate Face Masks)
From the KRON TV, San Francisco by Ronnie Das.
Senator Sylvia Santana,(D-Detroit) introduced the bill,saying:
"The Confederate battle flag is viewed by many -- regardless of gender, ethnicity, or political affiliation -- as a symbol of hate and racism. It represents a tragic time in American history that led millions of Americans to fight and die against the oppression of slavery.
"Some claim it is a symbol of southern pride, however, Michigan's role as a stalwart member of the Union during the Civil War should preclude those in Michigan claiming southern pride. A such, the display of a Confederate flag is an insult to the nearly 15,000 Michiganders who gave their lives to preserve the Union.
"This building and out Capitol grounds represent the values, morals, and conscious of Michiganders. There simply isn't the need to allow such a divisive symbol to be used as a prop to knowingly, and purposefully , provoke anger and intimidation where we as legislators are all working together for the common good of all Michiganders."
And, of course, we know what sparked her outrage this past week. That horrible Confederate flag face mask. However, in these days of the virus and regarding the shape of her district of Detroit, I think she has more on her plate than just someone wearing a Confederate face mask.
Who'd Have Ever Thought Michigan Would Raise a Confederate Flag on Their Capitol Or Grounds Anyway? --Old Secesh
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Ban Those Confederate Face Masks
Even with all this coronavirus stuff going on these days, the Confederate-haters still find time to attack our heritage. (Although, I must say, the attacks have greatly lessened since mid-March which is why I stopped doing this blog on a near daily basis.)
One of the latest, was the Confederate (First National) flown along with an 1860s United States flag at the Kentucky courthouse that had to be taken down because of certain people's objections. The two flags were put up to honor the dead on both sides during the war, especially since the state was so torn apart in the war.
Most recently, a Michigan legislator was attacked and condemned for wearing what appeared to be a Confederate flag face mask. He took it off right away and said it wasn't a Confederate flag. (I saw a picture of him wearing it and it was a Confederate flag.)
You mean, then, that the Confederate-haters would rather that we risk our lives or those of others around us than take the chance of offending them with that hated symbol?
That's Real Humanitarian of You Folks. --Old Secesh
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Virginia Confederate-Haters Will Have to Wait Until July to Start Destroying History
I was very disappointed that Virginia's Democratic governor, even with the pandemic going full bore, would take the time to sign that bill to remove Confederate monuments.
But, at least those haters will have to wait until July 1, to start their desecrations.
So, SPLC, NAACP, BLM and all your white minions will have to put the celebration on hold until then.
Those of you who want the Confederate monuments to remain, have to make sure you vote the Democrats out of office in November. Remember, the voting to remove the monuments went along party lines. Democrats voted to remove, Republicans voted to keep.
And, I believe most Virginians don't want them removed.
Removal should be up to public referendum.
Hopefully, Their "Vandalizers" (Hate-Crime) People Will Not Deface the Monuments Before Then. --Old Secesh
Monday, April 13, 2020
Virginia Grants Towns Permission to Remove Confederate Monuments
From the April 112, 2010, WAMU Virginia.
Not even the coronavirus could stop Virginia from taking the final step to destroy its heritage and denigrate those who so valiantly defended their homes over 150 years ago. It will be a feeding frenzy to bring down all the memorials and monuments.
The governor signed the bill this past Saturday, April 11, just one day before the Civil War began in 1861 and two days after it ended in 1865.
Both chambers of the state's legislative branch voted to to this along party lines. Republicans voted against it. Democrats voted for it. Hopefully, those people in the state who want the statues to remain where they are (and I believe if they put it to a vote by the people and not the politician they would remain) will remember who voted to do what and vote overwhelmingly to at least get the Democrats out of office in November. And, as soon as the the present governor's term ends in 2022, do the same for him.
I imagine those people in Charlottesville will be partying out in the streets over this. No wait, at least they can't show their joy at destroying other people's heritage at this time.
Sorry Guys.
So Sorry for the Once Proud and Honorable State of Virginia. --Old Secesh
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