Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Ole Miss Apologizes, Agriculture and the SCV, More N.C. and Charlottesville Again
February 27, 2020
** Ole Miss apologizes to black protesters arrested in 1970. (It might be nice if UNC-Chapel Hill would apologize for their students destroying Silent Sam.)
** Cannabis, Confederates and saving farms: The primary for N.C. Agriculture Commissioner. (One Republican and 3 Democrats running for it. The Republican is incumbent.
One of the Democrats is a white woman who criticizes the SCV for having a booth at the state fair every year "a group whose whole mission is to engage in whitewashed history that is racist and discriminatory."
Not really sure what the SCV and agriculture have in common.
** Civil War raging again in North Carolina. (Big to do over the new N.C. Civil War and Reconstruction History Center because of race relations and slavery. "In a state where radicals knocked off the Silent Sam Confederate veterans statue in the dead of the night in 2018, and similar statues were taken down in Winston-Salem and Pittsboro...."
** City planning several events to mark Liberation and Freedom Day. (Charlottesville, Va.-- This day near April 13 was celebrated because of Thomas Jefferson's birthday, but the city council, in all their intelligence decided not to honor him (probably because he owned slaves and we all know that anyone who owned slaves was worse than Hitler and the Nazis) even though he had a little to do with that city.
Instead, they choose to honor Union General Sheridan who came to town with the intention of destroying it (and the university as well). Of course, they said it was because he liberated all the enslaved people. You'd think they would have more respect for a local boy who did well and had something to do with the establishing of the United States. You know, that Declaration thing and presidency.
You've Really Got to Wonder About Charlottesville and Virginia. What In the World? --Old Secesh
Friday, February 28, 2020
It's a Road Thing Now As Well and, Finally Two Groups Willing to Stand Up Against This New Tyranny
February 26, 2020
** Magruder Boulevard, named after a Confederate general to be renamed for Neil Armstrong.
** Parts of Florida Highway honoring the Confederacy will be renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman. How about renaming those parts Founding Fathers' Way or Greatest Generation? Surely, they are deserving as well.
** Confederate flags will be allowed at Arkansas cemetery despite protests. (Probably just "one" person didn't like the Confederate flags. But today, these "ones" sure have a lot of clout. Governmental bodies bow to their every whim.
** No commotion as county passes Confederate History Month measure. (Texas-- Well if certain folks can have a History Month, others should also have a month to honor their ancestors as well. Finally, a group of people with a backbone willing to stand up against the haters.)
** Letter to Editor: Letter writer misses mark on meaning of Confederate monuments.
Welcome to the Tyranny. --Old Secesh
The Ultra Left Plans SCV Protest, School Name Change
February 26, 2020
** Sons of Confederate Veterans conference hits Raleigh this weekend. (Considering the source, The Progressive Pulse, you know where the "HITS" comes from. A coalition of local anti-racist organizations called Smash Raleigh Racism is organizing a protest event across from the convention site. It appears this group just recently formed to have this protest.
Kind of interesting what they had to say in the Progressive Pulse: "The Sons of Confederate Veterans are a white supremacist organization with ties to the KKK, League of the South, and other violent fascist groups."
Oh, well. Here's hoping these folks don't disrupt the SCV Division meeting as they plan. And, that they don't do anything illegal.
** Should Orlando school named for Confederate general change its name. (Florida-- Stonewall Jackson Middle School. The website already refers to it just as Jackson Middle School.) The site had a poll as to whether the name should be changed. So far, 74% say no. In 2017, the school board voted to change the name of Robert E. Lee Middle School to College Park Middle.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Virginia Again, That Cemetery Again, Silent Sam Again
February 25, 2020
** Virginia lawmakers pass bill to swap holiday honoring Confederate generals for Election Day.
** Arkansas cemetery allows Confederate flags despite protests. (Eureka Springs-- It is up to person's family to okay flags.)
** Why Silent Sam should stand again at UNC. (Opinion. Applauds the judge striking down the SCV deal, but wants statue returned to where it stood for over a hundred years. I'd like to see it go back, but, the amount of money that would have to be spent to stop hate crimes on it would be too much, especially since the UNC students and their faculty supporters know that nothing will happen to them if they are caught.)
** Chapel Hill mayor and council ask Guskiewicz to keep Silent Sam out of Chapel Hill. (Part of this is due to student safety issues. It would be horrible if the statue fell on any of the UNC students while they were in the process of committing a hate crime.)
Hate Crime, Not Vandalism. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Confederate Flags in Cemeteries, Savannah, Civil Rights Movement and the NRHP
February 24, 2020
** Deal hit to heal breach over rebel flags in Eureka Springs Cemetery. (Arkansas-- Someone complained. Guess? All it takes is one of these people to complain. 47 Confederate and 97 Union soldiers buried there. In the past,the flags have been "removed" by an individual.
** Panel addresses inequities of historic Savannah monuments. (Panel of local activists, so we know where they stand. Personally, I would like to see more monuments to deserving Blacks.)
** Photos: The fight for integration in Winston-Salem. (North Carolina-- Demonstrators at the Woolworth's lunch counter where the black students were seated waving Confederate flags. This is a big reason why Blacks dislike the Confederate flag and I don't blame them for it. Those people "hijacked" the Confederate flag. I hate when that happens.)
** US 'honor roll' of historic places often ignores slavery. (This would be the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). I would also like to see more slavery sites on the list.)
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
The Confederacy Under Attack: SCV, Forrest Bust, Civil Rights, Flash Confederate Statue Protest
February 23, 2020
** Albany SCV group to hold annual Lee-Jackson banquet. (Albany, Georgia-- Wonder if there will be those protesters at it.)
** How the son of a Confederate became a social justice champion in SC. An interesting story.
** TN lawmaker wants 'civil rights' monument near state Capitol's Forrest bust.
** Confederate statue protest (Leesburg, Fla.) Calling for a flash demonstration.
--Old Secesh
Monday, February 24, 2020
Still "Silent", Confederate Flag, St. Augustine and a Confederate Rose
February 22, 2020
Again, these are headlines from newspapers and media outlets around the country.
** Virginia is poised to let cities remove Confederate monuments. It's about damn time.
** Confederate group has 45 days to return 'Silent Sam' to UNC. (And, then what will UNC do with it? Probably just bury it.)
** The history of the Confederate flag and what it represents. (A very anti-Confederate article. What does this have to do with teens and their fashions? Written by Jameelah Nasheed. I reckon that explains it. No racism here, of course.)
** St. Augustine wants community's input on memorial to honor black troops. (Florida-- If black troops played a role in St. Augustine during the war I'll be all for it. You can never have too many things about history.)
** Sharing flower cuttings is a joy. (Andalusia Star-News, Alabama-- This is about the Confederate Rose flower. I reckon there will be those people who want to change this name. You know, slavery and all.)
** Statue of archsegregationist remains in Capitol Square. (Richmond, Va. -- Statue of Harry F. Byrd, Sr. From the Richmond Free Press, a black newspaper.)
By the Way, I See That UNC Lost Another Basketball Game. --Old Secesh
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Tennessee's Bust, NC Poll and Does Silent Sam = 3-12 Record for UNC Basketball?
February 21, 2020
** Panel vacancy delays action on Tennessee Confederate bust. (Bedford Forrest)
** General's bust in Tennessee Capitol draws passionate arguments on whether it should stay or go.
** WRAL News Poll: NC residents say keep Confederate statues. (Race and political ideology are major indicators involving the ongoing debate over what to do with Confederate monuments, such as Silent Sam at UNC-Chapel Hill.)
Nearly 2/3 of Blacks polled said the statues should be moved to cemeteries or battlegrounds or from public spaces altogether, while only 12 percent said the statues should be left alone. Another 14% said the statues should remain where they are, but context plaques be added.
By comparison, 45% of North Carolinians said the statues should remain where they are, and another 25% said historical context should be added. Only 23% said they should be removed.
10% who voted for Trump in 2016 say the statues should be removed compared to 58% who voted for Clinton. Residents identifying themselves as conservatives were twice as likely to want the statues to remain than those who said they are liberal. So, it is a Republican vs. Democrat thing.
I plan on voting for Republicans here in Illinois for most every position other than president. And, that is for two reasons. The first is this is the only way I have to show my contempt for the Virginia Democrats and secondly, to try to get Madigan out of being the Illinois Speaker of the House. I normally split my votes between the two parties. I voted for Clinton in 2016. I also voted for Obama in his second term as well as when he was running for U.S. senator from Illinois.
And, I am sure hoping Virginians can turn the Democrats out of at least one of the houses there.
** UNC promises that Confederate statue won't return to campus. (That would be Silent Sam.)
I can't help but think perhaps the way the school treats its history might have something to do with their current 3-12 basketball record. Come on, UNC with that kind of record? They used to be good. And, when it comes to major college basketball fans and since I am from North Carolina, UNC was my team. But, now with this Silent Samia epidemic I'm not so sure.
Maybe Someone or Something Is Trying to Say Something. Makes One Think. --Old Secesh
** Panel vacancy delays action on Tennessee Confederate bust. (Bedford Forrest)
** General's bust in Tennessee Capitol draws passionate arguments on whether it should stay or go.
** WRAL News Poll: NC residents say keep Confederate statues. (Race and political ideology are major indicators involving the ongoing debate over what to do with Confederate monuments, such as Silent Sam at UNC-Chapel Hill.)
Nearly 2/3 of Blacks polled said the statues should be moved to cemeteries or battlegrounds or from public spaces altogether, while only 12 percent said the statues should be left alone. Another 14% said the statues should remain where they are, but context plaques be added.
By comparison, 45% of North Carolinians said the statues should remain where they are, and another 25% said historical context should be added. Only 23% said they should be removed.
10% who voted for Trump in 2016 say the statues should be removed compared to 58% who voted for Clinton. Residents identifying themselves as conservatives were twice as likely to want the statues to remain than those who said they are liberal. So, it is a Republican vs. Democrat thing.
I plan on voting for Republicans here in Illinois for most every position other than president. And, that is for two reasons. The first is this is the only way I have to show my contempt for the Virginia Democrats and secondly, to try to get Madigan out of being the Illinois Speaker of the House. I normally split my votes between the two parties. I voted for Clinton in 2016. I also voted for Obama in his second term as well as when he was running for U.S. senator from Illinois.
And, I am sure hoping Virginians can turn the Democrats out of at least one of the houses there.
** UNC promises that Confederate statue won't return to campus. (That would be Silent Sam.)
I can't help but think perhaps the way the school treats its history might have something to do with their current 3-12 basketball record. Come on, UNC with that kind of record? They used to be good. And, when it comes to major college basketball fans and since I am from North Carolina, UNC was my team. But, now with this Silent Samia epidemic I'm not so sure.
Maybe Someone or Something Is Trying to Say Something. Makes One Think. --Old Secesh
Friday, February 21, 2020
Should Confederate Monuments Be Treated Like MLK Memorials? UNC Chancellor Says Silent Sam Can't Come Back to School (Now, He'll Never Graduate)
February 20, 2020
** Florida lawmaker says Confederate monuments should be honored like MLK memorials. (He will come under intense fire for that statement. We know why certain people don't like anything Confederate, but is there anything that MLK did that might offend some people?
But, didn't MLK have all those extramarital affairs as a preacher? You'd think he'd know better than that. Plus, there was the way some Blacks reacted to his murder with rampages, fires, looting and rape.)
** Athens mayor suggests fair's inaction on Confederate flag will have costs. (Athens, Ohio-- Members of the fair's governing body voted overwhelmingly against banning the sale of Confederate items.)
** Democrats running for state senate talk legislature's role in Confederate monuments. (Salisbury, N.C.)
** UNC chancellor vows that the Confederate statue will not return to school. (That would be Silent Sam. But, didn't UNC allow those students who committed the hate crime by pulling the statue down, then rejoiced, back in school. And what about those UNC faculty members who put them up to it. None of them lost their jobs.)
** Miami-Dade commissioners vote unanimously to change the name of Dixie Highway. Florida. Sheer ignorance.)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Civil War II: What Has Happened to Virginia? Has the Whole State Forgotten Its History? Are They Trying to Cover It Up?
February 19, 2020
** Debunking some of the myths surrounding the Confederate narrative. (A S.C. college professor wrote this book.
** Should I speak up about a worker's Confederate battle flag?
** Camp: The Southern belle needs a costume change. (From the UVA student newspaper. Very anti-Confederate. Southern belles represent "a warped form of 19th century fact." Of course, not surprisingly, UVA is in Charlottesville.)
** Battlefield Battles: Proposed African-American history museum draws criticism. (Virginia-- The criticism is by Blacks who say they didn't have input and are afraid it is a Confederate ploy. But, I am surprised Blacks wouldn't want a museum about them.)
** Editorial: First step for monument removal -- check. (Loudon Va. Times-Mirror-- They applaud the Virginia legislators for putting fate of statues in local hands, rather than state. But, the problem here is that local cities in Virginia seem to be in the control of Blacks and/or their white minions, who will get rid of this history as fast as they can.
I would support a local referendum by the people on statue removal. If the people choose to remove it, then remove it. But, don't leave it up to local governing bodies.
** Father disturbed when his two-year-old catches racist figurine during Mardi Gras parade. (WBRZ Baton Rouge, La.-- Among the beads thrown from a float was a caricature of a black man holding a watermelon. This is a racist thing. It shouldn't have been thrown. Of course, though, I doubt that a 2-year-old would be as traumatized by it as was his father.
--Old Secesh
Charlottesville Va.,
Mardi Gras,
University of Virginia,
War Memorial Protection Laws
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Now, Some More of Virginia? Still, Silent Sam
February 17,2020
** Bills raise questions about some of Southwest Virginia's own Confederate symbols. (11/9-10/38)
** New Alabama monuments bill puts Birmingham mayor on the spot.
February 18, 2020
** Confederate-inspired statue features young black man. (Richmond, Va. The new one in front of the art museum.
** Teaching Confederate monuments.
** Confederate monuments, memory and history.
** A little real talk about Silent Sam.
** UNC will not challenge the judge's order tossing out the Silent Sam settlement. (OK, judge, when will you or someone in authority order the police to start arresting the UNC students and faculty responsible for tearing the statue down. I would also like the judge to make a ruling on the legality of the UNC students and faculty for their tearing down the statue. Is it legal to tear something down you don't like?)
UNC wants Silent Sam returned to campus, but hasn't said what they would do with it. Obviously, the statue can't be put back up as the students and faculty will just commit hate crimes against it.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Virginia Democrats at Odds Over Terms of Confederate Statue Removals
From the Feb. 14, 2020, Daily Progress (Virginia)" by Ned Oliver.
Sadly, it is just a handful of Democrats in the Virginia senate pushing for this. The senate's version of the Confederate statue removal bill has requirements that local authorities would have to meet before removing the monuments.
Among them:
Mandatory historical study and public meetings over the course of 100 days, a super majority vote by the local governing board and an optional referendum.
The House of Delegates says this is not necessary.
Otherwise, certain Virginia cities will have celebrations and have those statues down before the ink dries on the signed bill.
--Old Secesh
Embarrassing in Pittsboro NC, We Still Want to Know About Justice to the UNC Students Committing Their Hate Crime, A Poll
February 16, 2020
** Virginia Democrats at odds over terms of Confederate statue removals.
** Protesters at a polling site during early voting wave Confederate flags, shout racial slurs. (Chatham County, NC. Pittsboro is the county seat. I hate to have this happen. It makes our side look worse.)
** Keanu Reeves imposter poses with Donald Trump supporter wearing Confederate flag, causing confusion online.
** Confederate Railroad to headline concert series.
** Our View: Judge rightly overturns sketchy deal on UNC's Silent Sam. (Fayetteville (NC) Observer "We applaud students and faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill for their role in bringing about the judge's decision on Wednesday." How about when the justice system will start arresting and prosecuting those very same students and faculty for committing the hate crime in the first place?)
** Should the legislature increase the fines imposed on cities that remove or relocate Confederate monuments? (Times Daily of Alabama-- The voting so far: Yes-- 141 No-- 44)
--Old Secesh
Monday, February 17, 2020
The Second Civil War: Statues, Statues, Statues, a School and a Band
February 15, 2020
** Costello: The Confederate war memorial--Let it be. (Loudon County, Va. The Democratic-controlled board of supervisors, headed by Phylis J. Randall, a black woman, wants to remove the monument.)
** Confederate statues in the State Capitol remain unaddressed. (Richmond, Va. Free Press, a black newspaper.-- There are Confederate statues and busts inside it and outside of it. Needless to say, they want them all gone. Of course, once the bill is signed, they will be taken down.)
** Wiley statue in Richmond bridges both Confederate and black urban styles. (They can put up their statues and take down ours.)
** Richmond dedicates Barack Obama Elementary School, formerly named for Confederate commander. (J.E.B. Stuart-- I support renaming any school named after a Confederate serving primarily black students.)
** County ups the ante in search for art to replace controversial Confederate statue. (Gainesville, Florida-- This will cost the county $40,000. Cost to have kept the Confederate statue would have been $0.)
** Birmingham's mayor criticizes law protecting Confederate monuments, says one should not exist in America's fourth blackest city. (Big surprise, the mayor is a black man. Who's racist now?
By the way, this article in Newsweek was accompanied by a 45 second video of the UNC students committing the hate crime against the Silent Sam statue. They seemed really happy at the time, but not so happy when the bill came.
** Night Ranger and Confederate Railroad play Marathon tomorrow. (Marathon in the Florida Keys. Old Toilets can't do anything about it as it is out of his jurisdiction.)
--Old Secesh
So, What Happens Now in Virginia Regarding the Confederate Monuments? (11/ 9-10 /38)
From the Feb. 12, 2020, WJLA Channel 7 ABC "Virginia state lawmakers approve Confederate statue removal bill."
This past week, the Virginia General Assembly Senate and House of Delegates passed a bill which is to allow the removal or relocation of Confederate monuments across the state. This was a Democratic Party thing, something they had promised to do and now taken the step. They haven't been able to do this before because they did not control the houses, but after the last election, they gained it.
Before it goes to the governor, also a Democrat and who says he will sign it, it has to go back to both houses where each other's version will have to pass. It will pass.
Alexandria's mayor, a white man, is gung-ho on removing his city's Appomattox statue and says he will start things on removal as soon as he can, once the bill is signed.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Silent Sam Back in the News and Virginia's Confederate Statue Removal Bill
February 14, 2020
** What happens next to the Confederate monument Silent Sam?
** Judge overturns UNC's agreement giving Silent Sam statue to pro-Confederate group. (charloFrom that Confederate-hating Washington Post. They must be rejoicing there on the editorial floor.)
** State lawmakers approve Confederate statue removal bill: So what happens next? (I have not seen that the governor has signed it yet.)
** How Ole Miss Athletics help push out Confederate traditions. (Actually a very fair appraisal of the situation.)
** Birmingham mayor fights to remove Confederate monuments. (Remember, the mayor is a black man. Who'd figure?)
** In victory for students, court rescinds $2.5 million settlement over UNC's Confederate statue. (And remember, they were the ones who committed the hate crime by illegally tearing Silent Sam down. And, on top of it, no arrests have been made, none have been expelled from school. Now, they want justice?)
** Hearing continued for two charged with vandalizing Confederate statue. (Charlottesville, Va-- Being arrested for such action had to come as a shock to them. Why isn't the other side crying foul on this?)
** Virginia Democrats at odds over terms of Confederate statue removals. (Glad to see this removal is not just going to be a feeding frenzy, gloating thing, hopefully.)
Where's the Love for Valentine's Day? --Old Secesh
Friday, February 14, 2020
UNC Settlement Voided, Woodfin Doesn't Like Confederate Monuments, That Kirby Smith Statue, More Statue "Vandalism"
February 13, 2020
** Judge voids UNC's controversial settlement over Confederate statue 'Silent Sam.' (Unbelievable when contrasted with the lack of arrests and convictions for the people committing the hate crime when the statue was torn down. Where's the justice? Now the guilty people who are so mad about the settlement are getting what they want.)
** Virginia inches closer to bringing down Confederate statues.
** Here's what Randall Woodfin had to say about Confederate monuments. (Birmingham, Alabama, mayor. He is a black man so doesn't like Confederate monuments.)
** Photo of students with swastika and Confederate flag roils Riverside school. (Martin Luther King High School, California I hate to see a swastika alongside a Confederate flag. It is hard enough to fight this losing war as it is without being compared to that German group.)
** Protest over confederate statue leads to woman being removed from meeting. (Lake Mary, Florida-- Statue of Confederate General Kirby Smith which used to stand in the U.S. Capitol and has been removed and headed for the historical museum has people not wanting it there. Protesters were carrying posters against the statue in a silent protest. I am wondering what the protester did to be removed by police. By the way, Fox 51, WOGX, Confederate is spelled with a capital "C."
** Pair pleads not guilty in Confederate statue vandalism. (Bentonville, Arkansas-- The two are White. Again, doing this to a Confederate statue is not vandalism. It is a hate crime.)
** Letter: Confederate soldiers were no heroes.
** Neo-Confederate attorney accused of mishandling clients' money promoted online trolling, harassment. (With League of the South. This is from the Southern Poverty Law Center so this organization's anti-Confederate stance is well-known.)
--Old Secesh
"Silent Sam",
Birmingham Alabama,
hate crimes,
high school,
League of the South,
Smith Kirby,
Southern Poverty Law Center,
UNC-Chapel Hill,
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Sad News from Virginia, Gettysburg and Vicksburg All Over Again, November 9-10, 1938
February 12, 2020
** Virginia House and Senate back local control of Confederate monuments.
** Bill to give localities control over Confederate monuments passes Senate in Va.
** Virginia cities could soon be able to remove their Confederate statues.
** Virginia lawmakers approve Confederate statue removal bill.
** Bill giving localities control over Confederate monuments passes Virginia Senate.
** Virginia legislatures votes to allow cities to remove Confederate statues.
** Bill giving local Va. governments right to relocate Confederate monuments passes Virginia Senate.
** General Assembly approves Confederate statue removal bills.
** Bill giving localities control over Confederate monuments passes Virginia Senate.
Yes, all of these are about the same thing. Virginia Democrats have done as they promised and voted down Virginia's war memorial protection law.
No doubt, there is a lot of rejoicing among the anti-Confederate folks, but this is a very sad day in that great state's history.
And in "unrelated" news "Mayor criticizes Alabama law protecting Confederate monument. (Birmingham. The mayor is a black man.)
That's Right, Folks. This Is a Big Loss. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Civil War II: California, a Picnic in Georgia, Smith Statue and Dixie Highway in Florida
February 11, 2020
** Students at Riverside King High School pose with swastika, Confederate flag. (Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California. I hate to have this happen.)
** Lauren County Confederate group responds after Dublin VA stops annual cookout. (Dublin, Georgia The local SCV has had a free picnic for veterans at the Veterans Administration there. Now the VA says they can't do that unless they leave their Confederate symbols at home.)
** Lake County protesters say they were kicked out of a meeting for holding signs against Confederate statue. (Florida The statue of General Kirby Smith which once stood in the U.S. Capitol Building is to be relocated to the Lake County Historical Museum. The Kirby statue is to be replaced with one of Mary McLeod Bethune, a Florida civil rights pioneer. If the Kirby statue is inside, I don't see what the protesters are upset about.)
** Tensions surface at Franklin County School Board meeting. (Virginia. One board member, a black woman, is still upset that the board refused to prohibit Confederate flags on clothing.)
** 'Dixie Highway' may be renamed in Broward County. Now public can weigh in. (Florida Some are calling it a racist name.)
Poor Old Kirby Smith. Nobody Wants Him. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Maryland Puts Up Statues of Tubman and Douglass and Then, Virginia Again
February 10, 2020
** Maryland to unveil statues of Tubman and Douglass in Capitol. (I am all in favor of these statues being put up to honor the roles of Blacks in this country's history, but NOT when they take down Confederate statues. Does this mean that if research is done and something found in these people's background that might offend someone that they then must be taken down?
** A proposal to remove a Virginia statue may have backfired. (A Republican lawmaker in the state decided to "get" the Democrats in their efforts to remove the Confederacy, and also remove the statue of Harry Flood Byrd, a Democrat, as well. But Byrd was a segregationist. This was in the Washington Post, so I imagine they are gloating about this.)
Rubbing Salt Into the Wounds. A Real Slap in the Face. --Old Secesh
Monday, February 10, 2020
SCV Helps Restore Grave Sites at "Vandalized" Cemetery, Confederate Railroad to Perform, Some Candidates Stand to Keep Confederate Monuments
February 9, 2020
** Historians, funeral workers reassemble graves of Confederate soldiers at Alva cemetery. (Florida. Members of the USS Hannah Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. No one is currently accused of the hate crime.)
** Confederate flag an unwelcome symbol in local community.
** Award-winning country band 'Confederate Railroad' coming to Elizabethton. (Tennessee. Hopefully Illinois' Gov. Toilets won't hear about it."
** Candidates divided on Confederate monument, unified in valuing family. (Denton, Texas At least there were some who said the monuments should remain standing. That takes a lot of courage in these days.)
--Old Secesh
The Second Civil War: Confederate Graves "Vandalized" in Fla and the Mississippi State Flag
February 8, 2020
** VA says Confederate group can't bring flag, Nazi gear to Dublin hospital. (Georgia Why would a Confederate group have Nazi gear? Why would a Veterans Administration ban the Confederate flag? Confederate soldiers are considered American soldiers.)
** Confederate soldiers' graves believed to be vandalized in Alva cemetery. (Florida Again, "vandalized"? Looks like the Confederate-haters strike again. It has happened there before.)
** "Chatham for All" event to focus on removal of Confederate monuments, symbols. (Pittsboro, NC) They will have speakers from Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill. Guess whose side these speakers will be on?)
** Confederate name change. (Fairfax, Va. Robert E. Lee High School.)
** Will Mississippi state flag be redesigned? (Planning on having two designs for state legislators to vote on by 2021. Neither one will contain the Confederate flag. I say they should put it to a vote before changing it or keeping the current one. And, why does the state continue to fund the state colleges even when they refuse to fly the state flag?)
No Fly No Pay. --Old Secesh
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Virginia Democrats Strike, Are All Historical Markers in Danger Now? and the Mississippi Flag
February 7, 2020
** Holiday honoring Confederate generals swapped for Election Day in Virginia. (The Democrats strike!! Hopefully something can be done about them in the next election.)
** Wise: As long as you let kids wear Confederate flags to school, you'll go down as the "Lost Cause." (Still upset about the Virginia school district which wouldn't ban the Confederate flag from attire. This even though the only black person on the board wants it removed. Hey, majority rules in this country. Finally people with enough backbone to stand up against this tyranny. I don't know about you, but I am really getting tired of the one offended black person getting all the say in things.)
** Slave auction markers missing from Charlottesville's Court Square. (Virginia I am against anything historical being removed or damaged. But with it being allowable now for persons to "vandalize" Confederate monuments, I guess this is likely to start happening. I hope the markers are found or replaced more securely. Keep our history.)
** Will the Mississippi state flag be redesigned? (Hopefully it will be put to a public vote and not determined by any legislative or judicial body.)
Majority Rules in My Country. --Old Secesh
Friday, February 7, 2020
Civil War II: About That Confederate Flag in the Middle School, Black Images on Monument Avenue, Goodbye Part of the Dixie Highway
February 6, 2020
** Some Confederate statues could soon be removed in Virginia.
** The Buzz: Confederate statues.
** Parent speaks out following Confederate battle flag display in middle school classroom. (South Carolina. As part of a Civil War unit, a teacher hung a Confederate battle flag next to a 34-star Union flag and a black mother was appalled when she found out about it from her child. The district investigated. I sure wish I had that much power. All it takes is one black person to be offended and then it becomes a major situation.)
** Richmond's avenues honoring Confederate heroes now include black images. (Virginia Monument Avenue. Also has statue of Arthur Ashe and now the statue in front of the art museum that evidently is by the avenue.)
** Miami-Dade commission to rename Dixie Highway. (Florida A black commissioner is pushing this. Wants the name changed to Harriet Tubman Highway. You know, Dixie where they had the "S" word. Also movement to change the name in Hallandale Beach, Florida.
--Old Secesh
No Decision in Tennessee and SCV Defending Good Name of Confederates in Virginia and Louisiana
February 5, 2020
** Tennessee reps decide not to decide on Confederate statue. ((Nathan Bedford Forrest bust in state capitol.)
** Sons of Confederate Veterans respond to bill advancing in Virginia statehouse. (This is the bill to give local governments control of war memorials. If this passes, all Confederate statues in the state will immediately either come down or moved. Looks like the Democrats in that state are living up to their promise to eradicate the Confederacy. So much for the former capital of the Confederacy.)
** Confederate group takes Louisiana parade dispute to Fifth Circuit. (Court. That group, the SCV.)
** Fire damages Charleston's historic Confederate Home and College. (South Carolina. Hopefully not because of those who hate the Confederacy.)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Another Confederate Monument "Vandalized", No Marchee in Parade for SCV, Bill to Do Away With Confederate Monuments in Virginia
February 4, 2020
** Confederate monument in Virginia vandalized with red paint. (Harrisonburg. The Turner Ashby monument, near where he died. There they go again. That is not vandalism. That is a hate crime.)
** Sons of Confederate Veterans appeal appeal in parade permit suit. (Louisiana)
** Localities could remove confederate statues if bill passes. (ABC 8 News, Richmond, Va. The bill cleared a committee by 8-7 vote. This would allow local governments to remove all Confederate statues and monuments. Sadly, it appears that many Virginia local governments are under control of Blacks and their white minions. So, those statues would be gone. I've said it before, this should be put up to local referendum. If the majority of the people want them gone, then so it should be.)
Also, a word to the news station, the word Confederate is capitalized, not small "c".
** SC Republicans want to give Trump his own Confederate memorial. (What?)
** Fact check: NC lawmaker says Lincoln was a traitor and Robert E. Lee 'hated slavery.'
** Racial debate arose when Virginia school proposed to ban Confederate flag attire.
** How a Republican's proposal to remove a statue in Richmond may have backfired.
--Old Secesh
The Confederacy Under Attack: Name Change, When One Is All It Takes, GOP=Confederacy?
February 3, 2010
** South Carolina's Relic Room Ponders Name Change.
** Va. school board member wanted to ban Confederate flag attire. Others disagreed. (From the Confederate-hating Washington Post. Just because one person doesn't like something, it is up to the majority to make the final decision. Not the ONE!!)
** A holiday whose time has passed. (Guess which one. Lee-Jackson Day)
** CNN reporter compares GOP senators to "the Confederacy" after voting against additional witnesses. (And guess whose side CNN was on. For that matter, guess whose side Fox News was on. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have media who don't take sides.)
** Opinion: We need to stop sayin' 'Ole Miss' (From the Univ. of Mississippi student newspaper. You know, Ole Miss and that "S" word.)
Maybe "Ole Wus?" --Old Secesh
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Confederacy's 'Role' in the Trump Impeachment, Changing the Name of the Confederate Relic Room in S.C.
February 2, 2020
** South Carolina's Confederate Relic Room ponders name change. (You know, the "C" word.)
** Give localities control over their monuments. (Only if removal or relocation is put up to a vote.)
** CNN's John Harwood: The Confederacy blocked John Bolton's testimony. (Impeachment trial of Trump.)
** CNN's Harwood: 'Old Confederacy represents bulwark of the 21st century GOP.' Of the 51 Republican senators voting to block Bolton's testimony, 25 were from Confederate states.
I Tell You, We get Blamed For EVERYTHING. --Old Secesh
Will the UNC Radicals Ever Get Over the Silent Sam Deal?
February 1, 2020
** Behind closed doors: The UNC System concealed $74999 deal's role in Confederate payoff. (From the Daily Tarheel, UNC student newspaper. It is very anti-Confederate. I'd like to know their role in the hate crime committed against Silent Sam that started this whole mess.)
** Neo-Confederate group slams House guest speaker for their inclusion in controversial prayer. (Delivered at the Florida House of Representatives. Neo-Confederate refers to the group Save Southern Heritage. Don't you just love the term Neo-Confederate. Makes you think Neo-Nazi, doesn't it.)
** UNC essentially paid Confederate group to sue over 'Silent Sam.' (Just remember, none of this would have happened had they not illegally torn the statue down.)
** Athletics, UM Foundation, UM Alumni Association support monument relocation. (Ole Miss)
--Old Secesh
Monday, February 3, 2020
Still Mad About Silent Sam Settlement and Ole Miss on Statue Relocation
January 31, 2020
** Top UM fundraisers, including current athletic director, support Confederate statue relocation. (Ole Miss. At least they propose moving it to an in-campus Confederate cemetery. But now, what about the school's nickname, the Rebels?)
** Seeking to nix $25 million deal , UNC alumni say Confederate group never owned 'Silent Sam.' (Again, had the UNC students not committed a hate crime and torn down the statue, this would not have been a problem. But this is the second time I've read an article about this "group of UNC alumni and donors" and as of yet, I have not seen the name of the "group" other than there are almost a hundred of them. Who are they? Are they a group of black alumni and donors? Inquiring minds would like to know.)
** Group of UNC alumni say pro-Confederate group had no standing on Silent Sam suit. (This article says there are 88 alumni in the group, including 14 members of the UNC Black Pioneers. Also, some of the alumni are alumni of note and lists names. Two of these were Whites and two were Blacks.)
** Letter: Confederate generals are still honored by the Army , too. (From the Washington Post which is becoming a major anti-anything Confederate source.)
Imagine the SCV Being Considered Pro-Confederate. --Old Secesh
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The Second Civil War: PACs, Lawyers, Charlottesville Pays, Silent Sam Again and Virginia Beach
January 30, 2020
** Will NC officials return shady pro-Confederate PAC contributions? All PACs are shady if you ask me. Kind of like a hedge fund.)
** Lawyers get fees in Confederate statues case. ($300,000 to lawyers who blocked Charlottesville's removal of Confederate monuments to be paid by the city. Ha Ha!!)
** Prominent UNC alumni want to stop $2.5 million Silent Sam deal with Confederate group. (Again, perhaps they should have tried to keep the students from breaking the law in the first place.)
** Add context and 2nd statue to Virginia Beach Confederate monument. (Well, at least they might be keeping the Confederate monument.)
--Old Secesh
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