Civil War II: The Continuing War On the Confederacy

Are these UDC members the white supremacists who put up all those racist monuments BLM has warned us about? How about those Confederate veterans above them? Some mighty desperate and despicable folks if you ask me.
Friday, February 9, 2024
This Will Be My Last Post on This Blog
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Stone Mountain's Confederate Day
APRIL 27, 2023
** Stone Mountain prepares for Confederate Day demonstrations. (Georgia. You'd think Blacks would be more concerned with Black-on-Black crime and murders than Confederate Day. Maybe demonstrate against that.)
** Groups again call for cancellaton of Stone Mountain Confederate event. Wonder if CAIR is involved with this?)
** Florida Republicans want to allow citizens to sue over Confederate monuments.
--Old Secesh
Monday, May 8, 2023
Confederadication: Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama and Mississippi
APRIL 26, 2023
** Mississippi and Alabama celebrate Confederate Memorial Day as efforts to abolish holiday stall.
** New Florida bill would empower defenders of Confederate monuments.
** Nikki Haley compares abortion divide to Confederate flag debate.
** CAIR repeats call for elimination of Confederate Memorial Day holiday in Alabama. (Again. Islamists weighing in on the issue?)
I Always Have To Smile When I See CAIR Piping In. --Old Secesh
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Should Confederate Monument Removal Be an Issue?
APRIL 25th, 2023
** How do you feel about c(C)onfederate monuments being a campaign issue in mayor's race? (I'd consider it an issue. And, I also believe that any proposal to remove a Confederate monument should be put to a vote of the people, not just a small group of politicians.)
** Activists are calling on state leaders to leave Confederate Memorial Day in the past. (Two guesses as to which race these activists belong. First one doesn't count. Is this a racist thing?)
** Where Jacksonville mayoral candidates Deegan and Davis stand on Confederate monument removal. (Florida. A lot of this revolves around if tax dollars should be used for removal. I have always said that those that want them removed should foot the bill.)
--Old Secesh
Friday, May 5, 2023
About That Confederate Memorial Day
APRIL 24, 2023
** State offices closed today for Confederate holiday. (Alabama. Don't tell SPLC.)
** Groups again call for cancellation of Stone Mountain Confederate event. (Georgia. Wonder who wants the cancellation.)
** Descendants of Robert E. Lee and those he enslaved reconcile at Arlington House. (Virginia)
** Alabama and Mississippi mark Confederate Memorial Day.
Well, If You Do Not Like Confederate Memorial Day, Don't Ce;ebrate It. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Civil War II: Confederate History Month, Monuments and Statues
APRIL 21, 2023
** Confederate History Month Celebration will be held this Saturday. (Maryland)
** Confederate monument stolen from ENC cemetery. (Greenville, N.C.)
APRIL 22, 2023
** Trial over Charlottesville's statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee scheduled for Thirsday. (Virginia)
** Flowers planted at location of former downtown Confederate monument. )Wilmington, N.C. St least they didn't put up a monument honoring George Floyd.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, May 1, 2023
Who's Racist? That Typo in Texas
APRIL 20, 2023
** It's time for Mississippi to end Confederate Heritage Month. (Upworthy)
** State Supreme Court grants cert in Sons of Confederate Veterans' suit to prevent removal of monument.
** White Tennessee lawmakers speak out for insurrection in honoring Confederate history. (How do black Tennessee lawmakers stand on it? Who's being racist?)
** Oops! Fort Hood rebranding will have to wait due to typography error. (Texas. A typographical error, wrong font.)
--Old Secesh
Saturday, April 29, 2023
That Bad Ol' Mark Twain
APRIL 19, 2023
** Why Mark Twain had an incredibly brief stint as a Confederate soldier. (Well, now I guess his books will have to be banned by the "woke" folks.)
** Rare Confederate bank notes among highlights at upcoming auction. (What will BLM, SPLC and NAACP think of that? Probably will have a problem with the term "Highlight".)
** What to do about Stone Mountain? Black residents talk park's racist past. (Georgia)
** Greenville police investigating stolen grave marker. (Greenville, North Carolina. It is a pillar memorial. Would this be vandalism or something else?)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, April 27, 2023
The Second Civil War: That Stink in Florida and Arlington National Cemetery
APRIL 15, 2023
** Collier teacher under investigation for showing 'Confederate History Month' video to school. (Naples, Florida. It is so sad when you can't teach history without being the official "woke" agenda. A whole lot of articles about this. Confederate Heritage Month is still a Florida holiday.)
** It's a cemetery for crying out loud. (Bacon's Rebellion. About efforts to tear down the Confederate monument in Arlington National Cemetery where 400 Confederates are buried.)
APRIL 17, 2023
** "Confederate History Month" gives a Florida public school teacher an excuse to honor the losers. Boing Boing. Is this a part of SPLC?)
APRIL 18, 2023
** "No right way to tear down oppressive systems:" The risks of toppling Confederate monuments. (Indy Week)
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
That Good Ol' SPLC Making Their Hate Lists Again
APRIL 13, 2023
** SPLC: Reports 48 Confederate memorials removed in 2022. (Imagine the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) doing that?)
** Montgomery school name changes lead Alabama's Confederate symbol removals in 2022. (SPLC again.)
APRIL 14, 2023
** A Navy ship named for a Confederate victory now honors a black Union hero. (USS Chancellorsvile now USS Robert Smalls.)
SPLC, A Confederate Hate Group. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
That Florida Bill and the Lawsuit
APRIL 7, 2023
** Florida Senate advances proposal to protect Confederate monuments.
** Florida Senate bill will let people sue over removing, damaging Confederate monuments.
APRIL 8, 2023
** Group refiles lawsuit over removal of Confederate monument outside Gwinnett Historic courthouse. (Georgia. Sons of Confederate Veterans.)
--Old Secesh
Monday, April 24, 2023
Civil War II: Sad R., CAIR, Santa Fe and U.S. Navy
APRIL 7, 2023
** Community advocate raises concerns about City's new Confederate shrine. (Sad R. Hard to believe this would be allowed.)
** CAIR reiterates condemnation of Mississippi governor's 'Confederate Heritage Month' declaration (Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR. I always get a kick when a group like this representing many terrorist groups would weigh in on all-things Confederate.)
APRIL 8, 2023
** Charges dropped against Santa Fe woman in Confederate flag dispute. (New Mexico)
APRIL 9, 2023
** Navy ship with a Confederate name now honors black Union hero Robert Smalls. (The USS Chancellorsville is now the USS Robert Smalls. The Battle of Chancellorsville was a Confederate victory.)
--Old Secesh
Saturday, April 22, 2023
That Florida Monument Thing and South Catrolia Giant Confederate Flag
APRIL 6, 2023
** Florida senators advance bill that would let supporters of Confederate monuments and other historical sue over their removal.
** GOP lawmakers want to protect Confederate monuments; others call it a legacy of white supremacy.
** Pensacola Confederate monument lawsuit could go to Tallahassee court. (Florida)
** Confederate flag still flying on I-85 as Spartanburg County suit awaits hearing. (South Carolina)
--Old Secesh
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Confederadication: Gov. Reeves, That Levar Guy and Florida
These are just the headlines. Inside the ( ) are my comments.
APRIL 5, 2023
** Gov. Reeves declares Confederate heritage month, a 30-year-old Mississippi tradition.
** Richmond's Levar Stoney returns from Israel, eyes governor's mansion. (Of course, he is the mayor od Sad R. that allowed all the horrible things to happen to those Confedrate monuments. I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher.)
APRIL 6, 2023
** Florida may allow litigation over Confederate monument removal. (You know who will be livid about that.)
--Old Secesh